Examples of GOP Leadership

Yep. Just two more weeks! You're going to need a Copium refill.
He will be when his usefulness is over, no rush the election is months away and Donald ain't running for anything, except away from jail. All they gotta do is squeeze his balls and he screams, then his morons do the terrorism thing, which will go over real big come election day. Yep Donald inspired terrorism and the J6 hearings leading up to the election should help the democrats quite a bit. Let me know how "defund the FBI" works out for you with independent voters! :lol:
Hard to say if Liz Cheney running would be good or bad.

She would pull the fuck trump republicans away from the democrats, kind of competing against yang gang for those voters. I think the democrats want and need to hold onto those newer voters, but I wouldn't consider them to be the party faithful and there is a (pretty small really, not like there are other real options) chance the left people get salty if the party goes further right to keep them.

Trump caused some Republicans to sit out/3rd party it, but they couldn't stomach democrats. Cheney would be pretty ideal for them. Quite a bit of overlap with the center demopublicans above.

I dont know how much of the remaining republican base would be swayed. Trumplicans obviously not. There is a pretty big chunk that just vote republican no matter who (same with dems), hard to say if they would be swayed to vote 3rd party. Ross perot was pretty successful peeling off voters, but he was coming in as an alternative to the establishment rather than its champion.
The Lincoln Project could have a field day with her. “Where was Sen. Cheney during (long list of that man’s dumpster fires)?”
“How often did she vote her suddenly-discovered conscience while her majority leader made straight a way for that man’s misocracy?”

n. b. misocracy is not yet in Oxford. I found it in a Quizlet of all things. Government by hatred.
Alex Jones Endorses 'Someone Way Better Than Trump'
Infowars conspiracy theorist Alex Jones has stopped supporting former President Donald Trump, announcing he's backing Trump's potential 2024 presidential rival, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

Jones said that he had only supported Trump "pigheadedly" in the past, during a Wednesday livestream on Infowars. He blasted the former president for backing COVID-19 vaccines and accelerating their development with his Operation Warp Speed initiative, while falsely claiming that the vaccines "don't work" and are "poisonous." Jones praised DeSantis for becoming more "red-pilled," a reference to the film The Matrix that is often used by the right to describe a person becoming conservative.

"I've been persecuted like nothing in my life for supporting [Trump], and that made me kind of pigheadedly support him a few years ago even though I disagreed with his Warp Speed," Jones said. "But that said, I am supporting DeSantis. DeSantis is just gone from being awesome to being unbelievably good ... He's getting red-pilled more and more each day ... I'm a DeSantis guy."

While Trump was interviewed by Jones during his 2016 presidential campaign and enjoyed the support of the Infowars host throughout his presidency, Jones has previously denounced the former president for backing the vaccines. He urged followers to "move on" from Trump and threaten to "dish all the dirt" on him last December.

On Wednesday, Jones said that he was "coming after" Trump for supporting the vaccines and would attempt to block any attempt by the former president to "join the new world order and destroy us."

The Infowars host also played a video clip of DeSantis suggesting that COVID-19 vaccine booster shots put people at higher risk of becoming ill and arguing that vaccine manufacturers said the shots were completely effective against contracting the virus.

COVID-19 booster shots do not put people at an increased risk for illness and no vaccine manufacturers have claimed that the jabs are 100 percent
"What America and the world absolutely must have is leaders like Ron DeSantis to come out against these poison shots," said Jones. "DeSantis is just over the top with what he's doing, this is absolutely presidential material. This is what Trump should be like."

"We have someone that is better than Trump," he added. "Way better than Trump."
i'm not quite sure of the significance of this?
they say "DOJ did this"...but the DOJ is a government body, you can't charge it with anything as if it was an individual, you have to go after the people who made those decisions. Barr was the head of the DOJ at the time, it seems all such decisions would ultimately be his to make.
so is this saying that they actually should have charged trump after the Mueller report? or that they didn't even consider it, just wrote it off to protect trump, and their own positions?
and what is the point of it now? isn't it a little late for all of this? can they retroactively charge trump over something revealed that long ago?
The law can be slow at times. Just one more nail in Trump's coffin.
Alex Jones Endorses 'Someone Way Better Than Trump'
Infowars conspiracy theorist Alex Jones has stopped supporting former President Donald Trump, announcing he's backing Trump's potential 2024 presidential rival, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

Jones said that he had only supported Trump "pigheadedly" in the past, during a Wednesday livestream on Infowars. He blasted the former president for backing COVID-19 vaccines and accelerating their development with his Operation Warp Speed initiative, while falsely claiming that the vaccines "don't work" and are "poisonous." Jones praised DeSantis for becoming more "red-pilled," a reference to the film The Matrix that is often used by the right to describe a person becoming conservative.

