Examples of Democratic Party leadership

I'm sure taxing billionaires will be deeply unpopular among the republican base, it sure is among the republican establishment! Infrastructure and taxes on the rich, I figure that will be a good wedge issue to drive between the republican base and the establishment. It should be popular with independents too, though Foxnews will rail against it, it will hurt Rupert, which will be a change from him hurting America.
Biden’s infrastructure plan takes aim at Trump’s biggest economic achievement - POLITICO

Biden’s infrastructure plan takes aim at Trump’s biggest economic achievement
While Democrats cast the tax increases as a matter of fairness, they also hope it will make good politics.

President Joe Biden is using his infrastructure plan to take aim at President Donald Trump's signature economic achievement: his corporate tax cuts.

The administration is calling for $2 trillion in new spending on roads, bridges and a myriad other projects, and sticking big companies with the bill. To defray its cost, his plan would roll back Trump’s cut in the corporate tax rate — Biden would hike it to 28 percent, from 21 percent — while stiffening a minimum tax on multinational corporations.

That will set the stage for a split-screen debate in Washington in the coming months: Even as Democrats haggle over how to divvy up that $2 trillion, they will simultaneously relitigate — and, they hope, overturn — the centerpiece of Trump’s economic legacy.

While Democrats cast the tax increases as a matter of fairness, they also hope it will make good politics. The coming fight promises to reignite a debate over how much corporate taxes matter for the health of the economy, not to mention the political fortunes of lawmakers.
New GOP Panic As 'Biden Republicans' Upend Trump's Alliance

President Biden is boasting about Mitch McConnell’s voters supporting his policies. In this special report, MSNBC’s Ari Melber examines how republican voters are supporting Pres. Biden’s agenda from the popular Covid Relief Bill to a $2 trillion infrastructure and jobs package. Melber reports on how democrats are using the 'Reagan Playbook' – working on a wave of 'Biden Republicans' similar to the 'Reagan Democrats.'
Make em sweat Joe and think real fucking hard when the start makin important calls. Revisiting the voter rights decision and admitting their error would be a good start, events have proved the basis of the decision to be a disaster beyond any doubt, it is still required, the proof is in the voter suppression laws. If they strike down a woman's right to choose, voting rights or other issues with dumb biased calls, they will be packed. This is a way to do it with out it looking political, they politicized the courts, not the democrats.

I also think they might go after Kavanagh and perhaps force a resignation if they do a proper investigation on him, I think he lied during his confirmation hearing, perhaps other Trump appointees did too. Sen Sheldon Whitehouse seems to think they whitewashed the FBI investigation on Kavanagh.
White House Provides More Details On Purpose Of Supreme Court Commission

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki says the commission will look at “the membership and size of the court, and the court case selection rules and practices.”
Make em sweat Joe and think real fucking hard when the start makin important calls. Revisiting the voter rights decision and admitting their error would be a good start, events have proved the basis of the decision to be a disaster beyond any doubt, it is still required, the proof is in the voter suppression laws. If they strike down a woman's right to choose, voting rights or other issues with dumb biased calls, they will be packed. This is a way to do it with out it looking political, they politicized the courts, not the democrats.

I also think they might go after Kavanagh and perhaps force a resignation if they do a proper investigation on him, I think he lied during his confirmation hearing, perhaps other Trump appointees did too. Sen Sheldon Whitehouse seems to think they whitewashed the FBI investigation on Kavanagh.
White House Provides More Details On Purpose Of Supreme Court Commission

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki says the commission will look at “the membership and size of the court, and the court case selection rules and practices.”
It's being portrayed in some opinion pieces today as a defeat for those who want to pack the SCOTUS. I'm absolutely in support this commission that will review the situation in order to provide intelligence behind any recommendations to reform the Supreme Court. I support aiming guns before firing them off.

Same with gun regulations.
It's being portrayed in some opinion pieces today as a defeat for those who want to pack the SCOTUS. I'm absolutely in support this commission that will review the situation in order to provide intelligence behind any recommendations to reform the Supreme Court. I support aiming guns before firing them off.

