Examples of GOP Leadership

The gop entire platform is no longer political. It's about people. Who can marry who, who can get abortions anyone should be able to buy a firearm. And God forbid if you're a minority or single mom. The lefts platform is political, hope, more positive platform that's far more truthful. I was reading about the insurrection and people commenting were not denying it. They were saying the left never gets in trouble. I rolled laughing. But but what about them!!? If I thought my party wasn't guilty of something I would lead with that
They also seem to have a problem with the US constitution and the rule of law, aside from supporting Trump like he was the great white hope who could do no wrong. He was impeached twice FFS and the republican senate betrayed their oaths and the country by letting him off and are now cursed with him on their backs. Remember covid and all the dead through shear malicious incompetence? Remember Clorox and UVC light dildo's? What would happen to a democrat who did one tenth of that? Would they tolerate "grab them by the pussy"? This is the base of the modern GOP and base it is, all the good folks have been driven out or repulsed in disgust, no patriot could vote for them, even if they ran Jesus himself for office. In many cases it descended into a fucking death cult over covid, vaccines and masks. The richest country in the world with 4% of it's population and a quarter of the global cases, with a malicious idiot running the show, who was in charge of the covid response? Pence or Jared?

Something is jerking the chains of modern republicans, something stupid and evil, whipped up culture wars by foxnews and hate radio, have even turned rural folks against city folks.
OK, so, you got me interested enough to "do my own research".

Dominionism is the theocratic idea that regardless of theological camp, means, or timetable, God has called conservative Christians to exercise dominion over society by taking control of political and cultural institutions. The term describes a broad tendency across a wide swath of American Christianity. People who embrace this idea are referred to as dominionists. Although Chip Berlet, then of Political Research Associates, and I defined and popularized the term for many in the 1990s2, in fact it had (along with the term dominion theology) been in use by both evangelical proponents and critics for many years.

Dominionism Defined
Dominionism is the theocratic idea that regardless of theological view, means, or timetable, Christians are called by God to exercise dominion over every aspect of society by taking control of political and cultural institutions.


so it's ok for ted to fuck boebert for a weekend in return for his endorsement, but it's not ok for two people who love each other to get married?...
just more hypocritical shit from the man who fights with Elmo and Big Bird.
the republican ticket ought to be desatanis and cruz...together they can fight Mickey Mouse, Elmo, Goofy, Big Bird, Donald Duck....
These are the 47 House Republicans who voted for a bill protecting marriage equality
More than three dozen House Republicans voted for a bill on Tuesday to protect marriage equality, less than one month after Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas wrote an opinion calling for the reversal of landmark cases safeguarding LGBTQ rights.

The House approved the measure, titled the Respect for Marriage Act, in a 267-157 vote. Seven Republicans did not vote.

These are the 47 House Republicans who voted for a bill protecting marriage equality
More than three dozen House Republicans voted for a bill on Tuesday to protect marriage equality, less than one month after Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas wrote an opinion calling for the reversal of landmark cases safeguarding LGBTQ rights.

The House approved the measure, titled the Respect for Marriage Act, in a 267-157 vote. Seven Republicans did not vote.

(I left out the list)

Gonzalez, Kinzinger, Katko, Upton and Jacobs are not seeking reelection this year, and Davis and Rice lost their primaries for reelection. Zeldin is currently running to governor in New York.

Among the more notable “yes” votes were Stefanik, who is the House GOP conference chair, and Emmer, the chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee. The Hill reached out to their offices for comment.

The bill seeks to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, a measure that Congress passed in a bipartisan fashion and former President Clinton signed into law in 1996 that acknowledged marriage as “only a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife.”

Additionally, the measure defined spouse as “a person of the opposite sex who is a husband or a wife.”

The legislation passed on Tuesday, which faces an uncertain fate in the Senate, would roll back the 1996 law and require that couples be considered married if they tied the knot in a state where their marriage was lawful.

The House Judiciary Committee said that provision would ensure that same-sex and interracial couples receive equal treatment to other married individuals on the federal level.

The measure also authorizes the attorney general to initiate civil action against individuals who breach the legislation, and gives people the authority to launch civil action if their rights as laid out in the bill are violated.

Its passage in the House comes less than one month after the Supreme Court issued a ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade. Justice Clarence Thomas wrote a concurring opinion to the decision that called for the reversal of two landmark decisions protecting LGBTQ rights.

The conservative justice said the bench should reconsider all substantive due process precedents established by the court, naming Lawrence v. Texas, the 2003 ruling that barred states from outlawing consensual gay sex, and Obergefell v. Hodges, the 2015 ruling protected same-sex marriage as a constitutional right.

Mace wrote in a statement that she voted for the bill because she believes two individuals, regardless of race or gender or orientation, should be allowed to marry if they want to.