"I've been persecuted like nothing in my life for supporting [Trump], and that made me kind of pigheadedly support him a few years ago even though I disagreed with his Warp Speed," Jones said. "But that said, I am supporting DeSantis. DeSantis is just gone from being awesome to being unbelievably good ... He's getting red-pilled more and more each day ... I'm a DeSantis guy."

While Trump was interviewed by Jones during his 2016 presidential campaign and enjoyed the support of the Infowars host throughout his presidency, Jones has previously denounced the former president for backing the vaccines. He urged followers to "move on" from Trump and threaten to "dish all the dirt" on him last December.

On Wednesday, Jones said that he was "coming after" Trump for supporting the vaccines and would attempt to block any attempt by the former president to "join the new world order and destroy us."

The Infowars host also played a video clip of DeSantis suggesting that COVID-19 vaccine booster shots put people at higher risk of becoming ill and arguing that vaccine manufacturers said the shots were completely effective against contracting the virus.

COVID-19 booster shots do not put people at an increased risk for illness and no vaccine manufacturers have claimed that the jabs are 100 percent
"What America and the world absolutely must have is leaders like Ron DeSantis to come out against these poison shots," said Jones. "DeSantis is just over the top with what he's doing, this is absolutely presidential material. This is what Trump should be like."

"We have someone that is better than Trump," he added. "Way better than Trump."
so...you have a sweaty, hairy, screaming pig endorsing a vindictive chimp with a bad attitude?...this zoo really sucks, dixon bainbridge must own it.
The way the oil patch works is just one of the many things you don't understand.

trumpf negotiated the peace treaty with the Taliban. I agree it was really bad to give them everything they wanted without concessions, but he was a walking shitshow, so what do you expect?

Liz is a rock ribbed conservative, with a 97% record of voting for trumpf shit to prove it. Her one problem as far as the GOP is concerned is her truth telling problem.

You guys are obsessed with the truth tellers. The party can not tolerate them in it's present configuration.
The way the oil patch works is just one of the many things you don't understand.

trumpf negotiated the peace treaty with the Taliban. I agree it was really bad to give them everything they wanted without concessions, but he was a walking shitshow, so what do you expect?

Liz is a rock ribbed conservative, with a 97% record of voting for trumpf shit to prove it. Her one problem as far as the GOP is concerned is her truth telling problem.

You guys are obsessed with the truth tellers. The party can not tolerate them in it's present configuration.
The current GOP has turned into something like a massively parallel sociopath array.

Quantum theory describes such arrays at ultralow temperatures. They consist of particles called bosons.

The political analog is the Bozo-Epstein condensate.
Guy wasn’t dead ‘til someone looked into his cell.
He will be when his usefulness is over, no rush the election is months away and Donald ain't running for anything, except away from jail. All they gotta do is squeeze his balls and he screams, then his morons do the terrorism thing, which will go over real big come election day. Yep Donald inspired terrorism and the J6 hearings leading up to the election should help the democrats quite a bit. Let me know how "defund the FBI" works out for you with independent voters! :lol:

Literally noone watched or cares about the J6 hearings except you and 30 other people. Even Democrats don't give a crap. Only the Leftists such as yourself do and you are a tiny, tiny minority. The honest bipartisans amongst us know that if you weaponize justice against your political opponents it's just a matter of time until its your turn. And you're not even here. You are in the land of a black faced Prime Minister. The loudest voices like yours cannot even weigh in on it.

Biden supporter Natasha Taylor-Smith aggressively defends the Constitutional Rights of her client- Trump Supporting January 6th Defendant Kyle Fitzsimons.

"Good morning, your Honor, thank you. Good morning, counsel.

The 2020 presidential election was unlike any in modern times. Regardless of what side of the aisle you stood on, there were intense thoughts and feelings about the way in which each state handled the process. For Mr. Fitzsimons, the election results of his community came as no real shock to him. No Republican candidate for President had won four Electoral College votes from Maine since 1988. But shortly after the election Mr Fitzsimons started to hear about irregularities across the country. And not just from your typical aluminum-foil wearing hat conspiracy theorists. He was hearing these stories from mainstream media, from global elected officials, from state elected officials, from federal elected officials and from the President of the United States himself.

