Examples of GOP Leadership

He needs help alright, but there is no cure for brain rot. Maybe Trump should help his guy with some rallies?

Republicans fret as Walker stumbles in Georgia: ‘He needs help’

Anxiety is setting in among Republicans over Herschel Walker’s bid to oust Sen. Raphael Warnock (D) in Georgia after a series of unforced errors and negative headlines that have rocked the former football star’s general election campaign.

Walker, who was endorsed by former President Trump early on and went largely unchallenged in the GOP primary, has been beset for months by damaging revelations about his business record and personal life, including an admission that he fathered three children he had not previously disclosed publicly.

Walker’s troubles have been underscored by recent polls that show him trailing Warnock. One survey from Quinnipiac University released last month found the incumbent Democrat leading by a staggering 10-point margin, while a more recent poll conducted for the AARP put Warnock ahead by 3 points.

“He needs help. He needs to be much better prepared because when Labor Day rolls around, he’s going to have to be able to articulate and do it consistently and do it coherently,” said Chuck Clay, a former Georgia state senator and state GOP chair. “He’s got himself two or three months. He’s a smart guy. But he needs focus. He needs to get that part of the campaign down. A Heisman Trophy isn’t going to bring him a victory.”

In a tacit acknowledgement of the challenges hampering his candidacy, Walker called in a team of veteran Republican operatives earlier this month in an effort to revamp his campaign. Among the new additions to Walker’s team were Chip Lake, a longtime Georgia strategist, and Gail Gitcho, a veteran GOP operative who served as communications director for Sen. Mitt Romney’s (R-Utah) 2012 presidential campaign.
Let’s not forget that HE’S THE NOMINEE.
They *PICKED* him *on purpose*

…and they actually expected Walker to be seen as a serious choice by voters. If the Darwin Awards had a category for political decisions, the cadre professionals who winnowed out and selected Walker would take a team win to the grave.

it’s hard to remember that there are plenty of smart, clear-eyed, deliberate racists when you see something as *stupidly*, as cluelessly racist as this. I’ve said this before, but…Walker cannot beat Warnock is a fair contest. He has no base in the black community there; he is mentioned with contempt & derision by black Georgians. His only ‘base’ is venal white ’conservatives’ who think it’s a hoot and have a certain residual sense of ‘ownership’ from Walker’s days at UGA. Very possible that many of -them- see Walker and Warnock as equivalent, but I think that just proves my point.
Let’s not forget that HE’S THE NOMINEE.
They *PICKED* him *on purpose*

…and they actually expected Walker to be seen as a serious choice by voters. If the Darwin Awards had a category for political decisions, the cadre professionals who winnowed out and selected Walker would take a team win to the grave.

it’s hard to remember that there are plenty of smart, clear-eyed, deliberate racists when you see something as *stupidly*, as cluelessly racist as this. I’ve said this before, but…Walker cannot beat Warnock is a fair contest. He has no base in the black community there; he is mentioned with contempt & derision by black Georgians. His only ‘base’ is venal white ’conservatives’ who think it’s a hoot and have a certain residual sense of ‘ownership’ from Walker’s days at UGA. Very possible that many of -them- see Walker and Warnock as equivalent, but I think that just proves my point.
He was Trump's pick, like Oz and Donald has been sprinkling shit all through the republican primaries. Mitch will lose the senate by an effective majority if this keeps up. Keep the house and the republicans will be fucked after the election with HR1 on steroids, anti terrorism laws and a domestic terrorist watch list. Even an independent special counsel to go after the treasonous republican congress people and senators with public hearings and prosecutions, that was what it was made for, dust it off, if ya get the chance.
South Carolina GOP is pushing bill that would outlaw WEBSITES that contain info on how to get abortions.
Great, the crazier and more out of step with society they get, the better. Though some folks will fuck themselves to death at the polls, it's a tradition in many states and districts. I don't imagine the law applies to Canada, though the loony SCOTUS might enforce it in other states!
Well, it was bullshit, for a start

plus, it’s old news - SOP for GOP

virtually all the stupid crap GOP base believes about democrats & liberals is stupid crap the professional politicians MADE UP IN THE FIRST PLACE. *SPECIFICALLY* to demonize, mischaracterize and dehumanize them in the eyes of said base.

Late 80s, preachers, bosses, and radio talking heads had gone a long way toward disconnecting their audiences from the mainstream. There was a fairly concerted effort to persuade listeners to (literally) stop listening to the other side *entirely*. “They’re just liars, they just want to fool you with all their talk, they never tell the truth - but WE know their secret language, *WE* know what they mean, so just listen to us and we’ll explain to you their evil plans and make sure you don’t get fooled”.

