Examples of GOP Leadership

so a county commissioner called this republican cocksuckers office and made threats, but there is no recording of it, only the word of one of his aids, and no one is investigating it?.....i think perhaps someone is a fucking liar...don't have all the facts, and it's not like democrats can't lie...but if you're looking for a liar, you look for an R by their name, not a D...

desatanis just gets fucking shittier by the day...i really wish the special olympics would have moved to another state. i bet Newsome would have helped with transportation costs, if for no other reason than to make desantis look like the fuck he is...
can you imagine the heyday the press would have had, and how many votes it would have cost him, if the special olympics would have publicly announced that they were moving to California to escape desantis's oppressive dictatorial decrees...missed opportunity
When did we start using YouTube as a reputable source of information. Do you fact check what these people are saying or just let them spoon feed you their opinions? I fact check everything I don't care if Joe Biden himself says it. Because politics are a lot bigger than a few minutes of YouTube video.
I'm an Eisenhower Republican, in other words a conservative leaning liberal. I believe in the 2nd amendment but don't think assault rifles have any business on our streets. I'm also a 20 plus year combat disabled veteran. If you wanna play GI Joe, go to your local recruiting depot. They'll give you one. I think the worst thing for the Republicans that ever happened was Ronald Reagan. He's the grandfather of all this craziness we are seeing today. Trump was the most embarrassing and people who ignore facts and even offended if you give them facts .Rather have opinions as their facts and the real fake news of qanon, breibart, fox, the list is endless. People no longer think for themselves and will believe any conspiracy theories they read as long as it fits their narrative
When did we start using YouTube as a reputable source of information. Do you fact check what these people are saying or just let them spoon feed you their opinions? I fact check everything I don't care if Joe Biden himself says it. Because politics are a lot bigger than a few minutes of YouTube video.
who are you talking to? it helps keeps responses straight if you link the post you're replying to...
and youtube can be a reputable source of information, if you know and trust the posters...Beau of the fifth column is above reproach as far as i'm concerned, as is Glenn Kirschner...there are others i trust as well, but it is never a bad idea to seek independent confirmation, for anything you read from anywhere, especially if you haven't been following a person and have no idea of their veracity
who are you talking to? it helps keeps responses straight if you link the post you're replying to...
and youtube can be a reputable source of information, if you know and trust the posters...Beau of the fifth column is above reproach as far as i'm concerned, as is Glenn Kirschner...there are others i trust as well, but it is never a bad idea to seek independent confirmation, for anything you read from anywhere, especially if you haven't been following a person and have no idea of their veracity
No offense but how do you know? Did you fact check what they're saying or just trusting them. I hope you're right. I truly do but I fact check everything I can
I'm an Eisenhower Republican, in other words a conservative leaning liberal. I believe in the 2nd amendment but don't think assault rifles have any business on our streets. I'm also a 20 plus year combat disabled veteran. If you wanna play GI Joe, go to your local recruiting depot. They'll give you one. I think the worst thing for the Republicans that ever happened was Ronald Reagan. He's the grandfather of all this craziness we are seeing today. Trump was the most embarrassing and people who ignore facts and even offended if you give them facts .Rather have opinions as their facts and the real fake news of qanon, breibart, fox, the list is endless. People no longer think for themselves and will believe any conspiracy theories they read as long as it fits their narrative
some people will...most of us here are a little more intelligent than that (notice i said most, not all)...
anyone here who uses faux, breitbart, oan, sky or any fascist podcasts as a source of reliable information is pretty soundly dumped upon by the rest of us...the only reason i ever pay any attention to any of those outlets is to see what the fuck they're lying about now.
i've had a list of sites i use for info for quite a while now...NPR, AP, Reuters, Al-jazeera, cnn, bbc, and i still try to verify anything i read off of them...
some people will...most of us here are a little more intelligent than that (notice i said most, not all)...
anyone here who uses faux, breitbart, oan, sky or any fascist podcasts as a source of reliable information is pretty soundly dumped upon by the rest of us...the only reason i ever pay any attention to any of those outlets is to see what the fuck they're lying about now.
i've had a list of sites i use for info for quite a while now...NPR, AP, Reuters, Al-jazeera, cnn, bbc, and i still try to verify anything i read off of them...
We think a like. I listen to npr first thing in am anytime I'm driving or curious
No offense but how do you know? Did you fact check what they're saying or just trusting them. I hope you're right. I truly do but I fact check everything I can
because eveything i've ever heard them say is verifiable, and i've been listening to them for a while...i'm not a very trusting person. i don't trust someone because i like the shirt they're wearing...i trust someone because they make sense, what they say is verifiable, and they seem to be at least as intelligent as myself...actually both of the people i named seem to be a lot more intelligent than me...
you have to trust some sources of information, with periodic veracity checks...so far neither of those people has failed a check