“I always have and always will support the right of any American to marry. This vote is no different. I believe any two people, regardless of the color of their skin or gender or orientation or otherwise, should be free to enter into marriage together,” she said.

“If gay couples want to be as happily or miserably married as straight couples, more power to them,” she added.

Bacon said that while he believes “in the traditional definition of marriage,” he does not believe “the government should dictate who can marry each other based on gender, race, or ethnicity.” He noted that he made his decision to vote yes after talking to faith and community leaders.

“Churches, synagogues, mosques, and other religious establishments have the right to decide within their walls and congregations who they will perform marriages for, but the federal government does not. This has been the law for seven years and many thousands have been married with this as law of the land,” he said in a statement.

“Americans should have the right to their private lives. The Supreme Court showed that all viewpoints can be respected,” he added.

In a video posted on Twitter following Tuesday’s vote, Meijer said he supported the measure because he viewed the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe as the bench telling Congress to do its job and not rely on the court to legislate.

“What happened with the Dobbs concurrence by Justice Thomas was this question of the constitutional basis for those Supreme Court decisions,” he said, pointing to Obergefell and Loving v. Virginia, the 1967 case that protects interracial marriage.

“And what this court has said, they’ve said Congress, do your job, don’t rely on the courts to do the legislating, take up that legislation yourself. And that’s frankly what this bill was,” he added.

He continued, saying that the bill is an effort to ensure there isn’t “absolute chaos” if Obergefell or Loving were overturned.

The Michigan Republican noted, however, that he does not believe there is a current threat to or a “political appetite to threaten” Obergefell or Loving.

“I voted in favor of this thing tonight. I think it’s the right choice from a limited government standpoint, from a liberty standpoint and frankly just from avoiding any circumstance where that type of chaos could come down the line,” he added.
It only means they are worried about the election and the GOP dropping in the polls and want to head off trouble on the campaign trail over making contraception illegal. It's one of those "freedom" issues that affect their base and they are afraid their voters won't fuck themselves over it, it's ok as long as someone else is screwed, just not them. They also need to save some red states from themselves, because they would pass insane laws, that could even put their own red states at risk of losing in November. Abortion along with all the other shit going on there could cost them Texas going blue in November. Abortion is not polling very high among democrats, yet, by fall it will be a much bigger issue for them.
Sorry, but Pence looks good only because he's not as bad as Trump. Still, though, I do hope he wrests control of the party from the lunatics currently in charge. Trump actually makes me miss the days when the party was led by Shrub.

I *do* give Pence credit for standing strong & doing the right thing…but, hell, we expect that from our KIDS. We don’t give them medals for that. Pence is the machine politician / agent of dominion he’s always been; this changes nothing. Seems to me, though, there’s an awful lot of people playing make-believe, like those pretending that Trump personally is the driving force behind Trumpism, and that it wasn’t/isn’t somehow 100% in line with everything the GOP has *done* since 1980. Trump and his BS is currently the (crumbling p) tip of their spear - but that spear’s been around A LONG TIME, and they’ve been working on it this whole time.

Yes, Trump and all his minions and associates, and all his worker-bees & their associates, are THE COBRA IN OUR COLLECTIVE LAP. But he’s just A snake, not the only snake - not the only source of snake, and there’s a half-dozen more prepped and held ready by the event planners, and *their* minions(*). Getting rid of the Orange Fiasco won’t stop this; we need to shut down the stores, and the factories. We need to remove the cancer or it won’t stop growing.

This why I keep my fingers crossed for RICO prosecutions: IMO there’s far more than just ‘enough’ evidence that the GOP is itself a criminal and corrupt organization: the fundraising on the stolen-election fraud, the blind eye turned to toward *every* instance of overreach since Reagan, the active collaboration of state, local & national parties, their employees, their candidates, their donors, their phone banks WITH the big lie, and the fraud that gave it legs.

if DOJ can connect the dots in the background with events in the public sphere since, say, Jan of ‘20, track the money, identify the fraud’s implementation tracks, we can get the snakes, their handlers, and a fair number of snake-importers, too.

They all need to go - out of office, out of appointment, out of power, in disgrace and dishonor, into a short, feeble obscurity

(*) - by ‘event planners’, I mean guys like Charles Koch and his partners in the attempt to ‘capture’, subdue - and if necessary, break - the US government. His endgame is a ‘rich man’s paradise’ rewrite of the constitution itself. He was much closer to getting it before the ‘18 midterms, when Dems made real gains in state houses & governorships. Which, as I see it, is how we ended up with Trump: they’d tried everything BUT a carnival barker & outright demagogue, so….

