Examples of Democratic Party leadership

If Kamala is in charge how could this go wrong?

And just another delusional day for Biden.
What's your issue with this?

The Republican policy of flooding the streets with guns is about as effective at reducing the rates of gun violence as their policy of unfunded tax cuts for the wealthy to reduce the national debt.

If you don't have anything better to suggest than doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results then you are the delusional one.

Lol at your calling Biden delusional for failing a fact check. What CNN says is there have been too many mass murders for any president to attend. He made it to a lot more of them than Trump ever did. He showed up to a lot of them to offer condolences to families who lost loved ones. Did Trump go to any? Trump didn't even go to the mass murder he conspired to make happen at the Capitol Building on Jan 6.

So, be specific. What reasons to you have to be against what Biden is suggesting we do? What do you suggest the US do?
Lol at your calling Biden delusional for failing a fact check. What CNN says is there have been too many mass murders for any president to attend. He made it to a lot more of them than Trump ever did. He showed up to a lot of them to offer condolences to families who lost loved ones. Did Trump go to any? Trump didn't even go to the mass murder he conspired to make happen at the Capitol Building on Jan 6.

So, be specific. What reasons to you have to be against what Biden is suggesting we do? What do you suggest the US do?
He is delusional if he actually believes all the nonsense he keeps saying. His handlers keep telling him to stop with the lies but he can't help himself. Maybe he's just a compulsive liar I don't know.

What reasons do I have against Biden? Don't get me started, lol. Basically all of his policies. His war on fossil fuels, the poor withdrawal from Afghanistan. Our adversaries are loving it and taking advantage because they have no fear of his old ass. Spending trillions we don't have that increased inflation to record levels. Using up half our strategic oil reserves for political reasons. Not to mention the horrific way that he's handled the border. Let's just say I'm not a fan.
He is delusional if he actually believes all the nonsense he keeps saying. His handlers keep telling him to stop with the lies but he can't help himself. Maybe he's just a compulsive liar I don't know.

What reasons do I have against Biden? Don't get me started, lol. Basically all of his policies. His war on fossil fuels, the poor withdrawal from Afghanistan. Our adversaries are loving it and taking advantage because they have no fear of his old ass. Spending trillions we don't have that increased inflation to record levels. Using up half our strategic oil reserves for political reasons. Not to mention the horrific way that he's handled the border. Let's just say I'm not a fan.
Just saying that Republicans have zero new ideas and because of that their policies make zero improvement. I asked you what was wrong with his attempts at reducing gun violence as detailed in the Fox News article you posted and you talked about Afghanistan. So, let me drag you back to your complaint and ask again, what is wrong with what Biden proposed.
Let's just say I'm not a fan.

Put down the Kool-Ade man. You've had way too much.

The jealousy of tRumpians/magats is so evident as they watch Biden pull the US out of the swamp tRump created instead of cleaning it up as he promised. Might as well gone out and raked the forests to prevent forest fires ffs.

By the time Biden completes his 2nd term the US is going to be even more prosperous than the post war boom that did make America great in the first place. Millions of new jobs, manufacturing back home where it belongs and the cleanest air and water you have ever seen.

It's going to take multiple trillions of dollars to turn climate change around so our grandkids have a hope of a decent life down the road but with Biden taking positive steps to make America do it's part the rest of the world is also stepping up to the plate so I'm beginning to think they have a fighting chance.

The US could be the world leader in green tech in a decade and that will bring untold wealth to the masses once the fascist right have been erased from the debate. Moderate and honest republicans will get back on track and work with the Dems to benefit the people like they used to do then they will be worthy of a seat at the table.

None are so blind as they that will not see so open your eyes and take an honest look instead of believing the regurgitated lies that you have been fed.
He is delusional if he actually believes all the nonsense he keeps saying. His handlers keep telling him to stop with the lies but he can't help himself. Maybe he's just a compulsive liar I don't know.

