So I’ve got a big bag of organic worm castings and was thinking. Could I simply just add some perlite to pure worm castings and go from there? Attached is a pic of the nutrient profile. Thank guys and Merry Christmas :)!
Now that your into your experiment I’ll share the thoughts on have on soil building retios.
Your base ewc/peat/air still needs to be in the proper ratios. It’s like a cake. You put the correct amount of flour,eggs, water sugar et. The base omg the cake makes consistency perfect for baking. Now... you can add whatever flavoring you want t that base. Chocolate peanut butter. Lemon, or coco omit. Doesn’t matter. That’s like your amendments and nutrients. Slight differences won’t matter as long as the base is correct.
Soil building is the same. Make your base correct. Buffered correctly. Proper drainages. Then your bacteria and micro herd actually have a fighting chance to thrive.