Examples of GOP Leadership

Citing staffing issues and political climate, North Idaho hospital will no longer deliver babies
but, hospitals SHOULD be private, for profit businesses, run by people concerned about their bottom line. I mean, what could go wrong, putting greedy fucks in charge of a health care facility?
is it any wonder why Republicans are working so hard to hobble the IRS? It’s not only a libertarian assault on the federal government (at its funding roots), it’s because so many of them do greedy things. This might be one spectacular liar’s Achilles’ heel.

is it any wonder why Republicans are working so hard to hobble the IRS? It’s not only a libertarian assault on the federal government (at its funding roots), it’s because so many of them do greedy things. This might be one spectacular liar’s Achilles’ heel.

well lets start enforcing those bitches...vehemently...and fuck the gop, fully staff the IRS and get them working.
republicans are sick bastards.....
Texas abortion law means woman has to continue pregnancy despite fatal anomaly
I wonder how many of them voted republican in the last election. The implications of these idiotic laws are horrific and suppress the basic human rights of half the population, let alone the constitutional ones, but many women will continue to vote republican. It was the same when women were franchised a hundred years ago, a lot of women opposed the vote for females then too, I wonder how many of them showed up to vote? :wink:
Gee, I thought the team owner picked Jersey, the logo and the colors, not the players, as far as I know they could make him play in a chicken suit. He is free to take a knee during the anthem if he wishes though... :lol:

There is no shortage of asshole hockey players. Primarily because organized youth hockey has been a breeding ground for toxic masculinity.
I thought the bible said ......."love thy neighbor as thyself"
that's ok, i'm a self loathing sloth, that makes it ok for me to loath others...
oh, you mean the hockey bigot...you do know that christians don't have to do anything the bible says to do, right? They're CHOSEN
They can do anything they want, they have get out of hell free cards.
Georgia county said it was too costly to spend $10,000 a year on health cover for trans employees. It spent $1.2 million fighting it, lost, and has to pay anyway.

typical republican logic...spend 120 years worth of premiums trying to get out of a situation they find personally offensive.
They’re being bought out by Islam, but not to worry. I’ve heard talk of a prophet-sharing plan in the works.
Share an image of the prophet on their jersey and they will chop their heads off. BTW, if there are no images of the prophet around, how would they know the image shown was of him? Do they keep a master copy in Mecca?
The democrats won't bring this shit to a head, the republicans will.

Justice Department Issues NEW RESPONSE to Republicans' Dirty Tactics

5,039 views Mar 21, 2023
The Texas Attorney General has been engaging in an extreme version on forum shopping in which he’s targeting specific lawsuits for specific Conservative judges, mostly notably in the pending case threatening access to an important medication for medical abortion. Harry explains how this judge-shopping works and what the Department of Justice is going to combat it.