Examples of GOP Leadership

Give the fascist cocksuckers something to think about this summer, other than how to steal the next fucking election, or help a psycho become a dictator.

I originally thought this was just a meme ….but unfortunately it is true and a news story has been written.
Fuck this guy and his entire sloppy fuck family . I *wish I could really say what I would like to happen but mods would shit a brick.
‘We must remove these rotten republican fucks - lock them up or “ whatever “.

Trump spoke at the event, which was held in Houston, just three days after 18-year-old gunman Salvador Ramos killed 19 children and two teachers at Robb Elementary School. During his speech, the former president read out the names of all 21 victims, while mispronouncing some. Trump ended his talk, as he has done at numerous rallies in the past, by dancing.

This final act drew significant ire from online pundits and the public, who viewed it as extremely disrespectful to the deceased victims. There had also been calls for politicians to cancel planned appearances at the conference in the wake of the shooting, with the state's Republican Governor Greg Abbott ultimately doing so.


Georgia DA Willis issues 50 grand jury subpoenas; is "weighing racketeering charges" against Trump
5,428 views May 29, 2022 The New York Times has reported that Fulton County , Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis has issued 50 subpoenas for witnesses to appear before a special grand jury investigation the crimes of Donald Trump. The Times reported that "Ms. Willis is weighing racketeering among other potential charges." Willis has already subpoenaed Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, and Raffensperger acknowledged receipt of the subpoena and issued a statement saying he will comply. Recall that Raffensperger is the Georgia state official Trump tried to strong-arm into corruptly giving him 11,780 votes so he could steel the Georgia state election.

Georgia DA Willis issues 50 grand jury subpoenas; is "weighing racketeering charges" against Trump
5,428 views May 29, 2022 The New York Times has reported that Fulton County , Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis has issued 50 subpoenas for witnesses to appear before a special grand jury investigation the crimes of Donald Trump. The Times reported that "Ms. Willis is weighing racketeering among other potential charges." Willis has already subpoenaed Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, and Raffensperger acknowledged receipt of the subpoena and issued a statement saying he will comply. Recall that Raffensperger is the Georgia state official Trump tried to strong-arm into corruptly giving him 11,780 votes so he could steel the Georgia state election.
Raffensperger’s win in the GA primary was due to him standing up to Trump. He still has a political future; I wonder if he’ll blow it
The peach tree dish is not a bad design. If I happened across a set at the thrift store, I would buy them.

Edit: must press reply to see.


America pays a heavy price for not being a true democracy where, corruption enabled by racism and bigotry determine policy and a minority rule by refusing to function as part of a responsible government.
America's Shocking Lack Of Progress Roasted By TikToker

America pays a heavy price for not being a true democracy where, corruption enabled by racism and bigotry determine policy and a minority rule by refusing to function as part of a responsible government.
America's Shocking Lack Of Progress Roasted By TikToker

fuck her...i could care less that she is right, she's just fucking annoying, like every other person i've ever seen on tiktok...