Examples of GOP Leadership

Koskan sentenced to 10 years in prison on incest charges. A Republican who was claiming that people from the lgbtq community wanted to groom victims. When he was raping his daughter since she was 12

.He's a scumwad.....have fun in prison.
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Koskan sentenced to 10 years in prison on incest charges. A Republican who was claiming that people from the lgbtq community wanted to groom victims. When he was raping his daughter since she was 12

I have observed as have many that the number of psychos and near psychos in the republican party is well above average for the general population. It appears that to be selected by their primaries you need to be the scum of the earth, or a reasonable facsimile, character counts, or I should say lack of it. They must reflect the values of their base, they vomit them up and they must reflect their values or perhaps fears, grievances and hatred, in this case.
Florida to allow death penalty with 8-4 jury vote instead of unanimously
Louisiana Republican Party wants to ban college study of diversity, equity, inclusion
Classes examining 'inglorious aspects' of U.S. history too divisive
Where have I seen this before? Oh yeah,


The Party of Lincoln has become the party of Hitler. Supporting Republicans is synonymous with supporting Nazis.


magatese to English translation : You aren't as stupid as we were hoping you were, and noticed our blatant fuckery. We're sure sorry you did that, and we'll try very hard not to get caught doing it again....Even though we'll probably do that again, we'll try very hard not to get caught.

That would have been enough for me to declare a summary judgement for Dominion, and every penny they asked for. I would give them more, but i want all these other plaintiffs standing in line behind Dominion to sue fox to have a chance to get something for their troubles.

magatese to English translation : You aren't as stupid as we were hoping you were, and noticed our blatant fuckery. We're sure sorry you did that, and we'll try very hard not to get caught doing it again....Even though we'll probably do that again, we'll try very hard not to get caught.

That would have been enough for me to declare a summary judgement for Dominion, and every penny they asked for. I would give them more, but i want all these other plaintiffs standing in line behind Dominion to sue fox to have a chance to get something for their troubles.
NO! We want the trial, with even more public evidence coming out, lying assholes under oath and it going to the jury who could award more than 1.6 billion. The point is others, and the democrats can use this to sue and/or destroy foxnews. A house divided cannot stand, and normal disagreements on policy are a strength not division. Culture wars are civil wars over non-issues, or ones that should be left to experts, often made up of thin air. Get rid of foxnews and their business model and you will go a very long way to fixing America and helping it recover from a decade's long information attack by an illegal conspiracy. Foxnews, the republicans and others on the right had their own propaganda organ masquerading as a news network that rivaled other legitimate outlets that did not have a deliberate malicious bias but reported the news and reflected normal opinion. Time for them to go and have no replacements popping up, the billionaires have loud enough voices in DC and deep pockets, they don't need a propaganda network.

Steve Schmidt explains Ron DeSantis's pudding problem & why it's a gift for Trump | The Warning

2,441 views Apr 16, 2023
Steve Schmidt breaks down the reports that Ron DeSantis eats pudding pudding (or puddin’) with his fingers and explains why it is disqualifying for him to be president. Steve explains how this is a gift for Donald Trump and how he will use this information to label DeSantis "pudding finger".

Steve Schmidt explains Ron DeSantis's pudding problem & why it's a gift for Trump | The Warning

2,441 views Apr 16, 2023
Steve Schmidt breaks down the reports that Ron DeSantis eats pudding pudding (or puddin’) with his fingers and explains why it is disqualifying for him to be president. Steve explains how this is a gift for Donald Trump and how he will use this information to label DeSantis "pudding finger".
I seriously hope this is sarcasm. I can’t tell.
This means Frisch is getting the small donors that honey bobo got last cycle...He almost beat her then, and now he's taking most of her donors...
And that means that THEY are getting tired of being represented by a living joke. I hope Georgia wakes the fuck up, as well...The Democrats need to find a really strong candidate to run against her, and fund the ever living fuck out of them...tv ads, billboards, fliers, the whole fucking schmear, and do NOT be afraid to splash some mud, the woman lives in a puddle, for fucks sake.
Commentary on a Trump ad with some sarcasm and ridicule heaped on. It might be ridiculous to you, but is a serious matter for a magat looking for a big strong chief to lead the tribe/cult. :lol:
When you consider his war on truth, identity, education, public health, science in general, immigrants etc.
giving air time to this inconsequential frivolity is shameful.

You know that, instead of all the stuff that matters, this gluten-free bullshit is gonna influence the voters.
When you consider his war on truth, identity, education, public health, science in general, immigrants etc.
giving air time to this inconsequential frivolity is shameful.

You know that, instead of all the stuff that matters, this gluten-free bullshit is gonna influence the voters.
He knows this and ridicule is a weapon used against bullshit and stupidity since before prehistory and is instinctive! Most of the time he is quite serious, has a tongue like a razor, a very clear mind and he speaks it well. Beau is ridiculing them too, simply because they are so fucking stupid that one can't help oneself! :lol:

Beau just had a video on the beer boycott, where they shot themselves in the foot and he was laughing his ass off at the magats.