Examples of Democratic Party leadership

Im looking forward to all the great shit that comes from it now that the people who spend their whole lives studying the human body can finally get their hands on actual data and make well studied conclusions about all the things these wonderful plants can do for us.
Schedule 1 made those studies pretty much impossible. Now at last we will be able to run clinical studies domestically.
Schedule 3 isn't going to make pot legal tho and like here in Canada will come with draconian laws added. 14 year max now for making oils with organic solvents or supplying pot to a minor.

Schedule 3 puts pot firmly in the hands of Big Pharma and the FDA and Big Pharma for sure will lobby the fed to repeal home growing in states that allow it.

It is an improvement on the federal government's stance on pot albeit a small one.

If stoners actually get off their collective asses and go vote blue then it's a good thing.

Schedule 3 isn't going to make pot legal tho and like here in Canada will come with draconian laws added. 14 year max now for making oils with organic solvents or supplying pot to a minor.

Schedule 3 puts pot firmly in the hands of Big Pharma and the FDA and Big Pharma for sure will lobby the fed to repeal home growing in states that allow it.

It is an improvement on the federal government's stance on pot albeit a small one.

If stoners actually get off their collective asses and go vote blue then it's a good thing.

It's progress. This is one of those things that can get done without much bother so, why not? Agree with you and another person who posted same as you that out that Schedule 3 puts cannabis in the hands of pharma companies, so it's not something to be celebrated as a great thing. But it is a small thing.
It's progress. This is one of those things that can get done without much bother so, why not? Agree with you and another person who posted same as you that out that Schedule 3 puts cannabis in the hands of pharma companies, so it's not something to be celebrated as a great thing. But it is a small thing.
One of the pharma bigs; I forget whom; Glaxo? … had a “standardized” cannabis extract in oral spray form. It was big news ~12 years ago. It died on the vine. Imo the gate for smaller operators is open.
One of the pharma bigs; I forget whom; Glaxo? … had a “standardized” cannabis extract in oral spray form. It was big news ~12 years ago. It died on the vine. Imo the gate for smaller operators is open.

Sativex, THC and CBD is still being used mainly in the UK tho still here in Canada too tho only for a couple of problems.

Sativex (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol [THC] and cannabidiol [CBD])
Removal of Notice of Compliance with Conditions indications for Sativex:

The Indications section of the Canadian product monograph for Sativex has been revised to remove the following indications, which were authorized under the Notice of Compliance with Conditions (NOC/c) policy, as the confirmatory clinical studies for these NOC/c indications did not support the therapeutic advantage of Sativex for neuropathic and cancer pain:Footnote *
  • Adjunctive treatment for the symptomatic relief of neuropathic pain in adult patients with multiple sclerosis.
  • Adjunctive analgesic treatment in adult patients with advanced cancer who experience moderate to severe pain during the highest tolerated dose of strong opioid therapy for persistent background pain.
The Adverse Reactions, Clinical Trials, and Patient Medication Information sections have also been updated in relation to these removed NOC/c indications.

Key messages for healthcare professionals:Footnote 1

Sativex is now only indicated as adjunctive treatment for symptomatic relief of spasticity in adult patients with multiple sclerosis who have not responded adequately to other therapies and who demonstrate meaningful improvement during an initial trial of therapy.
  • Healthcare professionals are encouraged to consider alternative options for treatment of patients with neuropathic or cancer pain.
Inclusion of information concerning use in hepatic impairment and drug interactions for Sativex:

The Warnings and Precautions and Action and Clinical Pharmacology sections of the Canadian product monograph for Sativex have been revised to include additional recommendations regarding use in patients with moderate or severe hepatic impairment.

The Drug Interactions and Patient Medication Information sections of the Canadian product monograph for Sativex have been revised to include additional information regarding potential drug interactions, such as those involving metabolizing enzymes cytochrome P450 (CYP) and uridine diphosphate-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT).

Key messages for healthcare professionals:Footnote 1
  • Administration to patients with moderate or severe hepatic impairment is not advised due to higher peak concentration and exposure to THC, CBD, and their metabolites.
  • Healthcare professionals are encouraged to refer to the product monograph concerning specific drug interactions with Sativex.
Footnote 1
Sativex (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD)) [product monograph]. Cambridge (United Kingdom): GW Pharma Ltd; 2019.

My dad passed from cancer in '86 and had been prescribed some THC pills that I believe were made from synthetic THC. It just knocked him out for about 4 hours and he'd be groggy for the rest of the day. Did not stimulate his appetite and I was making protein/fruit smoothies for him which is about all he could get down that would stay down. I tried one of those and it was the same as some synthetic THC we bought down on 4th ave in Vancouver where we went to score acid and all sorts of goodies. UBC was just down the road so a lot of stuff was coming out of there. Almost like 'shrooms with mild hallucinations and just totally zoned me out. It was cut with green Freshie which is similar to Kool-Aid powder. So much good acid in the 70s there too. Probably still. I used to get 1000 lots of blotter for $250 and sell it for $2 a hit, 3 for $5 and made lots of money. Would get so high just sitting there cutting up sheets of blotter under a black light so you could see the dots and try to keep them centred in the dose. Half a hit would have a new user talking to god or trying to fly off a roof so you wanted to be able to cut accurate doses with no black light. Doses were all over the place anyways with some dots being bright purple under the light and others much dimmer. All manually done so how high was the guy eh? lol

Anyway my BIL and me got him to try pot. Worked so much better. Cheered him right up and gave him severe muchies so he'd down a whole blender full of smoothie while we played crib for a few games. Then he'd go nap for a couple hours and wake up in a good mood and hungry again. Too bad we didn't know about RSO etc back then. Might have saved him or at least bought him a few more decent years. Still miss the ol' man.

for those like me who prefer written reports:

This traces more closely what Biden did when documents were found at his house. Documents were found and immediately turned over to the proper authorities. Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks?

OTOH, maybe we should put Inspector Hur on the case to investigate this matter and perform his special brand of analysis of memory skills on Trump.
I have to give Biden credit for something.
His administration just forgave the student loans of over a half million disabled Americans.

I’m one of those people, I shattered my neck on the job working as a therapist with the emotionally disturbed.
I needed to learn a new trade since being a therapist was no longer an option after the injury and the surgery that followed.
I went back to school for video production and had enough skill to be accepted at one of the Art Institutes.
Unfortunately, the Art Institute is not cheap, so I took out some student loans.
Four years later I graduated from one of the toughest curriculums in California.
I’m serious about that, only 1/3rd of people who started the program actually graduated from it.
Anyways, having nearly $40K of debt lifted off of my shoulders is a nice feeling, and I thank Joe for it.

Good article IMO

I think it’s a good idea, too. My angle is that *every* MAGA host* will tune into the debates to watch Samson tear down the “Biden Crime Family” temple…I have no doubt that Joe will make them all feel like fools.

Not because I ‘have faith in Joe’ but because I’ve seen them both in action, time & time again: Joe is smart, tough, & capable - now, at his age. TFFG is none of those things: he’s all id, a raging bully without reason or patience, but conniving and cunning he has down to an instinct

It will be a match for the ages. As much as I despise the Coppertone Turd, I’ll have refreshments on hand

(PS: when I say ‘host’ I don’t mean a media figure or politician, I mean an organism hosting a parasite)
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i happy for the deschedualing if and when that happens, prolly won't make a difference where i am at, but to all the rest of the wonderful people it will help a lot
Technically a rescheduling, but right there w/ ya on descheduling

want to echo hanimal as well, hoping this leads to big strides w/ the endocannabinoid system & some bullshit-free real science, not guesswork-by-proxy