ALL while on a continuous diet of the same and similar from friends, co-workers, relatives….

Worked pretty effing well…and they’re still working it: non-republicans are still seen as literal enemies of America in the eyes of Republicans, and they’re frantic at the idea of having to vote for a democrat for *any* reason. Apparently thats the stick propping up Pence’s hopes for a run in ‘24: exactly like the trump administration but without that embarrassing trump stuff
pence is a bigger fucking fool than he seems to be if he thinks he has a chance in hell...the magats hate him, and democrats all know that he's no fucking hero, none of them are, a hero would have went public with the whole shitty plan the day they learned about it, so all he has to hope for is the "sane" republican base, so unless he actually gets the qop nomination, he's completely fucked...actually even if he gets the nomination, desatanis could take it away from him with no real effort, if he wants to...and i don't think desantis wants anything in the world more than to be president...i fully expect he would sacrifice one of his own children to become president.
he's already sacrificed his soul, his honor, his integrity.
“He needs help. He needs to be much better prepared because when Labor Day rolls around, he’s going to have to be able to articulate and do it consistently and do it coherently,” said Chuck Clay, a former Georgia state senator and state GOP chair. “
:lol: maybe Herschel should release some of his old videos, when he was a singer
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pence is a bigger fucking fool than he seems to be if he thinks he has a chance in hell...the magats hate him, and democrats all know that he's no fucking hero, none of them are, a hero would have went public with the whole shitty plan the day they learned about it, so all he has to hope for is the "sane" republican base, so unless he actually gets the qop nomination, he's completely fucked...actually even if he gets the nomination, desatanis could take it away from him with no real effort, if he wants to...and i don't think desantis wants anything in the world more than to be president...i fully expect he would sacrifice one of his own children to become president.
he's already sacrificed his soul, his honor, his integrity.
“The sane Republican base”…gotta say, if they truly exist at this point, they’re rethinking their life choices…or they’re pretending that “Orange Man BAD!!!” turned out to be both taunt & semi-aware confession, so they want Pence and DeSantis: Trump Zero - “Same-same, NOW with less *orange* (wink, wink)!”

Because after all, “conservatism cannot fail, it can only *be* failed”. Talk about agendas for world domination, they’ve got most of the thugs-in-charge & wannabes around the world signed up.

Some will spend the next two years trying frantically to figure out who it’s safe to be mad at. “Conservatism” as we’ve come to know & be wary of it, is currently being beaten to death by its own internal contradictions. Some of us saw what was coming, had seen it before trump hit the escalator; some (many) of us figured it out along the way; some of us are hitting the wall only now…and some will take awhile still to reach it.

What *all* of these people have in common is that they’ve all been lied to - some for most or all of their lives - by some of the people they’ve trusted the most in life. People they admire. Folks they look up to. Whether little by little or all in a rush, they’re realizing they’ve been betrayed. Their PATRIOTISM and their FAITH have been used against them and against the nation they probably really do love, they’re just confused by all the deliberate cover stories, misdirections and sheer fabrications that we’re INTENDED a to deceive them: they’ve been spun around, their gyros are tumbled, ‘up’ isn’t where they thought it was….

At some point in the recovery, they’re going to start to get mad, and they’re going to want to KNOW who to be mad at, and that will be a tough call for folks who’ve been brainwashed to only listen to the liars, once the liars are completely exposed. They’ll NEED someone to be mad at.

I hope they’ll be mad at InfoWars, and Fox, at Tucker and Shawn and sieg-heiling Laura Ingraham, Paul Watson, ‘Tyler Durden’, Dinesh D’Souza. I hope they’ll be mad at Mitch McConnell, at Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Lindsay Graham, Ron DeSantis, Rick Scott.

Why is it so important? Because the folks who make up the GOP base value honesty & straight-dealing & plain speech, and many of them operate on a basis of respect, loyalty and trust…and that means that Republican politicians have shaken their hands, looked them in the eye with a big smile, and lied through their freaking teeth right at them. That is a personal violation that is not going to be okay with your average conservative: all the liars are supposed to be on ‘the other side’ - yet here are these snakes on our side, poisoning *US*.

I know how mad I’d be if it were me. To sneak THAT MUCH bullshit past me - to take advantage of my trust and confidence to deliberately run me off the road? To make a useful idiot out of me? TO LIE TO MY FACE LIKE THAT??? I’d accept no excuse. I would hear no more bullshit. I’d do EVERYTHING I COULD to turn over their apple cart, to kick them out of office, to expose them, to warn people.

