Examples of Democratic Party leadership

AI catching rich tax cheats at the IRS, that should get the republicans all wound up! It won't be jack booted IRS thugs kicking down the doors of working folks, but robots now and the IRS AI will spy on poor folks too! Next, they will be using AI to catch political corruption and we can't have that!

Oh good, MTG and the magats can heckle and attack him for social media likes and to please Trump!

The extra funding for Ukraine is putting heat on the republicans and the issue divides the party right down the middle, unlike most, even Lindsay Graham will oppose Trump on it. The democrats are also tying it to FEMA budget increases to cope with extreme weather condition emergencies in their districts so it's double heat. Zelenskyy showing up in DC will drive a spike into maga, everybody loves a hero and a winner, and he has winner written all over him, even some magats like winners and real courage never goes out of fashion.

Bernie isn't complaining about Joe, is he? Unions are one way to decrease the wealth gap between the super-rich and poor another is government funded healthcare. Of course, it means increased taxes for the rich, so they pour more money into the culture wars trying to keep the government gridlocked, a lot of the fascism is for profit and to avoid taxes. They want to avoid rules and regulations and have made regulatory agencies largely toothless and ineffectual over decades.

Magats care nothing about these issues that directly affect their lives, they have another, largely programmed agenda that takes advantage of their personal issues and causes them to fuck themselves and everybody else too. They vote for obvious grifters, people who care nothing for them or their problems, they serve the rich, that's where the money and opportunities are. They do this because they want to be fact free or choose to believe lies in the midst of a sea of truth and facts. They appear to be driven by vague feelings rather than facts and logic and most really aren't that stupid, but bigotry and hatred do shave off IQ points, so does being in a cult.

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It's SOCIALISM! They let brown folks join unions! Unions are bad!

Unions help to redistribute wealth and raise wages for everybody. Government healthcare and free education do that too, so do social programs and taxing the rich appropriately. Wealth imbalance is not just an American problem either, the skim by the top 10% is getting burdensome and they don't pay taxes.

with respect, what I’m paying for gas and groceries has never been higher. Over the last year, my staples have surged 30-50%, and gas is close to its dizzying peak of last year.

I ascribe none of these factors to the executive branch; the likely inputs are corporate profiteering and irregularities in international supply.
OPEC, baby! Hey, what happened to the story that America was energy independent? F-F-Fade away.
Everything is transported with fuel from oil, so prices go up correspondingly. But, blame it on the president. This is the Capitalist society we live in.
with respect, what I’m paying for gas and groceries has never been higher. Over the last year, my staples have surged 30-50%, and gas is close to its dizzying peak of last year.

I ascribe none of these factors to the executive branch; the likely inputs are corporate profiteering and irregularities in international supply.
Food increases I get, to some degree, but gas prices make me wonder. That's why I think in a decade OPEC and others won't have the hold over America, the EU and others, with the rise of EVs over the next decade. If half the cars on the road in America, the EU, China and many other countries including India are EVs, it has got to have an impact on oil and gasoline markets in particular. During refining they can make the ratio of diesel to gasoline higher to an extent and it should affect prices there too. Indeed, I think in a decade we could see the shoe on the other foot with OPEC and others competing for dwindling market share and over production with no relief through lower prices as the EV share increases and the ICE light vehicle fleet decreases. Home heating oil use should dwindle too making diesel and aviation fuel cheaper since industrial transportation and mobile machinery would be it's only use along with farming.

The green energy evolution is disruptive of the old system of producers, oil companies and refiners playing supply games. It might disrupt public utilities too as more consumers also become producers and storage points for a more distributed green new grid. Food prices are to an extent depended on fuel prices and in the next decade we should see the rise of electric agriculture, freeing that from fossil fuels too.
Food increases I get, to some degree, but gas prices make me wonder. That's why I think in a decade OPEC and others won't have the hold over America, the EU and others, with the rise of EVs over the next decade. If half the cars on the road in America, the EU, China and many other countries including India are EVs, it has got to have an impact on oil and gasoline markets in particular. During refining they can make the ratio of diesel to gasoline higher to an extent and it should affect prices there too. Indeed, I think in a decade we could see the shoe on the other foot with OPEC and others competing for dwindling market share and over production with no relief through lower prices as the EV share increases and the ICE light vehicle fleet decreases. Home heating oil use should dwindle too making diesel and aviation fuel cheaper since industrial transportation and mobile machinery would be it's only use along with farming.

The green energy evolution is disruptive of the old system of producers, oil companies and refiners playing supply games. It might disrupt public utilities too as more consumers also become producers and storage points for a more distributed green new grid. Food prices are to an extent depended on fuel prices and in the next decade we should see the rise of electric agriculture, freeing that from fossil fuels too.
You know the electric revolution will be in full swing when a combine can go all day on a charge, and the windrows between fields are solar panels enough to power the combines, tractors and other things currently costing the farmer a cubic fuckyard of Diesel.
You know the electric revolution will be in full swing when a combine can go all day on a charge, and the windrows between fields are solar panels enough to power the combines, tractors and other things currently costing the farmer a cubic fuckyard of Diesel.
I don't think you will see it on any scale for some time, but there are many small-scale farmers too, more so in Europe and Asia. Everything depends on batteries and cheap solar panels, if they were orientated to the best sun angle for spring and fall when planting and harvest happen it might work. It would work first and best at small scales in a general-purpose machine like a tractor. A typical modern farm barn provides a lot of solar real-estate and there might be smaller 1 megawatt wind turbines designed for farmers too. Electric propulsion has what farmers want the most, torque to pull shit at slow speeds. Having worked with grain and hemp farmers out west (they had day jobs where I worked) I can tell you they regularly spend $100K to 500K on equipment. Another thing about farmers is they would find energy independence attractive and profitable, rural power rates are often higher than urban ones.