Examples of GOP Leadership

I looked up 1440. They seem legit.

Nice, hopefully they will stay that way and are not in a 'building credibility' portion of a long term troll.

It is tough to not know who owns them, but at the same time as soon as they did go public the conspiracy theories will start to fly trying to program all those anti-'them' triggers for future use.
I think this asshole is in trouble, looks like a habitual criminal to me and there is definitely fraud in his past and suspicious finances afoot with sudden unexplained wealth. There is talk he is wanted in Brazil for crimes and probably lied on his immigration form too. The feds and press have this cockroach under a microscope now and who knows what will turn up, an indictment is the only thing that will get rid of him since he has no shame and neither do the republicans.

Looks like Stevo might be doing state time too and could be in Sing sing before the J6 indictments drop. I imagine other states could indict him over this scheme too, since he had victims in all the states. Federal time is easier I hear, people are saying at least!

Steve Bannon Should Be VERY WORRIED By What Happened in NY Federal Court

73,327 views Dec 27, 2022
Steve Bannon should be worried about the verdict in his 'We Build the Wall' co-conspirator Timothy Shea's federal trial in New York.
I think this asshole is in trouble, looks like a habitual criminal to me and there is definitely fraud in his past and suspicious finances afoot with sudden unexplained wealth. There is talk he is wanted in Brazil for crimes and probably lied on his immigration form too. The feds and press have this cockroach under a microscope now and who knows what will turn up, an indictment is the only thing that will get rid of him since he has no shame and neither do the republicans.

so what happens if he is disqualified? is there a run off with the democrat who got the most votes and the next highest republican? do the republicans just forfeit and the dems win the seat? is there a whole new race?...seems to me like they should forfeit and the dems get that seat...which would just make it that much harder for them in the house.... :lol:
which makes me wonder, if mccarthy loses his bid for speaker, which seems like a distinct possibility...who WILL get the job? far as i can see, no one else that wants it has even as much support as he does...can the role go unfilled? or will they be forced to pick someone they can all agree on somehow? and just who could they possibly all agree on?
no way it'll be trump...and i'm starting to doubt mccarthy can pull it off, he's made too many enemies, stepped on too many toes lately, there are a lot of petty greivances against him, and this is when petty grievances can fuck you over good.
biggs wants it, but there is no motherfucking way he'll get the votes.
they have a 9 vote margin once they take control...and they have more than 9 republicans who have vowed not to vote for mccarthy...
so it's time for some ass kissing, and some promises written in blood and notarized before they get one bit of help...if it doesn't turn out to be more advantageous to just keep the vote going the entire term of the congress...all democrats vote no to EVERY republican candidate...let them fight it out among themselves, just throw a little kindling on the fire when it starts to die down
so what happens if he is disqualified? is there a run off with the democrat who got the most votes and the next highest republican? do the republicans just forfeit and the dems win the seat? is there a whole new race?...seems to me like they should forfeit and the dems get that seat...which would just make it that much harder for them in the house.... :lol:
If he is indicted and convicted he could be expelled from congress, but I think he can hold his seat until he resigns, it's state law and varies from state to state, in some places they have recall elections. As far as I know he can sit in a cell and still get paid unless he resigns, so could Trump as POTUS, under existing law the big house could become the White house. Don't look for the GOP to make him resign, not Kevin, seriously after Trump, they should have no issues with this guy. We will see I guess, because it looks like this Santos guy will be indicted for something serious, he is cut from the same cloth as Trump, only born poor, but has become suddenly and mysteriously rich in the past year or two. Never enjoyed his sudden wealth much, just jumped right into politics and dumped 3/4 of a million of his "own" money into the race. He is also in with the Russians up to his fucking neck.

GOP elections commissioner will plead guilty in federal voter fraud case
They are a cohesive unit as long as they win. There would be zero issues if they had won. Mitch didn't bitch until it became clear the trumplicans were a bigger drag than they were an asset. Traditional republicans were fully on board until they got pushed out.
Some of the new members said they were going after big business too. That will be the show to watch.
having a democrat in the spot would be better, but any damage done to the republican party has value.
he damages the republican party almost...almost...enough to make up for winning. but i too cannot imagine the people who elected him on completely false credentials will be very glad to accept him now. of course, they are typical republican voters....so he'll probably be in congress from the same district till he dies...who the fuck knows? they don't seem to know what they're going to do themselves until they do it, which makes it very hard to predict their responses, most of the time.
It is a heavily Jewish district. I'm betting most of those guys will have something to say about it in two years. (if he last that long)
so what happens if he is disqualified? is there a run off with the democrat who got the most votes and the next highest republican? do the republicans just forfeit and the dems win the seat? is there a whole new race?...seems to me like they should forfeit and the dems get that seat...which would just make it that much harder for them in the house.... :lol:
I'm not an expert on NY election laws, but from what I've read they do not have a recall option. It may be better to have him bloody and wounded for the next two years anyway.

Some of the new members said they were going after big business too. That will be the show to watch.

Big Business response in Denver.



They'll step up to the plate and you're not gonna like it..it falls under Darwin's Survival of the Fittest.

Take a good look at what they've done to us below..that razor wire extends to all DOJ.


There's been a lot of noise\vibration like something is going to explode..I'm feeling very odd.
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GOP elections commissioner will plead guilty in federal voter fraud case
damn, for a party that rails nonstop about election fraud, they seem to be responsible for at least 90% of it...