(I mean, in case anyone wondered how I ended up in the politics section of a weed board (or wherever))

So, I’ve got complex emotions about seeing the hearings, the investigations, the arrests and trials play out during the most consequential midterm election season of my life: if the traditional values crowd realizes for themselves what those values really mean, and who has been truer to them, and who’s *really* on their side, it could be a whole new day for the world.
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“The sane Republican base”…gotta say, if they truly exist at this point, they’re rethinking their life choices…or they’re pretending that “Orange Man BAD!!!” turned out to be less a taunt to throw at liberals, and more of a partly-conscious confession, so they want Pence and DeSantis: Trump Zero - because after all, “conservatism cannot fail, it can only *be* failed”.

Some will spend the next two years trying frantically to figure out who it’s safe to be mad at. “Conservatism” as we’ve come to know & be wary of it, is currently being beaten to death by its own internal contradictions. Some of us saw what was coming, had seen it before trump hit the escalator; some (many) of us figured it out along the way; some of us are hitting the wall only now…and some will take awhile still to reach it.

What *all* of these people have in common is that they’ve all been lied to - some for most or all of their lives - by some of the people they’ve trusted the most in life. People they admire. Folks they look up to. Whether little by little or all in a rush, they’re realizing they’ve been betrayed. Their PATRIOTISM and their FAITH have been used against them and against the nation they probably really do love, they’re just confused by all the deliberate cover stories, misdirections and sheer fabrications that we’re INTENDED a to deceive them: they’ve been spun around, their gyros are tumbled, ‘up’ isn’t where they thought it was….

At some point in the recovery, they’re going to start to get mad, and they’re going to want to KNOW who to be mad at, and that will be a tough call for folks who’ve been brainwashed to only listen to the liars, once the liars are completely exposed. They’ll NEED someone to be mad at.

I hope they’ll be mad at InfoWars, and Fox, at Tucker and Shawn and sieg-heiling Laura Ingraham, Paul Watson, ‘Tyler Durden’, Dinesh D’Souza. I hope they’ll be mad at Mitch McConnell, at Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Lindsay Graham, Ron DeSantis, Rick Scott.

Why is it so important? Because the folks who make up the GOP base value honesty & straight-dealing & plain speech, and many of them operate on a basis of respect, loyalty and trust…and that means that Republican politicians have shaken their hands, looked them in the eye with a big smile, and lied through their freaking teeth right at them. That is a personal violation that is not going to be okay with your average conservative: all the liars are supposed to be on ‘the other side’ - yet here are these snakes on our side, poisoning *US*.

I know how mad I’d be if it were me. To sneak THAT MUCH bullshit past me - to take advantage of my trust and confidence to deliberately run me off the road? To make a useful idiot out of me? TO LIE TO MY FACE LIKE THAT??? I’d accept no excuse. I would hear no more bullshit. I’d do EVERYTHING I COULD to turn over their apple cart, to kick them out of office, to expose them, to warn people.

