Well-Known Member
Most of my business successes ended up with my employer doing well and me getting recognition.
Ie letters of appreciation...
Your ethos on the plant mean nothing next to someone that has lived with it for half a century. So boo to you and your knowledge about pot. You are stupid.
When pot is legal people no longer have to sit back and hear your B.S. They can call you out on your stupidity without you running to the police or their employer. As a matter of fact we might even tell others to boycott your company and plant seedlings in your garden.
Pot makes things more fun so you do better but non tokers wouldn't know that.
Example: My niece and my sister loved scrabble. My sister won the great majority of the time...
Then my niece would step out for a toke and the tables were turned. She would win almost every game.
Yup and most of the great computer programmers that I knew were massive tokers too..
Cool, thanks for turning up, the team really appreciate it