so far, none of my regular sources have failed a check. they may make occasional errors, but they always correct them as quickly as possible
The gop entire platform is no longer political. It's about people. Who can marry who, who can get abortions anyone should be able to buy a firearm. And God forbid if you're a minority or single mom. The lefts platform is political, hope, more positive platform that's far more truthful. I was reading about the insurrection and people commenting were not denying it. They were saying the left never gets in trouble. I rolled laughing. But but what about them!!? If I thought my party wasn't guilty of something I would lead with that
because eveything i've ever heard them say is verifiable, and i've been listening to them for a while...i'm not a very trusting person. i don't trust someone because i like the shirt they're wearing...i trust someone because they make sense, what they say is verifiable, and they seem to be at least as intelligent as myself...actually both of the people i named seem to be a lot more intelligent than me...
you have to trust some sources of information, with periodic veracity checks...so far neither of those people has failed a check

so far, none of my regular sources have failed a check. they may make occasional errors, but they always correct them as quickly as possible
Who or what are your fact checking sources if I may ask. I use politifact and factcheck.org
Welcome to the fray!

can only speak for myself …if I recommend or link to something on YT it’s for a limited number of reasons: it’s a source or story I’ve made some point of knowing about, having vetted them myself over time; it‘s an egregious example of something relative to the convo, or it‘s to make a counterpoint, often ironically.

for example, I don’t know Beau, I don’t know anyone who knows Beau, but I *do* know he’s smart, well-informed, as accountable as anyone in the ‘sphere, and his brain works. Yes, I’ve dug into stuff he’s posted, but not because I had a problem: I’ve known guys *like* Beau my whole life, they’ve been some of my very best friends. I don’t see everything exactly as he does, and thats natural…but I respect him, and I value his contribution to the conversation.

there is in fact a metric buttload of toxic brainwashing getting pumped by YT every hour, but you learn to recognize the smell
The gop entire platform is no longer political. It's about people. Who can marry who, who can get abortions anyone should be able to buy a firearm. And God forbid if you're a minority or single mom. The lefts platform is political, hope, more positive platform that's far more truthful. I was reading about the insurrection and people commenting were not denying it. They were saying the left never gets in trouble. I rolled laughing. But but what about them!!? If I thought my party wasn't guilty of something I would lead with that
Pardon my saying, but I think the GOP in all its parts is essentially political - because it’s monofocused on winning and exercising control, and that’s exactly what makes political struggles happen, as people balk and rebel against increased surveillance & interference, and against more restrictions & tougher penalties.

which is exactly how we arrive at Fudd’s First Law: if you push something hard enough, it will fall over. And here we are.

Texas Paul REACTS to Republican Obsession with TRAITORS
28,825 views Jul 19, 2022 Texas Paul reacts to the right wing obsession with platforming and elevating traitors and criminals who have disgraced our nation, including Ronny Jackson, Oliver North and Allen West, and others.

Texas Paul REACTS to Republican Obsession with TRAITORS
28,825 views Jul 19, 2022 Texas Paul reacts to the right wing obsession with platforming and elevating traitors and criminals who have disgraced our nation, including Ronny Jackson, Oliver North and Allen West, and others.
See, I’ve never watched this guy. I haven’t felt the need: there’s more than enough ‘righteous rants’. At one point, I actually had planned to be one of the YT commentators/analysts, but I’m at a place right now where I need to not get carried away.