Same with gun regulations.
The commission applies heat without fire, the conservatives on the court lost their political home, for them the republican party is dead. I think more needs to be said about the Roberts decision on the voters right act, he justified it by claiming it was no longer required. In light of recent and on going events I believe he and the other justices who supported this need to be publicly challenged to defend it and if necessary humiliated over it. They will be reluctant to touch any new voter protection law like it was a hot stove.
The commission applies heat without fire, the conservatives on the court lost their political home, for them the republican party is dead. I think more needs to be said about the Roberts decision on the voters right act, he justified it by claiming it was no longer required. In light of recent and on going events I believe he and the other justices who supported this need to be publicly challenged to defend it and if necessary humiliated over it. They will be reluctant to touch any new voter protection law like it was a hot stove.
People might hate the politics but it makes zero political sense to try to reform the Supreme Court right now. Better that he works on infrastructure bills and use them to reverse Trump's tax cut for the wealthy.
People might hate the politics but it makes zero political sense to try to reform the Supreme Court right now. Better that he works on infrastructure bills and use them to reverse Trump's tax cut for the wealthy.
I think Roberts, like Joe wants to chart a middle course and the conservative machine that influences it is fighting for it's own life inside its own party, as the crazies take over. I believe some conservative justices, especially the younger Trump appointed ones, are more impacted by recent events and are going through a bit of an attitude adjustment themselves.
https://www.rawstory.com/jen-psaki-smacks-down/Screen Shot 2021-04-16 at 2.18.28 PM.png
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki responded to a reporter from the right wing website Newsmax who asked if President Joe Biden will fire the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.

Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield joined the U.S. Foreign Service four decades ago, in 1982. Her extensive resume includes serving as United States Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Director General of the United States Foreign Service and Director of Human Resources, United States Ambassador to Liberia, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs, among others.

She was confirmed for her current post by a highly partisan U.S. Senate in a strongly bipartisan 78–20 vote.

Newsmax White House Correspondent Emerald Robinson suggested President Joe Biden should bow down to any criticism or attacks from China, telling Psaki that Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield "essentially said that white supremacy is woven into our founding documents and principles."

"This statement," Robinson claimed, "is getting widely criticized as essentially parroting Chinese Communist Party talking points. So is the President going to remove her from her position as the representative before that body to promote United States values?"

Psaki, calmly, told her no.

"Is the President going to remove an African American woman with decades of experience in the Foreign Service who is widely respected around the world from her position as Ambassador to the UN? He is not," Psaki replied. "He is proud to have her in that position. She is not only qualified, he believes she is exactly the right person in that role at this moment in time. I have not seen her comments, I will say that there's no question that there has been a history of institutional racism in this country, and that doesn't require the UN ambassador to confirm that."

Robinson, apparently trying to shape U.S. foreign policy from the press briefing room, complained thast Ambassador Robinson's remarks are "essentially the same lecture though that the Chinese delegation gave Secretary Blinken in Alaska last month. So does the President think our founding documents are racist?"

Undeterred, Psaki again responded, saying: "I would say that, I will, I will leave my comments to speak for themselves, and certainly I think most people recognize the history of systemic racism in our country, and she was speaking to that."

As most Americans known, the founding documents are inherently racist, including but hardly limited to allowing slavery and counting slaves as only three-fifths of a person.
The younger the person, the more flexible and plastic the mind.
President Biden Gets High Marks From Young Americans In New Polling

President Biden is getting high marks from young Americans between the ages of 18 and 29, according to new polling from Harvard University. John Della Volpe of the Harvard Kennedy School Institute of Politics joins Morning Joe to discuss.

Do it. I am typically not a fan of taxes but they are necessary and the rich should be footing the bills. The wealth gaps are rather large.

Biden is doing a pretty good job so far.

(There was that small thing in the HR1 bill allowing the RNC and DNC to donate up to $100 million to campaigns, up from $5,000... good step forward for money and politics)

Do it. I am typically not a fan of taxes but they are necessary and the rich should be footing the bills. The wealth gaps are rather large.

Biden is doing a pretty good job so far.

(There was that small thing in the HR1 bill allowing the RNC and DNC to donate up to $100 million to campaigns, up from $5,000... good step forward for money and politics)
Interesting about the donations.

It is so different hearing someone, not lying or hiding behind words in the position.
It really is a great standard that she is setting.