Examples of GOP Leadership


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Biden's DOJ withdrew subpoena for Twitter account parodying Nunes
The Department of Justice (DOJ) retracted a grand jury subpoena earlier this year for information that would identify the person behind an anonymous Twitter account parodying Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), according to a court document unsealed on Tuesday.

The filing was revealed a day after a federal court in Washington, D.C., unsealed a motion showing the Trump administration's DOJ had issued a grand jury subpoena to Twitter demanding that it turn over the identifying information regarding the user @NunesAlt.

The latest document unsealed Tuesday shows that the U.S. Attorney's office in D.C. withdrew the subpoena in March, two months after President Biden took office.

"It appears to Twitter that the Subpoena may be related to Congressman Devin Nunes’s repeated efforts to unmask individuals behind parody accounts critical of him," the motion Monday read. "His efforts to suppress critical speech are as well-publicized as they are unsuccessful."
i'm so glad America is being Made Great Again! The Trump years were SHIT!
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Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
The GOP has no leaders, none. Zero. Zilch. Fuck that Ben Shapiro guy too, what a little candy ass, wanting to mandate fake vaccines, almost as douchy as Trump.

Leaders are voluntarily followed, that's what makes them leaders.

Therefore, an elected politician, who is really a forcibly imposed "leader", cannot be an actual leader, or "leader of the free world" etc.
The correct words would be overseer, guard, con man, charlatan, thief and / or master.

Of course by logical extrapolation the same rationale would apply to Democrat political creatures too. Except they wear two masks, except when they're sneaking out to get their hair done or going to a birthday party. Then they don't wear a mask.

Ron Paul is a nice guy though and wanted to end the drug war that Biden and Harris fought so hard to keep going.


Well-Known Member
The GOP has no leaders, none. Zero. Zilch. Fuck that Ben Shapiro guy too, what a little candy ass, wanting to mandate fake vaccines, almost as douchy as Trump.

Leaders are voluntarily followed, that's what makes them leaders.

Therefore, an elected politician, who is really a forcibly imposed "leader", cannot be an actual leader, or "leader of the free world" etc.
The correct words would be overseer, guard, con man, charlatan, thief and / or master.

Of course by logical extrapolation the same rationale would apply to Democrat political creatures too. Except they wear two masks, except when they're sneaking out to get their hair done or going to a birthday party. Then they don't wear a mask.

Ron Paul is a nice guy though and wanted to end the drug war that Biden and Harris fought so hard to keep going.


Well-Known Member
Ted ain't alone in having Vlad's arm up his asshole working his mouth like a ventriloquist's dummy, most of the GOP are in Vlad's choir. You would never know Russia had thousands of nukes pointed at you right now, the republicans and their voters don't seem to either know or care. So now you've got Kremlin Cruz and Moscow Mitch in the senate.
Ted Cruz Roundly Criticized After Sharing Russian Propaganda

GOP Sen. Ted Cruz received a lot of criticism after sharing a Russian propaganda video on Twitter in an apparent attempt to criticize the idea of a 'woke, emasculated' U.S. military. MSNBC's Brian Williams has the details.


Well-Known Member
Ted ain't alone in having Vlad's arm up his asshole working his mouth like a ventriloquist's dummy, most of the GOP are in Vlad's choir. You would never know Russia had thousands of nukes pointed at you right now, the republicans and their voters don't seem to either know or care. So now you've got Kremlin Cruz and Moscow Mitch in the senate.
Ted Cruz Roundly Criticized After Sharing Russian Propaganda

GOP Sen. Ted Cruz received a lot of criticism after sharing a Russian propaganda video on Twitter in an apparent attempt to criticize the idea of a 'woke, emasculated' U.S. military. MSNBC's Brian Williams has the details.
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Well-Known Member
these GOP leaders are twisted beyond belief..22 GOP states ending the Federal Bill $300.

Those collecting regular state benefits, which typically last 26 weeks, will continue to receive those payments but will not get the $300 boost. However, those in the other two programs -- the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance and Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation programs -- will lose all their benefits.

the Feds are saying they've exhausted options and there's nothing they can do..really? Fed always Trumps State..seriously though Federal programs always override State when it's to he better of the citizen..taking away money duly voted on and approved? how is this possible?

26 weeks form last March when this started is way over and would've (and did) ended last August. There's going to be a lot of pissed off people in red states once they realize this the first of the month.

hold on tight this is going to be another Mr. Toad's Wild Ride..courtesy of the Ex-Fucker-in-Chief.
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Well-Known Member
these GOP leaders are twisted beyond belief..22 GOP states ending the Federal Bill $300.

Those collecting regular state benefits, which typically last 26 weeks, will continue to receive those payments but will not get the $300 boost. However, those in the other two programs -- the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance and Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation programs -- will lose all their benefits.

the Feds are saying they've exhausted options and there's nothing they can do..really? Fed always Trumps State..seriously though Federal programs always override State when it's to he better of the citizen..taking away money duly voted on and approved? how is this possible?