And if the old adage “where there’s smoke there’s fire” has any credence whatsoever, Mr Fitzsimmons felt as though he was watching a towering inferno. And so he watched intently as challenges and rallies were held across the country. And although he saw the results of each challenge fade away, he was still being pulled by these same mainstream individuals, and by the Chief Executive Officer of this nation- that there was a plan! That plan did not include the military. It did not include violence, or guns, or weapons of any kind. All that needed to happen was for the State’s Legislatures to come together on January 6th and to object to the certification. TO COME TOGETHER ON JANUARY 6TH AND OBJECT TO THE CERTIFICATION. They had every right to do so. And each of them had taken an oath to protect our Constitution, and that included ensuring free and fair elections. It was their responsibility. And if the Congressmen did that, and they found there to be irregularities, they would act. And if they didn’t, it would be over, and Joseph R. Biden would be sworn in as the 46th President of the United States.

That’s what this country is all about. That is what our nation is built upon.

So when Fitzsimons went to the rally in DC to support this effort, he drove down. He didn’t drive down with weapons- although prior to January 6 he owned legal firearms and knives that were used in his employment. He also owns several serrated and long blades that he used as a butcher. He didn’t link up with any fringe groups or anti-establishment types.
He drove down- he visited the shrine to Pope John Paul the 2nd. And on the morning of January 6th he got up early and walked over to the Ellipse. He stood in line for almost an hour to wait to get in. He stood during the speeches. And he remained the entire time the rally was going on.

He watched every speech, and yes there was some rhetoric- but the overarching theme of that rally was that there was a legitimate and legal path for an objection to the certification and that that was happening at the Capitol. So after the speeches, Mr. Fitzsimons found his way down to the Capitol, where he saw people gathered. As he made his way up to the Capitol, you will hear what Mr. Fitzsimon heard, and you will see what Mr. Fitzsimons saw. Eventually he did find himself as part of the fray. And when he left the Capitol
on January 6th, he was taken to an Area Hospital where he was bloodied, concussed, and received 8 staples to the top of his head.

In the days following January 6th, Mr. Fitzsimons never bragged about his interactions with law enforcement. He didn’t go around telling people how he tried to enter the Capitol. And he never ever advocated for further action. The election had been certified at that point. Congress had done its job. And he had travelled to DC to see just that! Congress to do their job. That’s it. Mr. Fitzsimons never attempted to actually enter the Capitol building itself, and his sole purpose for traveling from Maine to the District of Columbia was to witness and support those legislators who had already committed to objecting to the certification. Mr. Fitzsimons could not get what he wanted if he somehow stopped that process from happening.

And while there was some interaction with law enforcement, Mr. Fitzsimons never intended to injure anyone, and the evidence in this case will bear that out. And this court would say to a jury if there was one in the box, that what I have to say, or what the council has to say is not evidence – it is just arguments. So at this point I’m going to conclude my opening remarks so that this court can get to the evidence and at the end of this evidence I’m going to ask this court to find Mr. Fitzsimons not guilty.

Thank You."
Literally noone watched or cares about the J6 hearings except you and 30 other people. Even Democrats don't give a crap. Only the Leftists such as yourself do and you are a tiny, tiny minority. The honest bipartisans amongst us know that if you weaponize justice against your political opponents it's just a matter of time until its your turn. And you're not even here. You are in the land of a black faced Prime Minister. The loudest voices like yours cannot even weigh in on it.

View attachment 5183842
Biden supporter Natasha Taylor-Smith aggressively defends the Constitutional Rights of her client- Trump Supporting January 6th Defendant Kyle Fitzsimons.

"Good morning, your Honor, thank you. Good morning, counsel.

The 2020 presidential election was unlike any in modern times. Regardless of what side of the aisle you stood on, there were intense thoughts and feelings about the way in which each state handled the process. For Mr. Fitzsimons, the election results of his community came as no real shock to him. No Republican candidate for President had won four Electoral College votes from Maine since 1988. But shortly after the election Mr Fitzsimons started to hear about irregularities across the country. And not just from your typical aluminum-foil wearing hat conspiracy theorists. He was hearing these stories from mainstream media, from global elected officials, from state elected officials, from federal elected officials and from the President of the United States himself.

And if the old adage “where there’s smoke there’s fire” has any credence whatsoever, Mr Fitzsimmons felt as though he was watching a towering inferno. And so he watched intently as challenges and rallies were held across the country. And although he saw the results of each challenge fade away, he was still being pulled by these same mainstream individuals, and by the Chief Executive Officer of this nation- that there was a plan! That plan did not include the military. It did not include violence, or guns, or weapons of any kind. All that needed to happen was for the State’s Legislatures to come together on January 6th and to object to the certification. TO COME TOGETHER ON JANUARY 6TH AND OBJECT TO THE CERTIFICATION. They had every right to do so. And each of them had taken an oath to protect our Constitution, and that included ensuring free and fair elections. It was their responsibility. And if the Congressmen did that, and they found there to be irregularities, they would act. And if they didn’t, it would be over, and Joseph R. Biden would be sworn in as the 46th President of the United States.

