I heard him say this, I figured with the 100mill payday he would prolly go all fedora n start his own promotion n have the say on who he fights n when n where...with the condition of the UFC that thought has to be on the back of the min of Dana n zuffa
Mcgregor already makes the rules and has his own company, mcgregor promotion. He's a smart guy and the ufc has allowed him to do whatever he wants when he wants.
They've had to have interim champions in both weight classes he held a belt in because they let him fight outside those divisions.
Never threw a punch at 155, but got a shot by barely beating nate diaz at 170? He's never had a title defense in his entire career but ranks 3rd p4p above guys like DC and dom cruz
They prop and hype him up more than anyone I've ever seen and at the same time shit all over other people like woodly, nunez, or Dj.
Dana White wore a team mcgregor shirt and managed to find a way to work cm name into the press conference for jones test failure. I think the nut hugging and favoritism is gonna come back and bite them in the ass eventually.
If you fight your entire life and can't get a shot at a belt because the champs jumping weight classes, fighting in other sports, picking fights against guys like like henderson, silva, st pierre , or lesnar for big paydays instead of fighting top contenders. I think they're making a mistake sacrificing many for the few.