26 weeks form last March when this started is way over and would've (and did) ended last August. There's going to be a lot of pissed off people in red states once they realize this the first of the month.

hold on tight this is going to be another Mr. Toad's Wild Ride..courtesy of the Ex-Fucker-in-Chief.
Im guessing it is a lot like those same states not allowing their citizens to sign up for Obamacare.

yeah Putin had it- you can take that to the bank.
If so, my guess it is so Putin could brag he did that to the POTUS.


Well-Known Member
Cheney primary challenger impregnated 14-year-old when he was 18
Wyoming state Sen. Anthony Bouchard (R), who’s challenging Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) for her House seat, acknowledged in an interview with Casper Star-Tribune that he impregnated a 14-year-old girl when he was 18.
Bouchard first revealed the relationship in a Facebook Live video on Thursday, though he did not say exactly how old he or the girl was when the pregnancy happened. In that video, he said he wanted to come out with the story himself after learning that people had been looking into the matter.
“It’s amazing that they look at things so negatively. So bottom line is it’s a story when I was young, two teenagers, girl gets pregnant,” Bouchard said. “You’ve heard those stories before. She was a little younger than me, so it’s like the Romeo and Juliet story.”

“A lot of pressure. Pressure to abort a baby. I got to tell you, I wasn’t going to do it and neither was she. And there was pressure to have her banished from their family. Just pressure. Pressure to go hide somewhere.”
Bouchard said that he eventually married the girl, who, according to the Star-Tribune, was 15 at the time of the marriage. At the time, both were living in Florida. In his Facebook video, Bouchard explained that “the only thing I could see as the right thing to do was to get married and take care of them.”
The couple divorced three years later. He said that his ex-wife had died by suicide. At the time, he said, “she had problems in another relationship.”
“You know, this thing ended in kind of a bitter divorce. All the odds were against us,” he said. “We later became friends. She had problems in another relationship. Her dad had committed suicide. ... For whatever reason she decided to do the same.”


Well-Known Member
The GOP has no leaders, none. Zero. Zilch. Fuck that Ben Shapiro guy too, what a little candy ass, wanting to mandate fake vaccines, almost as douchy as Trump.

Leaders are voluntarily followed, that's what makes them leaders.

Therefore, an elected politician, who is really a forcibly imposed "leader", cannot be an actual leader, or "leader of the free world" etc.
The correct words would be overseer, guard, con man, charlatan, thief and / or master.

Of course by logical extrapolation the same rationale would apply to Democrat political creatures too. Except they wear two masks, except when they're sneaking out to get their hair done or going to a birthday party. Then they don't wear a mask.

Ron Paul is a nice guy though and wanted to end the drug war that Biden and Harris fought so hard to keep going.
The group chooses the leader, you're just in the minority that disagrees, but that doesn't mean your leader is forced upon you, it just means you dissent from the majority, which is fine. It feels like your perspective is a bit narcissistic, thinking quite highly of your value and how society should conform itself to your wishes. In any group of people since the dawn of time, the rough majority decides the rules, more locally, and the rough majority decides who makes the rules, beyond the locality. That's just the only practical way it can be done, because it's not possible to create some rules for some individuals and not for others, since we'd need more people than we have just to manage this nonsensical individual rule handling. If you want to live somewhere where you get to choose how your surroundings are run, you'll have to go somewhere where you're pretty much the only person around.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
The group chooses the leader, you're just in the minority that disagrees, but that doesn't mean your leader is forced upon you, it just means you dissent from the majority, which is fine. It feels like your perspective is a bit narcissistic, thinking quite highly of your value and how society should conform itself to your wishes. In any group of people since the dawn of time, the rough majority decides the rules, more locally, and the rough majority decides who makes the rules, beyond the locality. That's just the only practical way it can be done, because it's not possible to create some rules for some individuals and not for others, since we'd need more people than we have just to manage this nonsensical individual rule handling. If you want to live somewhere where you get to choose how your surroundings are run, you'll have to go somewhere where you're pretty much the only person around.

Individuals make choices. If all the individuals in a given group chose the same thing, there's a consensus. What they chose can be good, bad or indifferent. The process of how they chose the thing, is separate from any intrinsic good or bad contained within the thing they chose. Yet a process itself can be bad. For instance, political democracies are generally bad, in the sense that they rely on force against otherwise peaceful people who don't want to be subsumed by a group of people claiming authority over them without their individual explicit consent.

If some individuals chose another person to be your leader and you didn't want that person as a leader, yet that person is imposed on you anyway under threat of force, the person is actually a master and not a leader. Sort of like gang rape. Sad that you like rapist tactics. Scary too.

If something is both practical and violates others rights, it's wrong to do. If something is impractical and violates others rights, it's also wrong to do. Stop trying to rationalize wrongful things.

My perspective isn't narcissistic or self centered, since it respects others rights to make their own choices, while your perspective disrespects those choices.

I really wish you'd consider being nicer to people that don't want to support your ideas. Threatening them with force rather than using peaceful persuasion shows a lack of compassion and might mean your ideas suck too.

If you want to live somewhere and insist on violating others rights, don't be surprised when people want to distance from you.