Examples of GOP Leadership

The current GOP has turned into something like a massively parallel sociopath array.

Quantum theory describes such arrays at ultralow temperatures. They consist of particles called bosons.

The political analog is the Bozo-Epstein condensate.
Guy wasn’t dead ‘til someone looked into his cell.

Gotta find that God particle. The bigger the accelerator the smaller the particle.
How much are you donating to trump’s defence fund?

I hope it’s a lot.

Saving my charity for your Truckers.
Do better. Start with mirror, it switches Right and Left automagiclly so you don't have to think too much; a big help with your limited resources. I've been a Leftist, can you say the same of having worn the other shoe? At some point you have to look at your results and accept failure. But no, nevermind the poop in the streets, the crime, the riots; my political enemies are punished outside the boundaries of the Law! Success! Progress!

Every election someone attempts to desertify, usually there are crickets when asked is there a Senator to sponsor, not that last one though. Gotta stop that shit, open the Capitol doors! Ray Epps to the rescue!

You live in clown world dude. Every post. Russia this, insurrection that, deplorable, asshat, what have you. Your home life sucks ect. It speaks volumes about you and is a clear GPS map of your path to smooth brain.
You are the one lying nonstop man, the 'I know you are but what am I' troll you do isnt going to change that.
she is not popular with independents. He support comes from die hard conservatives. She will hurt republicans much more than democrats when she runs for president. She is not likely to appeal to many democrats or independents. She will do more good than harm.
i hope so...this is like having a cake in the oven while elephants fuck on top of the stove...nothing is going to be completely ok till after november...if then
Saving my charity for your Truckers.