What reasons do I have against Biden? Don't get me started, lol. Basically all of his policies. His war on fossil fuels, the poor withdrawal from Afghanistan. Our adversaries are loving it and taking advantage because they have no fear of his old ass. Spending trillions we don't have that increased inflation to record levels. Using up half our strategic oil reserves for political reasons. Not to mention the horrific way that he's handled the border. Let's just say I'm not a fan.
Setting the record straight. Joe Biden did not say he visited every site of every mass shooting. At least, he did not in his statement that was referred to in that fact check. Do you know where he said that?

This is his statement:

Statement from the President: “Every time I’ve met with families impacted by gun violence as they mourn their loved ones, and I’ve met with so many throughout the country, they all have the same message for their elected officials: ‘do something.’ It’s why, last year, I signed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act to keep guns out of dangerous hands, and have taken more executive action than any President in history to keep communities safe. But as I’ve said before – while these are important steps, they are just the first steps toward what is needed.

“That’s why I’m announcing additional steps forward, with the first-ever White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, overseen by Vice President Harris, to build upon these measures and keep Americans safe. The Office will include Stefanie Feldman, who has capably led my Administration’s gun violence prevention efforts and been a trusted aide for more than a decade, alongside leading experts Greg Jackson and Rob Wilcox whose own lives and families have been touched by the tragedy of gun violence. They have turned their pain into purpose and dedicated their careers to being advocates for change – that important work will continue as they join my team in these new roles.”

“I’ll continue to urge Congress to take commonsense actions that the majority of Americans support like enacting universal background checks and banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. But in the absence of that sorely-needed action, the Office of Gun Violence Prevention along with the rest of my Administration will continue to do everything it can to combat the epidemic of gun violence that is tearing our families, our communities, and our country apart.”

The author of that fact check cited Biden's speech as if he said he had visited every site of every mass murder, something that is impossible for somebody with his schedule. So, Biden did not say that. Biden said "I’ve met with so many throughout the country, they all have the same message for their elected officials: ‘do something.’" Biden is doing something. Which is more than Republicans advocate.

So, I get that you don't like Biden because of what happened in Afghanistan. We could talk about that in a different thread that is about Afghanistan. Or inflation or illegal immigration and so on. But I'm here to say your claim right here and right now about Biden was fake news. I'm not saying you are wrong or anything like that but you've been misled.
Setting the record straight. Joe Biden did not say he visited every site of every mass shooting. At least, he did not in his statement that was referred to in that fact check. Do you know where he said that?

This is his statement:

Statement from the President: “Every time I’ve met with families impacted by gun violence as they mourn their loved ones, and I’ve met with so many throughout the country, they all have the same message for their elected officials: ‘do something.’ It’s why, last year, I signed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act to keep guns out of dangerous hands, and have taken more executive action than any President in history to keep communities safe. But as I’ve said before – while these are important steps, they are just the first steps toward what is needed.

“That’s why I’m announcing additional steps forward, with the first-ever White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, overseen by Vice President Harris, to build upon these measures and keep Americans safe. The Office will include Stefanie Feldman, who has capably led my Administration’s gun violence prevention efforts and been a trusted aide for more than a decade, alongside leading experts Greg Jackson and Rob Wilcox whose own lives and families have been touched by the tragedy of gun violence. They have turned their pain into purpose and dedicated their careers to being advocates for change – that important work will continue as they join my team in these new roles.”

“I’ll continue to urge Congress to take commonsense actions that the majority of Americans support like enacting universal background checks and banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. But in the absence of that sorely-needed action, the Office of Gun Violence Prevention along with the rest of my Administration will continue to do everything it can to combat the epidemic of gun violence that is tearing our families, our communities, and our country apart.”

The author of that fact check cited Biden's speech as if he said he had visited every site of every mass murder, something that is impossible for somebody with his schedule. So, Biden did not say that. Biden said "I’ve met with so many throughout the country, they all have the same message for their elected officials: ‘do something.’" Biden is doing something. Which is more than Republicans advocate.