That’s what this country is all about. That is what our nation is built upon.

So when Fitzsimons went to the rally in DC to support this effort, he drove down. He didn’t drive down with weapons- although prior to January 6 he owned legal firearms and knives that were used in his employment. He also owns several serrated and long blades that he used as a butcher. He didn’t link up with any fringe groups or anti-establishment types.
He drove down- he visited the shrine to Pope John Paul the 2nd. And on the morning of January 6th he got up early and walked over to the Ellipse. He stood in line for almost an hour to wait to get in. He stood during the speeches. And he remained the entire time the rally was going on.

He watched every speech, and yes there was some rhetoric- but the overarching theme of that rally was that there was a legitimate and legal path for an objection to the certification and that that was happening at the Capitol. So after the speeches, Mr. Fitzsimons found his way down to the Capitol, where he saw people gathered. As he made his way up to the Capitol, you will hear what Mr. Fitzsimon heard, and you will see what Mr. Fitzsimons saw. Eventually he did find himself as part of the fray. And when he left the Capitol
on January 6th, he was taken to an Area Hospital where he was bloodied, concussed, and received 8 staples to the top of his head.

In the days following January 6th, Mr. Fitzsimons never bragged about his interactions with law enforcement. He didn’t go around telling people how he tried to enter the Capitol. And he never ever advocated for further action. The election had been certified at that point. Congress had done its job. And he had travelled to DC to see just that! Congress to do their job. That’s it. Mr. Fitzsimons never attempted to actually enter the Capitol building itself, and his sole purpose for traveling from Maine to the District of Columbia was to witness and support those legislators who had already committed to objecting to the certification. Mr. Fitzsimons could not get what he wanted if he somehow stopped that process from happening.

And while there was some interaction with law enforcement, Mr. Fitzsimons never intended to injure anyone, and the evidence in this case will bear that out. And this court would say to a jury if there was one in the box, that what I have to say, or what the council has to say is not evidence – it is just arguments. So at this point I’m going to conclude my opening remarks so that this court can get to the evidence and at the end of this evidence I’m going to ask this court to find Mr. Fitzsimons not guilty.

Thank You."
The statistics on how much stupid ass shit you spew that is provably false is just mindblowing. You would think that you would accidently say something correct by now, but nope, you just keep on pushing lies that right wing propagandists hope their cult fall for.

It must be embarressing to act like such a cuck.
She is awash with cash right now. Lots of the blue team would give just to fuck with trumpf.
i guess...i just see her as a complication at this point, some one to spoil for the democrats, taking independent votes that would have otherwise gone to the democratic candidate. i welcome any damage she can do to the republicans, but fear her potential to harm the democrats, even unintentionally
Literally noone watched or cares about the J6 hearings except you and 30 other people. Even Democrats don't give a crap. Only the Leftists such as yourself do and you are a tiny, tiny minority. The honest bipartisans amongst us know that if you weaponize justice against your political opponents it's just a matter of time until its your turn. And you're not even here. You are in the land of a black faced Prime Minister. The loudest voices like yours cannot even weigh in on it.

View attachment 5183842
Biden supporter Natasha Taylor-Smith aggressively defends the Constitutional Rights of her client- Trump Supporting January 6th Defendant Kyle Fitzsimons.

"Good morning, your Honor, thank you. Good morning, counsel.

The 2020 presidential election was unlike any in modern times. Regardless of what side of the aisle you stood on, there were intense thoughts and feelings about the way in which each state handled the process. For Mr. Fitzsimons, the election results of his community came as no real shock to him. No Republican candidate for President had won four Electoral College votes from Maine since 1988. But shortly after the election Mr Fitzsimons started to hear about irregularities across the country. And not just from your typical aluminum-foil wearing hat conspiracy theorists. He was hearing these stories from mainstream media, from global elected officials, from state elected officials, from federal elected officials and from the President of the United States himself.