I *do* give Pence credit for standing strong & doing the right thing…but, hell, we expect that from our KIDS. We don’t give them medals for that. Pence is the machine politician / agent of dominion he’s always been; this changes nothing. Seems to me, though, there’s an awful lot of people playing make-believe, like those pretending that Trump personally is the driving force behind Trumpism, and that it wasn’t/isn’t somehow 100% in line with everything the GOP has *done* since 1980. Trump and his BS is currently the (crumbling p) tip of their spear - but that spear’s been around A LONG TIME, and they’ve been working on it this whole time.

Yes, Trump and all his minions and associates, and all his worker-bees & their associates, are THE COBRA IN OUR COLLECTIVE LAP. But he’s just A snake, not the only snake - not the only source of snake, and there’s a half-dozen more prepped and held ready by the event planners, and *their* minions(*). Getting rid of the Orange Fiasco won’t stop this; we need to shut down the stores, and the factories. We need to remove the cancer or it won’t stop growing.

This why I keep my fingers crossed for RICO prosecutions: IMO there’s far more than just ‘enough’ evidence that the GOP is itself a criminal and corrupt organization: the fundraising on the stolen-election fraud, the blind eye turned to toward *every* instance of overreach since Reagan, the active collaboration of state, local & national parties, their employees, their candidates, their donors, their phone banks WITH the big lie, and the fraud that gave it legs.

if DOJ can connect the dots in the background with events in the public sphere since, say, Jan of ‘20, track the money, identify the fraud’s implementation tracks, we can get the snakes, their handlers, and a fair number of snake-importers, too.

They all need to go - out of office, out of appointment, out of power, in disgrace and dishonor, into a short, feeble obscurity

(*) - by ‘event planners’, I mean guys like Charles Koch and his partners in the attempt to ‘capture’, subdue - and if necessary, break - the US government. His endgame is a ‘rich man’s paradise’ rewrite of the constitution itself. He was much closer to getting it before the ‘18 midterms, when Dems made real gains in state houses & governorships. Which, as I see it, is how we ended up with Trump: they’d tried everything BUT a carnival barker & outright demagogue, so….
this is why i'm so frustrated at the DOJ's apparent lack of motivation...this is a chance to do permanent irreparable damage to the gop's long term plan, take advantage of it for god's sake.
indict, prosecute and convict as many of them as you can, from white house staff, congress and senate members, down to state level officials who assisted in any way...destroy their infrastructure of agents and spies.
One reason of many why Texas may flip blue for the house and governor, as well as other state wide offices. If that happens the republicans in Texas will flip out and you'll see rightwing terrorism there and election denial. In 2024 if Texas went for the democratic presidential candidate, the GOP would be screwed with the electoral votes of CA, NY and Texas. A democratic victory there in 2022 would ensure fair elections in 2024 and they would investigate the republicans for corruption. They might not have the senate, or the courts in Texas, but they can sure fuck up any of their plans to screw with the 2024 election there.

Concerns Grow Over Texas Power Grid As Temperatures Rise
30,099 views Jul 20, 2022 As Texas sees record-breaking high temperatures across multiple areas this summer, there are renewed concerns over the state’s power grid system. NBC News’ Isa Gutiérrez has more including how Texans were asked twice to cut back on energy use during peak hours to avoid blackouts.

I *do* give Pence credit for standing strong & doing the right thing…but, hell, we expect that from our KIDS. We don’t give them medals for that. Pence is the machine politician / agent of dominion he’s always been; this changes nothing. Seems to me, though, there’s an awful lot of people playing make-believe, like those pretending that Trump personally is the driving force behind Trumpism, and that it wasn’t/isn’t somehow 100% in line with everything the GOP has *done* since 1980. Trump and his BS is currently the (crumbling p) tip of their spear - but that spear’s been around A LONG TIME, and they’ve been working on it this whole time.

Yes, Trump and all his minions and associates, and all his worker-bees & their associates, are THE COBRA IN OUR COLLECTIVE LAP. But he’s just A snake, not the only snake - not the only source of snake, and there’s a half-dozen more prepped and held ready by the event planners, and *their* minions(*). Getting rid of the Orange Fiasco won’t stop this; we need to shut down the stores, and the factories. We need to remove the cancer or it won’t stop growing.

This why I keep my fingers crossed for RICO prosecutions: IMO there’s far more than just ‘enough’ evidence that the GOP is itself a criminal and corrupt organization: the fundraising on the stolen-election fraud, the blind eye turned to toward *every* instance of overreach since Reagan, the active collaboration of state, local & national parties, their employees, their candidates, their donors, their phone banks WITH the big lie, and the fraud that gave it legs.

if DOJ can connect the dots in the background with events in the public sphere since, say, Jan of ‘20, track the money, identify the fraud’s implementation tracks, we can get the snakes, their handlers, and a fair number of snake-importers, too.

