Food increases I get, to some degree, but gas prices make me wonder. That's why I think in a decade OPEC and others won't have the hold over America, the EU and others, with the rise of EVs over the next decade. If half the cars on the road in America, the EU, China and many other countries including India are EVs, it has got to have an impact on oil and gasoline markets in particular. During refining they can make the ratio of diesel to gasoline higher to an extent and it should affect prices there too. Indeed, I think in a decade we could see the shoe on the other foot with OPEC and others competing for dwindling market share and over production with no relief through lower prices as the EV share increases and the ICE light vehicle fleet decreases. Home heating oil use should dwindle too making diesel and aviation fuel cheaper since industrial transportation and mobile machinery would be it's only use along with farming.
The green energy evolution is disruptive of the old system of producers, oil companies and refiners playing supply games. It might disrupt public utilities too as more consumers also become producers and storage points for a more distributed green new grid. Food prices are to an extent depended on fuel prices and in the next decade we should see the rise of electric agriculture, freeing that from fossil fuels too.