Evolution Is A Theory On Which You Base A Religion


Well-Known Member
"I dont have time to research everything anymore i spend alot more time reading the bible."

Nobody here can help you then...


Active Member
Do you not find it somewhat pious and at the same time hypocritical to knowingly disobey the word of the Lord Who you are suggesting others follow?

Its a really good idea for everyone to obey the law of the land. Do i in every situation NO. If a kid runs out in the road and i have to cross the yellow line inorder not to hit him as a result break the law does god care?


Active Member
Has nothing to do with god, it was the guys that got together to write the bible that wrote it.
you really have no understanding of the bible. It has been attacked by the best and its still proven to be an accurate historical document, with fulfilled prophecys, proven by sources outside of the bible, has no contradictions tho written by several people over many years.


New Member
The bible says it's the word of G*D....so it must be true. Everything which is written down, by definition is true. Right???????????????????????

The Qaran is true then......Right????????????


New Member
That post answers nothing........ way to pass it off.

The Bible is the only book which if it says it's true...you believe it. The Qaran says it's true.....and yet.....you stumble.


Active Member
That post answers nothing........ way to pass it off.

The Bible is the only book which if it says it's true...you believe it. The Qaran says it's true.....and yet.....you stumble.
I have looked at the evidence. Its real

Sorry God did not present the evidence in a way that you approve


Active Member
you really have no understanding of the bible. It has been attacked by the best and its still proven to be an accurate historical document, with fulfilled prophecys, proven by sources outside of the bible, has no contradictions tho written by several people over many years.
this answers your question,,,
no other book even comes close


Well-Known Member
So does nostrodomus, does that mean because he hasn't been disproven that he is the word of god?

you really have no understanding of the bible. It has been attacked by the best and its still proven to be an accurate historical document, with fulfilled prophecys, proven by sources outside of the bible, has no contradictions tho written by several people over many years.
I do have a very strong understanding of the bible. The bible that you believe so strongly has changed so much to continue to try to not be outdated, and the rest is just taken as the proof that discredits it as wrong and heathenism.

I linked you to some contradictions the other day. Do you want me to point you to them again?

What do you think about all the books that were written but not put into the bible? They are out there you know.


New Member
Every cult and every religion, and especially every cult religion have a lie at the core of their doctrine. It all starts with a lie. If that big one is swallowed.... the rest are easy and become self reinforcing.

I think Fishies name is appropriate...... hook, line, and sinker...


Active Member
Because it says so..... :roll:

So does the Qaran......:roll:
what part of "
the bible. It has been attacked by the best and its still proven to be an accurate historical document, with fulfilled prophecys, proven by sources outside of the bible, has no contradictions tho written by several people over many years." do you not understand?

I have look at the contradictions and i do not believe there are any!!!

I have looked into prophecy and i believe they are real and accurate!!

i became a christian after i was convinsed that the Qaran nor any other religion (that i know of) has fulfilled prophecy and lots of contradictions that is why i am a christian.. I believe the bible based on evidence outside of the bible :wall: you get it??

really even tho you dont agree if you cant understand what i am trying to say, i see now why you are theist


New Member
The bible is not considered to be an historical document outside of religious circles. The prophecy fufillments are not recognized outside of religious circles.

See a pattern?

The Qaran has at least an equal chance of being the truth as the Bible. All religions believe theirs to be true.


Let's just all take a step forward and leave the myths behind.


Active Member
The bible is not considered to be an historical document outside of religious circles. The prophecy fufillments are not recognized outside of religious circles.

thats simply not true

FACT if you use the same standard for the bible as we do other historical documents noone would disagree about it. If you throw out the bible you would have to throw out everything you believe about Plato, Aristotle, Caesar, & Homer just to name a few i dont know of anyone that doubts them yet there is more evidence that the bible is historicaly correct than any of those guys.

Caesar lived around 100bc the earliest copy of about him are around 900ad thats about 1000 years do you believe he existed?


New Member
You misunderstand the concept as usual fish.

The Bible is only historical because of its age. The group of stories have a history.

This does not mean it is accurate in any way.

There are surviving books much older than the Bible. The Iliad comes to mind.... That story is a historical document, just like the Bible, no different. But that's as far as it goes.