So, I get that you don't like Biden because of what happened in Afghanistan. We could talk about that in a different thread that is about Afghanistan. Or inflation or illegal immigration and so on. But I'm here to say your claim right here and right now about Biden was fake news. I'm not saying you are wrong or anything like that but you've been misled.
You realize the Biden Administration alters what was actually said in their official documents, lol. At around 15:02 into this he says flat out "I've been to every mass shooting". That's just another one of his lies. Like his son died in Iraq, he was arrested for protesting, the Amtrack crap he keeps repeating, he thinks he was at Ground Zero the day after 911, and yada yada yada. It's pretty obvious the guy has been lying so long he's actually starting to believe a bunch of it. Or he's just getting senile.
You realize the Biden Administration alters what was actually said in their official documents, lol. At around 15:02 into this he says flat out "I've been to every mass shooting". That's just another one of his lies. Like his son died in Iraq, he was arrested for protesting, the Amtrack crap he keeps repeating, he thinks he was at Ground Zero the day after 911, and yada yada yada. It's pretty obvious the guy has been lying so long he's actually starting to believe a bunch of it. Or he's just getting senile.
I listened to it and yes, he said those words but not in the way you say.

After every mass shooting we hear a simple message, same message we hear after every mass shooting I've been to. Every mass shooting. Do Something.

The same message was posted online in the same way in his speech. but without Biden's clumsy speaking style.

The thing you completely miss in your perpetual hatred of Biden is what he was saying. People are being hurt by guns and he feels the pain of others. He intends to do something about it. You get all twisted up in the words and minutia but missed the message. What is wrong with gun nuts that they don't care about the injury, pain and trauma those guns are causing? What's wrong with trying to reduce that pain? Instead you jump on some words and use them misrepresent Biden as a person and what Biden is trying to do.
I listened to it and yes, he said those words but not in the way you say.

After every mass shooting we hear a simple message, same message we hear after every mass shooting I've been to. Every mass shooting. Do Something.

The same message was posted online in the same way in his speech. but without Biden's clumsy speaking style.

The thing you completely miss in your perpetual hatred of Biden is what he was saying. People are being hurt by guns and he feels the pain of others. He intends to do something about it. You get all twisted up in the words and minutia but missed the message. What is wrong with gun nuts that they don't care about the injury, pain and trauma those guns are causing? What's wrong with trying to reduce that pain? Instead you jump on some words and use them misrepresent Biden as a person and what Biden is trying to do.
73% of Americans think he's unfit to serve another 4 years so I'm not alone.

Excellent move, I have been worried biden wasn't doing enough to lock in support for MI and PA.
He is trying to address wealth imbalance in America but needs a useful majority in congress to do it. When the bottom 50% of the population only have 2.4% of the nation's wealth there should be issues! Most of the issues are caused by the top10% and a percentage of those who will break the government and constitution, so they don't have to pay taxes. They are so rich in comparison to everybody else though that they can buy and sell elections with pocket change, supreme court decisions and justices too, not to mention TV and radio networks as well as newspapers. They not only have many in the senate and house working for their interests but the courts too. They want to keep the government grid locked and impede progress as much as possible, a large democratic majority government would lead to more radical change, higher taxes and disempowerment for them.


Excellent move, I have been worried biden wasn't doing enough to lock in support for MI and PA.
This illustrates how things worked since Reagan got rid of FDR's new deal and gave you trickledown economics. Even the regular millionaires and small business owners got screwed as more wealth went to the very top, as their taxes were progressively cut over decades. Note the black line at the bottom, the 50% of the population. There are several ways to redistribute wealth, free healthcare, education, including college for those able and motivated, fair taxes, increased social services and a host of other things that would in effect double or more the bottom 50%s share of the national wealth. There doesn't need to be socialism, just well-regulated capitalism and responsible government that keeps corruption at a minimum and does the job of enforcing the law and meaningful regulations with real consequences for violating them. America and Canada can do much better, the picture is the same in Canada, however the difference is, if we tax our rich, they will just move south to America and take the cash with them.

I mean should the federal and state governments be allowed to tax anybody below the 50% of the population that gets just 2.4% of the nation's wealth. Maybe raise the minimum income to be taxed by quite a bit?


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