Examples of GOP Leadership

Sensible gun laws are the solution in America for now, I don't care what you call a semiautomatic weapon but 5 round mags are the limit, if you can't hunt with that many rounds, you shouldn't be in the woods or even have a gun. Federal laws, for mag capacity, background checks etc. Without these controls, eventually you will have more radical solutions faster.

No guns is the ideal, but un attainable in America or even Canada, there are restrictions on pistols, but not too many on long guns, except everything is limited to 5 round mags and you need a FAC to but guns or ammo, military assault style rifles are banned too. We still have gun murders, but it's mostly with smuggled American firearms.
My big beef is the law enforcement exemption. If a gun law applies to civilians, apply it evenly to all civilians, especially those in uniforms and with pseudomilitary ranks.
We are hampered by states’ rights affording the toxic Christian political arm a huge influence.
A democratic majority of sufficient size can do it and change the SCOTUS too, with a Thomas impeachment inquiry and a hint he should retire. It would be gradual, like introducing the metric system, small sensible steps that the majority of gun owners agree with. It's about public safety using common sense, not getting anybody. A domestic terrorist watch list run by the FBI and banning gun ownership and even nofly for those on it along with domestic anti terrorist legislation that other normal democracies have. Look to your peers for solutions, many have been there done that and have the data to show the results.
My big beef is the law enforcement exemption. If a gun law applies to civilians, apply it evenly to all civilians, especially those in uniforms and with pseudomilitary ranks.
Police reform in America is required as is off loading responsibilities. The police are not a dumping ground for social policy failures brought on by bigotry warping society. Too often, especially in the south, the law was used as a bludgeon and instrument of repression for minorities, even the pot laws are rooted in this bullshit. Even minor officials and judges are elected and not appointed, politicizing their offices and functions to better reflect the bigotry of the people in most cases. Laws are suppose to protect people and communities and are not weapons to be used in a cold civil war and an unrelenting assault on black people in America, by 70% of the white majority. Those who support the republicans, support this, or claim they don't care, votes speak louder than words however, votes are actions and words are often just mealy mouthed lies.
We are hampered by states’ rights affording the toxic Christian political arm a huge influence.
Let's be generous and say a third of Americans are fascists. A third care about the constitution and the rule of law and a third don't know their asshole from a hole in the ground. Or a third want to kill the third who care and a third don't know the difference between right and wrong or care much about anything, except when the price of gas goes up.