Everlight 62's ... Anyone have any info?

I want to make myself clear here. I am a prick I type how I speak and I speak like an prick. I do not sugar coat my words like you want me to do. I personally do not give a fuck about sugar coating my words like you want me to. If people do not like the way I am they can block me. I understand that you may not like how I type but I do not care if you do not like it. I am straight upfront with things so never ask me to sugar coat my words because you are sensitive to how an prick types or speaks. I do not want to have stupid arguments on here either, if you do not like what I am saying or how I say it block me.

thats the worst excuse for acting like a prick ive ever read.
i forgot that being born in Australia makes it impossible for you to have any common manners or any type of normal conversations.

we can be quite caustic here in the uk too, but we have learned how to turn it on and off at will. we can be calm and collected when we need to be and when the moment calls for it let rip with a load of unhinged nonsense... best of both worlds lol, you should try it.
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I am sorry I do not possess your charm. I just want to be me here not someone that needs to switch things on and off. I have had several "normal" conversations here including with some of the sponsors that seem very interested in what I am doing. Understand I am on the defensive side of things after what has happened too. In the end once again if you do not like how I say things or what I say then please block me.
I won't be showing what I build in an open forum as I have been copied by Chinese scum companies many times before. I can't be bothered selling on here anyway as I am too busy, I do want more manufacturers to purchase proper test equipment like what I have though.
My goal for comming here is to help people out and I believe it's time that the hobby growers start using IES files.

1.pictures or it didn't happen..

2.re Australian..umm..i like Ozzies..but i dunno bro..i used to think all Ozer's had balls...well except for Sheila's

...are you one of the libby lefty snowflake Ozzies that are letting your country get ruined and don't even know it

because they too busy listening to Hollywood moms and the everyday fake news that everyone thinks is the real news

because all the real news is subverted by omission?<-- classic over the top "run on sentence"

or are you one of the good ones with balls that most everyone online hates?

3.re light..if it will be made..it will be copied..ye keep it in yer basement

4.carry on Bro!
1.pictures or it didn't happen..

2.re Australian..umm..i like Ozzies..but i dunno bro..i used to think all Ozer's had balls...well except for Sheila's

...are you one of the libby lefty snowflake Ozzies that are letting your country get ruined and don't even know it

because they too busy listening to Hollywood moms and the everyday fake news that everyone thinks is the real news

because all the real news is subverted by omission?<-- classic over the top "run on sentence"

or are you one of the good ones with balls that most everyone online hates?

3.re light..if it will be made..it will be copied..ye keep it in yer basement

4.carry on Bro!
Hi OMS, I try not to get involved with politics because I hate all politicians equally. I haven't watched TV for 15 years so I don't really know too much about the fake news. My balls are great BTW.
The reason I am going at Amare is because of the claims of CRI95@2.7 the company is making this claim on every website they sell the product on and its not true. I do not care about brands I am only interested in people receiving the right information. I also do not believe that the sphere is broken. Spheres are pretty strong and an aluminium light bar would have a very hard time to break it. Even if it is broken these things are made in China and likely in the shenzhen area, he would only need to go next door to use someone else's sphere as there are spheres everywhere in China. There is no reason at all for them not to be showing sphere results unless they have something to hide. Also they are selling lights like Prince vegeta purchased that does not have the LED's they were told they would get and you can see that in the photos he took of the light. If Amare doesn't like being called out bullshitting then they should cut out the bullshit and be honest with people. Go and have a look at online sites where this light is being sold and you will see that the information is completely misleading.
They are not falsifying info on every third party selling site. They sent out the same spec sheet to all, myself included (which was a mistake on the spectrum info because there is now options). You may be perfect in everyway but the rest of us make a mistake here n there. And with Amares track record I'd say they're entitled to one.
As for Vegas getting the wrong chips. Why? Over S6, 65k diodes? Are u serious? The light hasn't even officially come out yet. Amare stands nothing to gain by skimping on those. Myself along with many others wanted the light before all the 301b stock arrived. So Vic went ahead & had an order made (which is X amount of units) early for us all. The 65k's are S6's on that batch. So you are acting like me & the others that have models from that batch got ripped off or misslead??? Why dont you go & ask any if them if they feel ripped off...??? Lmao! Get real dude.
Since you signed up here all you've done is BS & attempt to disscredit.
Please, Save us from one of the honest companies thats been transparent & offered quality & innovation (something new) since day one. We need your saving.
Maybe go to a forum where you can look like a hero cuz its not here man.
I am not responding to u anymore. Its a waste of time.
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They are not falsifying info on every third party selling site. They sent out the same spec sheet to all, myself included (which was a mistake on the spectrum info because there is now options). You may be perfect in everyway but the rest of us make a mistake here n there. And with Amares track record I'd say they're entitled to one.
As for Vegas getting the wrong chips. Why? Over S6, 65k diodes? Are u serious? The light hasn't even officially come out yet. Amare stands nothing to gain by skimping on those. Myself along with many others wanted the light before all the 301b stock arrived. So Vic went ahead & had an order made (which is X amount of units) early for us all. The 65k's are S6's on that batch. So you are acting like me & the others that have models from that batch got ripped off or misslead??? Why dont you go & ask any if them if they feel ripped off...??? Lmao! Get real dude.
Since you signed up here all you've done is BS & attempt to disscredit.
Please, Save us from one of the honest companies thats been transparent & offered quality & innovation (something new) since day one. We need your saving.
Maybe go to a forum where you can look like a hero cuz its not here man.
I am not responding to u anymore. Its a waste of time.
I am not sure how it's my fault that Amare can not even send out the correct information to its resellers, I also think that selling prototypes with incorrectly advertised information is also a dirty thing to do. If I make a prototype I give it away to be tested, I certainly would never try to sell it online before I had the correct data.
I don't want to discuss this anymore it either it was a stupid discussion to begin with because you do not read things properly and it's still stupid now because some guy has no idea how to supply important and factual information to their customers.
Hi Rocket, I will show you some of the things that I designed that were copied in China a bit later as I am busy today.
It is already april 4. Still busy?

That is censorship and completely against free speech. But that is the RIU way, and they will act how they want.
It has nothing to do with free speech. It is a privately owned forum.
If am in your house, would you allow me to call you names, just because of 'free speech'?
You would probably punch me on the nose, and rightfully so.
It should just burn off and be wasted energy I guess, I haven't done a burn in time for it. I was just curious if that part of the spectrum is important and I think it is. And also may explain why cmh and hps although poor performance in 400-700nm work well. I really haven't played alot with these LED's I actually got them in for someone else and they love them. In a few months I'm going to have all sorts of different things to show you guys, I need to take baby steps though due to always waiting for different boards to test. I can't test under 350nm. Not yet anyway, apparently my spectrometer can do it but the software will need to be changed. I might email them about it
If it's a simple software update, you need to get on that ASaP.