They all need to go - out of office, out of appointment, out of power, in disgrace and dishonor, into a short, feeble obscurity

(*) - by ‘event planners’, I mean guys like Charles Koch and his partners in the attempt to ‘capture’, subdue - and if necessary, break - the US government. His endgame is a ‘rich man’s paradise’ rewrite of the constitution itself. He was much closer to getting it before the ‘18 midterms, when Dems made real gains in state houses & governorships. Which, as I see it, is how we ended up with Trump: they’d tried everything BUT a carnival barker & outright demagogue, so….
That would certainly end the current threat to our democracy. It seems a bit far fetched to me, however.

I'd settle for Democratic Party control of the Federal government through the ballot box and the end of the filibuster. We aren't very far away from being able to do that. 2026 seems like the time when this will be possible. The next few years are going to be rough. Republicans know they are losing control and doing their worst to take it back through criminal and outright violent acts.

I *do* give Pence credit for standing strong & doing the right thing…but, hell, we expect that from our KIDS. We don’t give them medals for that. Pence is the machine politician / agent of dominion he’s always been; this changes nothing. Seems to me, though, there’s an awful lot of people playing make-believe, like those pretending that Trump personally is the driving force behind Trumpism, and that it wasn’t/isn’t somehow 100% in line with everything the GOP has *done* since 1980. Trump and his BS is currently the (crumbling p) tip of their spear - but that spear’s been around A LONG TIME, and they’ve been working on it this whole time.

Yes, Trump and all his minions and associates, and all his worker-bees & their associates, are THE COBRA IN OUR COLLECTIVE LAP. But he’s just A snake, not the only snake - not the only source of snake, and there’s a half-dozen more prepped and held ready by the event planners, and *their* minions(*). Getting rid of the Orange Fiasco won’t stop this; we need to shut down the stores, and the factories. We need to remove the cancer or it won’t stop growing.

This why I keep my fingers crossed for RICO prosecutions: IMO there’s far more than just ‘enough’ evidence that the GOP is itself a criminal and corrupt organization: the fundraising on the stolen-election fraud, the blind eye turned to toward *every* instance of overreach since Reagan, the active collaboration of state, local & national parties, their employees, their candidates, their donors, their phone banks WITH the big lie, and the fraud that gave it legs.

if DOJ can connect the dots in the background with events in the public sphere since, say, Jan of ‘20, track the money, identify the fraud’s implementation tracks, we can get the snakes, their handlers, and a fair number of snake-importers, too.

They all need to go - out of office, out of appointment, out of power, in disgrace and dishonor, into a short, feeble obscurity

(*) - by ‘event planners’, I mean guys like Charles Koch and his partners in the attempt to ‘capture’, subdue - and if necessary, break - the US government. His endgame is a ‘rich man’s paradise’ rewrite of the constitution itself. He was much closer to getting it before the ‘18 midterms, when Dems made real gains in state houses & governorships. Which, as I see it, is how we ended up with Trump: they’d tried everything BUT a carnival barker & outright demagogue, so….
My view is Donald will lead them to destruction, they had a plan to strangle America slowly, Trump came along and punched Uncle Sam square in the face. The events of J6 will expose everything eventually, especially if the democrats can keep the house and it looks likely they might pick up a few in the senate too. Then appoint an independent special counsel to go after the republican congress people and senators, like Ken Starr did to the Clintons. There would be so much meat for them to dive into and so much evidence against these assholes. An independent special counsel can also prosecute and is also independent from the DOJ and Garland. You did it before and Nixon was why it was created in the first place, only to be abused later by the republicans for partisan reasons.

Win in November and you can spend 2 years prosecuting treasonous republican congress people and senators, clearing the field for 2024 with a steady string of public hearings, court cases and convictions.
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I think the above is one way the democrats can win this civil war that has been declared on America, there are many other things they need to do, if they win, but they can hand this little item off to an independent special counsel and it will take no time or effort at all, to throw a real fucking into the GOP for 2024!
this made me laugh. they volunteered their testimony because they thought they were witnesses. non-smarts.

They are criminals and the asshole SCOTUS might even strike down Miranda FFS, so good luck with that! They are open to both state and federal charges I believe, no double jeopardy, even the national archives can indict the dumb fucks for something, maybe even the post office too, if they used the USPS, should be mail and wire fraud as well.
End of the line Rudy.

Judge Orders Rudy Giuliani To Testify In Georgia Election Interference Case
62,269 views Jul 20, 2022 A judge has ordered Rudy Giuliani to testify before a Georgia grand jury for their investigation into possible election interference by former President Trump and others. NBC's Blayne Alexander reports.
Some headlines from today, another day at the nuthouse! The last item did give me some hope, since I can't believe anybody would be stupid enough to vote for the dumb cocksuckers. Da he ratted out da boss, are they part of a mafia, or a cult?
