Examples of Democratic Party leadership

We don’t want justice. We want control.
Garland took their bone away and if there is a case he will bring it, if not, he will not and issue a report for them to chew on. No distraction from Donald's growing trouble, I think he will try to get Kevin to impeach the judge next. He is fucked with a lot less wiggle room under her thumb and he is gonna strain at the leash like a mad dog.
I hope some of that cash is for a smart green new grid that can handle it with HVDC lines and battery banks. If this is true, then home solar and energy storage should begin to drive down power rates over the next decade with "prosumer" production of solar and battery storage. However, as dependence on electricity for transport and industrial processes increases so will the demand for electricity that will be replacing fossil fuels.

There is still a lot of urban roof top solar to be deployed and it will end up competing with grid storage and zeroing out the energy costs of some people, those with suburban homes. All cities are surrounded by an urban sprawl of industrial parks and houses that can be utilized for profit by the owners. Home energy storage makes solar even more attractive and profitable and able to cope with emergencies when the grid goes down or goes local when the larger grid goes down. Besides home battery banks, plugged in EVs and water heaters can store energy too. The cost of solar is dropping and the cost of batteries will too, mass production for them is just getting underway with several varieties to choose from.

Has Biden moved Americas embassy back out of Jerusalem? If America hasn't moved it back then why haven't they? Biden has no excuse for not doing it in his first term.

“The Australian government is strengthening its opposition to settlements by affirming they are illegal under international law and a significant obstacle to peace,” she said.

Wong also indicated the government would return to the position of previous governments of explicitly referring to the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

When asked by the Coalition to explain the precise boundaries, Wong said the stance was in line with UN security council resolutions. She said it matched “the approach taken by key partners including the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and the European Union”.
- But she doesn't say America...

Why are the Democrats supporting the fascist gov of Israel and its crimes against humanity against the status que of its partners?
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It's unclear, but to my understanding, the president, congress, or the head of the DEA can remove cannabis from all schedules.

i always thought the president could do it by executive order.....unless he's make sure all his mallards are in a row before he does, idk