So, I’ve got complex emotions about seeing the hearings, the investigations, the arrests and trials play out during the most consequential midterm election season of my life: if the traditional values crowd realizes for themselves what those values really mean, and who has been truer to them, and who’s *really* on their side, it could be a whole new day for the world.
yeah, but you're not a deluded dumbass to begin with...that makes a huge difference in perceptions AND reactions...
it will all depend on whats happening at the time this mass realization happens. if there is another skilled liar to step into the traces and lead them, they'll never fucking wake up to the real world, they'll just jump from one delusional nightmare straight into another...because they don't think for themselves, they can't form an analytical thought, all they can do is react with jerks from the joints that are being stimulated by their handlers...if it gets shoved down their throats hard enough that they've been lied to and used, they'll rise up against the ones controlling them at the moment, but then, you have a herd of sheep standing there, with a dead shepherd, and no leader...the next trump, the next desantis, the next fucking mussolini that happens along will gather them up and use them...
so we not only need to wake them up, we need to have a fairly charismatic individual standing by to take control of the herd, to steer them towards reality, and sanity, to keep the next wolf from leading them all to the slaughter.
someone they can trust, but who isn't motivated by greed and lust for power.
if the democrats had any sense (something i'm still not entirely convinced of) they would be very surreptitiously grooming just such an individual...they could conceivably pick the next republican president, and he would be guaranteed to be bipartisan...
yeah, but you're not a deluded dumbass to begin with...that makes a huge difference in perceptions AND reactions...
it will all depend on whats happening at the time this mass realization happens. if there is another skilled liar to step into the traces and lead them, they'll never fucking wake up to the real world, they'll just jump from one delusional nightmare straight into another...because they don't think for themselves, they can't form an analytical thought, all they can do is react with jerks from the joints that are being stimulated by their handlers...if it gets shoved down their throats hard enough that they've been lied to and used, they'll rise up against the ones controlling them at the moment, but then, you have a herd of sheep standing there, with a dead shepherd, and no leader...the next trump, the next desantis, the next fucking mussolini that happens along will gather them up and use them...
so we not only need to wake them up, we need to have a fairly charismatic individual standing by to take control of the herd, to steer them towards reality, and sanity, to keep the next wolf from leading them all to the slaughter.
someone they can trust, but who isn't motivated by greed and lust for power.
if the democrats had any sense (something i'm still not entirely convinced of) they would be very surreptitiously grooming just such an individual...they could conceivably pick the next republican president, and he would be guaranteed to be bipartisan...
The tried and true BITCH SLAP back to reality is most effective, enjoyable too!
yeah, but you're not a deluded dumbass to begin with...that makes a huge difference in perceptions AND reactions...
it will all depend on whats happening at the time this mass realization happens. if there is another skilled liar to step into the traces and lead them, they'll never fucking wake up to the real world, they'll just jump from one delusional nightmare straight into another...because they don't think for themselves, they can't form an analytical thought, all they can do is react with jerks from the joints that are being stimulated by their handlers...if it gets shoved down their throats hard enough that they've been lied to and used, they'll rise up against the ones controlling them at the moment, but then, you have a herd of sheep standing there, with a dead shepherd, and no leader...the next trump, the next desantis, the next fucking mussolini that happens along will gather them up and use them...
so we not only need to wake them up, we need to have a fairly charismatic individual standing by to take control of the herd, to steer them towards reality, and sanity, to keep the next wolf from leading them all to the slaughter.
someone they can trust, but who isn't motivated by greed and lust for power.
if the democrats had any sense (something i'm still not entirely convinced of) they would be very surreptitiously grooming just such an individual...they could conceivably pick the next republican president, and he would be guaranteed to be bipartisan...
Even a philosopher king cannot change the course of our nation if the source of the infection is mot treated directly. A few dozen toxic-evangelical megachurches are the reservoir and nursery for all our old hatreds. Society’s and government’s attitude toward activist religion, and what to do about it, needs to be kept on the table somehow.

According to the source, the North Carolina GOP Representative's campaign had so little money during the end of his primary that they were forced to spend general fund money during the primary.

However, election laws do not allow for those funds to be spent until the general election. If a candidate loses their primary, they must return it to donors.

Cawthorn lost his primary against GOP candidate Chuck Edwards on May 17.

The campaign source also told the Daily Beast that Cawthorn's campaign spent "egregiously," referring to $1500 spent at Chick-fil-A, $21,000 spent for lodging in Florida, and nearly $3,000 at a place listed as Papa's Beer.

The state of Cawthorn's campaign spending is not known to the public because the campaign is late on its last FEC filing, the source told the Daily Beast. According to the FEC, the deadline to file the latest quarterly report is July 15.

According to Cawthorn's latest filing, which covers his campaign from Jan 1 through April 27, the campaign was already operating at a deficit, with $324,566 in debts owed compared to $137,598 of cash on hand.

FEC data shows that by the end of April Cawthorn spent $3.3 million, which was nearly all of the campaign funds raised since January 2021.

"There was just no money," the campaign source said. "It was dollar-in, dollar-out. So if he loses it's a really bad thing, and the only way to cover it is getting money straight from the candidate or treasurer."
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According to the source, the North Carolina GOP Representative's campaign had so little money during the end of his primary that they were forced to spend general fund money during the primary.

However, election laws do not allow for those funds to be spent until the general election. If a candidate loses their primary, they must return it to donors.

Cawthorn lost his primary against GOP candidate Chuck Edwards on May 17.

The campaign source also told the Daily Beast that Cawthorn's campaign spent "egregiously," referring to $1500 spent at Chick-fil-A, $21,000 spent for lodging in Florida, and nearly $3,000 at a place listed as Papa's Beer.

The state of Cawthorn's campaign spending is not known to the public because the campaign is late on its last FEC filing, the source told the Daily Beast. According to the FEC, the deadline to file the latest quarterly report is July 15.

According to Cawthorn's latest filing, which covers his campaign from Jan 1 through April 27, the campaign was already operating at a deficit, with $324,566 in debts owed compared to $137,598 of cash on hand.

FEC data shows that by the end of April Cawthorn spent $3.3 million, which was nearly all of the campaign funds raised since January 2021.

"There was just no money," the campaign source said. "It was dollar-in, dollar-out. So if he loses it's a really bad thing, and the only way to cover it is getting money straight from the candidate or treasurer."
Suckers, what did they expect supporting a POS psycho like that? I doubt he will be charged with fraud and will wheel away, unless they sue him civilly and the little prick probably dumped the cash into a trust fund that pays him an income.