There's a lot of that on both sides. I’m actually glad to see that he seems to be linking the current traitorous stripe directly to Reagan & his era - I have a list of my own that probably overlaps heavily with his. I’ve clicked through & watched so many of these things, though, that I mostly just make note of which outlets are saying what & leave it at that, these days. There’s too much of real significance going on, it’s too easy to get distracted & lost, lose sight of what’s most urgent in the face of what’s most emergent…and there’s too much at stake to let that happen.
I'm an Eisenhower Republican, in other words a conservative leaning liberal. I believe in the 2nd amendment but don't think assault rifles have any business on our streets. I'm also a 20 plus year combat disabled veteran. If you wanna play GI Joe, go to your local recruiting depot. They'll give you one. I think the worst thing for the Republicans that ever happened was Ronald Reagan. He's the grandfather of all this craziness we are seeing today. Trump was the most embarrassing and people who ignore facts and even offended if you give them facts .Rather have opinions as their facts and the real fake news of qanon, breibart, fox, the list is endless. People no longer think for themselves and will believe any conspiracy theories they read as long as it fits their narrative
Agree with most of your post but not Eisenhower, or more to the point, Eisenhower Republicans. They were pretty much unhinged what with McCarthy and the House Un American Activities Committee. Barry Goldwater was that kind of Republican. If you want to talk about conspiracy theories, take a look at the beliefs that founded the John Birch Society. I don't think there has been a good Republican since the 1880's. Regarding Eisenhower, I put him down as "mostly harmless". Which, I guess is about the best thing I've said about Republicans in a long while.

Maybe I'm picking a fight but that's not my intention. Just saying, the Republican Party lost its way during the Gilded Age and got worse during the 1920's. Lindberg was their guy right up until his association with Nazis became impossible to embrace.

Still though. That's nothing compared to what the current brand of Republican has become. What I find amazing is 74 million people voted for Trump. And more than half of them still believe his Big Lie. If you aren't one of that crowd, then we have much more in common than differences.
Agree with most of your post but not Eisenhower, or more to the point, Eisenhower Republicans. They were pretty much unhinged what with McCarthy and the House Un American Activities Committee. Barry Goldwater was that kind of Republican. If you want to talk about conspiracy theories, take a look at the beliefs that founded the John Birch Society. I don't think there has been a good Republican since the 1880's. Regarding Eisenhower, I put him down as "mostly harmless". Which, I guess is about the best thing I've said about Republicans in a long while.

Maybe I'm picking a fight but that's not my intention. Just saying, the Republican Party lost its way during the Gilded Age and got worse during the 1920's. Lindberg was their guy right up until his association with Nazis became impossible to embrace.

Still though. That's nothing compared to what the current brand of Republican has become. What I find amazing is 74 million people voted for Trump. And more than half of them still believe his Big Lie. If you aren't one of that crowd, then we have much more in common than differences.
*shrug* …brainwashing is real. Rage radio, ‘Fox News’, & internet conspiracists (to say nothing of *marketing* fergawdsake) have had their way with the so-called conservative voter base since Oral Roberts hit the 10” black-and-white miracle box in the living room.

Add to that the weight of industrial-strength Christianity being piped in directly since childhood, and you have an individual who has been trained his/her whole life to swallow whatever is served in the right ways by the right voices
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he broke his leash?
Trump shouldn't have tried to have him killed. That tends to get people irritated.

Still, though. This quote for Pence:

"Karrin Taylor Robson is the only candidate for Governor that will keep Arizona's border secure and streets safe, empower parents and create great schools, and promote conservative values," Pence said in a statement.

WTF? Arizona's border is not secure? Oh, I get it, he doesn't mean secure, he means brown people are sneaking into this country to take jobs away from good ol boys and rape our wimen.

Regarding "great schools". What does that even mean? Surely not a promise to give every student an equitable chance at a great education.

What does he mean when he say "promote conservative values"? I suppose overturning Roe is one of them.

Sorry, but Pence looks good only because he's not as bad as Trump. Still, though, I do hope he wrests control of the party from the lunatics currently in charge. Trump actually makes me miss the days when the party was led by Shrub.
The gop entire platform is no longer political. It's about people. Who can marry who, who can get abortions anyone should be able to buy a firearm. And God forbid if you're a minority or single mom. The lefts platform is political, hope, more positive platform that's far more truthful. I was reading about the insurrection and people commenting were not denying it. They were saying the left never gets in trouble. I rolled laughing. But but what about them!!? If I thought my party wasn't guilty of something I would lead with that
You are describing the dominionist agenda.