Examples of GOP Leadership

Velshi: Your Power, As A Citizen, Scares The Far-Right. Your Vote Threatens Them.
64,991 views Aug 20, 2022 American Democracy has been on a steady decline. For years, we’ve been trying to make sense of it. How can one party seem to be so opposed to the single principle on which this nation was built. Here’s one school of thought: maybe it’s not that the far-right wants to tear democracy down. Maybe, they never believed in its existence in the first place. For decades, there’s been a misguided philosophy that America is not a democracy, but rather, a Republic. Here’s why that argument is disingenuous.
I did not know that republic had become a dog whistle. Central Europe is choc-a-bloc with federal republics. While there are separatist movements, the libertarian delusion seems not to be a problem.

States’ rights have become the fighting word between unionists and the small-government proponents. Behind them is the still-living constellation of grievances that took us to and through civil war.

I have no idea how to fight this problem except at the retail level. The GOP has hardened into a libertarian faction, which is authoritarianism concealed in the bloody pelt of “we the people”.

So at the retail level, we need to cut off the protofascists from dogcatcher on up. I’m starting to pay attention to the small-time local contests. They are the farm team from which my kids will vote for Senators, governors, and the President.
There is no process for the one whos authority is above process. The processes are a courteous formality and not binding. The only real case we have is Navy v Egan which affirms that the president has ultimate authority to control access to national security information given Article II language as commander in chief. After all, President is the one who gives security clearance.

The crux is that he was told to return and did not? How are we to know? I admit I can only speculate given data I have, can you not honestly say the same?

If some of what was taken, along with passports and documents protected by attorney client privileges were in fact declassified by written Presidential Memorandum then seizure was unlawful. That they were not published is unlawful.

It lends very heavily towards unlawful search and seizure actually which should concern us all regardless of which team we prefer.
Again it does not matter what the classification of the documents are. If it is national security, anyone who mishandles it is breaking the law. Full stop. And the files do not belong to the person who holds the office, they belong to the office. So trumpf can not take any of the files. They do not belong to him.

Saying shit over and over does not make it so.
Democrats have determined that the root word of Republican is a dog whistle. Can't make this shit up.

Article IV Section 4
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

Big shocker there.
Democrats have determined that the root word of Republican is a dog whistle. Can't make this shit up.

Article IV Section 4
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

Big shocker there.
look at how the freedomers misuse the word freedom. They give the same mistreatment to republic. They took it whole from the Birchers, a notionally libertarian organization but actually a provisional arm of the theocrats, the ones Gan calls “Christian Nationalists”.

Your hyperfocus on technicalities betrays your inability to effectively contradict democrats smart enough not to take the libertarian bait.
look at how the freedomers misuse the word freedom. They give the same mistreatment to republic. They took it whole from the Birchers, a notionally libertarian organization but actually a provisional arm of the theocrats, the ones Gan calls “Christian Nationalists”.

Your hyperfocus on technicalities betrays your inability to effectively contradict democrats smart enough not to take the libertarian bait.

Then change the Document instead of cowering behind incessant repetition of falsities in language until they magically become true in your collective imaginations only.
No. Appeasing fundamentalists ends badly.

Then you still have a soft spot for the text. Why not make it "alive" instead of being content with mere misinterpreted substitutes that are so broad reaching that the text might as well not exist? Atheists and the Religious could once agree and crafted the language to appease both, how is it now not the case?
Then you still have a soft spot for the text. Why not make it "alive" instead of being content with mere misinterpreted substitutes that are so broad reaching that the text might as well not exist? Atheists and the Religious could once agree and crafted the language to appease both, how is it now not the case?
It never was the case.
Things triggered little INCEL's say when they are trying to deflect from them finding themselves aroused by other guys in bumble bee outfits?
Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even "women" like yourself who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.
Fine, thorough deist fearful of organized religion but aware that a Creator was necessary as grantor to override man.
no; and that is why the toxics fear science and reason. They cannot win that game.

You have just drawn the straight line from libertarianism through the Birchers, who evangelized it, to their theocrat masters.

The endpoint would be Saudi Arabia or Iran. As a beneficiary of a plural society, I wish for it to continue. Calling this nation Christian is dominionist claptrap.
no; and that is why the toxics fear science and reason. They cannot win that game.

You have just drawn the straight line from libertarianism through the Birchers, who evangelized it, to their theocrat masters.

The endpoint would be Saudi Arabia or Iran. As a beneficiary of a plural society, I wish for it to continue. Calling this nation Christian is dominionist claptrap.

The toxics left it wide open. The diety can be anything you wish, mother earth, a ham sandwich or a bullet. And that's all it takes to claim right that no man may take, if you want to wax philosophical about it. If you want to go the science and reason route, simply being born will suffice.
The toxics left it wide open. The diety can be anything you wish, mother earth, a ham sandwich or a bullet. And that's all it takes to claim right that no man may take, if you want to wax philosophical about it. If you want to go the science and reason route, simply being born will suffice.
being born will suffice for what?
Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even "women" like yourself who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.
Is this how your little homophobic gang rips on you when they don't fall for the obvious lies you pretend are real?