And if the old adage “where there’s smoke there’s fire” has any credence whatsoever, Mr Fitzsimmons felt as though he was watching a towering inferno. And so he watched intently as challenges and rallies were held across the country. And although he saw the results of each challenge fade away, he was still being pulled by these same mainstream individuals, and by the Chief Executive Officer of this nation- that there was a plan! That plan did not include the military. It did not include violence, or guns, or weapons of any kind. All that needed to happen was for the State’s Legislatures to come together on January 6th and to object to the certification. TO COME TOGETHER ON JANUARY 6TH AND OBJECT TO THE CERTIFICATION. They had every right to do so. And each of them had taken an oath to protect our Constitution, and that included ensuring free and fair elections. It was their responsibility. And if the Congressmen did that, and they found there to be irregularities, they would act. And if they didn’t, it would be over, and Joseph R. Biden would be sworn in as the 46th President of the United States.

That’s what this country is all about. That is what our nation is built upon.

So when Fitzsimons went to the rally in DC to support this effort, he drove down. He didn’t drive down with weapons- although prior to January 6 he owned legal firearms and knives that were used in his employment. He also owns several serrated and long blades that he used as a butcher. He didn’t link up with any fringe groups or anti-establishment types.
He drove down- he visited the shrine to Pope John Paul the 2nd. And on the morning of January 6th he got up early and walked over to the Ellipse. He stood in line for almost an hour to wait to get in. He stood during the speeches. And he remained the entire time the rally was going on.

He watched every speech, and yes there was some rhetoric- but the overarching theme of that rally was that there was a legitimate and legal path for an objection to the certification and that that was happening at the Capitol. So after the speeches, Mr. Fitzsimons found his way down to the Capitol, where he saw people gathered. As he made his way up to the Capitol, you will hear what Mr. Fitzsimon heard, and you will see what Mr. Fitzsimons saw. Eventually he did find himself as part of the fray. And when he left the Capitol
on January 6th, he was taken to an Area Hospital where he was bloodied, concussed, and received 8 staples to the top of his head.

In the days following January 6th, Mr. Fitzsimons never bragged about his interactions with law enforcement. He didn’t go around telling people how he tried to enter the Capitol. And he never ever advocated for further action. The election had been certified at that point. Congress had done its job. And he had travelled to DC to see just that! Congress to do their job. That’s it. Mr. Fitzsimons never attempted to actually enter the Capitol building itself, and his sole purpose for traveling from Maine to the District of Columbia was to witness and support those legislators who had already committed to objecting to the certification. Mr. Fitzsimons could not get what he wanted if he somehow stopped that process from happening.

And while there was some interaction with law enforcement, Mr. Fitzsimons never intended to injure anyone, and the evidence in this case will bear that out. And this court would say to a jury if there was one in the box, that what I have to say, or what the council has to say is not evidence – it is just arguments. So at this point I’m going to conclude my opening remarks so that this court can get to the evidence and at the end of this evidence I’m going to ask this court to find Mr. Fitzsimons not guilty.

Thank You."
Actually about 2/3 of Canadians are left of center divided over 2 or 3 parties. I'm a card carrying Liberal, one of the people old Bush warned you about! I figure a majority of Americans are about the same as Canadians, except racism and bigotry have no political home here and they wander the political wilderness. We have human rights councils, hate crime laws and a domestic terrorist watch list that you would not want to be on. We also regulate guns and have better education and healthcare systems, those were victims of hate and stupidity in America.
The statistics on how much stupid ass shit you spew that is provably false is just mindblowing. You would think that you would accidently say something correct by now, but nope, you just keep on pushing lies that right wing propagandists hope their cult fall for.

It must be embarressing to act like such a cuck.
The polls suggest that the J6 hearings and abortion had a big impact with independents and the hits will keep coming right up to election day. We await Donald's October surprise, he's not officially running for any office.
The statistics on how much stupid ass shit you spew that is provably false is just mindblowing. You would think that you would accidently say something correct by now, but nope, you just keep on pushing lies that right wing propagandists hope their cult fall for.

It must be embarressing to act like such a cuck.

And this is why you are incapable of having a conversation. The moment you hear something you don't like you become a petulant, emotional child.
it's not just that they're all liars, it's that they're fucking bad liars...they keep telling lies that it is incredibly easy to disprove...for fuck's sake, put a little effort into SOMETHING in your life...you don't put any effort into being a good person, or a good politician, at least be a good liar....
It’s not required they be good liars because the people they’re trying to reach aren’t interested in facts or truth. They just want to be fed fresh red meat.
It's money the republicans won't get and it won't be used for the election.

If Donald has his nuts squeezed enough by the FBI and his fans go nuts, he will turn on the establishment GOP, while his fans turn on the FBI. I like the sound of "Defund the FBI" as their slogan going into the midterms. Nothing moves independents like waves of domestic terrorism leading up to the election while the Trumpers attack the FBI. This is turning out even better than I optimistically imagined! :lol: