Well-Known Member
I want to make myself clear here. I am a prick I type how I speak and I speak like an prick. I do not sugar coat my words like you want me to do. I personally do not give a fuck about sugar coating my words like you want me to. If people do not like the way I am they can block me. I understand that you may not like how I type but I do not care if you do not like it. I am straight upfront with things so never ask me to sugar coat my words because you are sensitive to how an prick types or speaks. I do not want to have stupid arguments on here either, if you do not like what I am saying or how I say it block me.
thats the worst excuse for acting like a prick ive ever read.
i forgot that being born in Australia makes it impossible for you to have any common manners or any type of normal conversations.
we can be quite caustic here in the uk too, but we have learned how to turn it on and off at will. we can be calm and collected when we need to be and when the moment calls for it let rip with a load of unhinged nonsense... best of both worlds lol, you should try it.
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