Examples of GOP Leadership

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has sought to present himself as a saner alternative to Trump while publicly picking fights over hot-button culture-war issues, yet it appears he is failing to win over both MAGA die-hards and the GOP’s more moderate wing. Far from being on the verge of dethroning former President Donald Trump, DeSantis is hemorrhaging support from the Republican donor class due to his radical stances on social issues, according to the Financial Times. “Because of his stance on abortion and book banning . . . myself, and a bunch of friends, are holding our powder dry,” said tech entrepreneur and major GOP donor Thomas Peterffy, who as recently as January had said he was “looking forward” to throwing his weight behind DeSantis. DeSantis has picked high-profile fights over books in Florida school libraries his administration deemed inappropriate, and he signed a law Friday banning all abortions after six weeks in the state.

Read it at Financial Times


Dominion v. Fox defamation trial begins: could this lawsuit signal the end of Fox "News"?

27,338 views Apr 16, 2023 #TeamJustice
Ten trial of Dominion Voting Systems v. Fox News has just started and Fox already seems to be on the ropes: the judge has sanctioned Fox lawyers for misrepresentations and is threatening additional sanctions; Tucker Carlson put in writing, "Sindey Powell is lying," yet Fox knowingly and intentionally broadcast those lies; one of Carlson's producers, Abby Grossberg said Fox lawyers pressured her to lie to protect Fox and its anchors; Fox has had to issue a formal apology to the judge for its misrepresentations; etc. And the jury hasn't even been selected yet.

This video takes a deep dive into the substantial legal and factual hole in which Fox finds itself in its litigation against Dominion.
Koskan sentenced to 10 years in prison on incest charges. A Republican who was claiming that people from the lgbtq community wanted to groom victims. When he was raping his daughter since she was 12

Should have just married her, like that fellow from Missouri advocates.
Should have just married her, like that fellow from Missouri advocates.
that would make him an incestuous, polygamist, pedophile.....boy, the republicans sure can pick em, can't they? It's actually too bad he lost, It would have done more damage to the republicans if he had been in office when they arrested him.
That poor kid, i hope she gets some kind of peace.
It doesn't matter how often he is knocked out, KO 'ed, or how punch drunk he is, the bigots in his district will send him back, no matter what he does or doesn't do. Un elect his party and turn him into a nothing is the only answer and by doing so you shut their voices down and make your own heard.

Getting rid of foxnews would make it harder for even Gym Jordan to be reelected after a couple of years.

It doesn't matter how often he is knocked out, KO 'ed, or how punch drunk he is, the bigots in his district will send him back, no matter what he does or doesn't do. Un elect his party and turn him into a nothing is the only answer and by doing so you shut their voices down and make your own heard.

Getting rid of foxnews would make it harder for even Gym Jordan to be reelected after a couple of years.

Boehner was 100% correct, gymshorts is a fucking political terrorist, and should be treated as such. But, the same can be said about EVERY member of the freedom caucus, and many more republicans....

What the fuck florida? Why would kids even go to your useless schools? You teach them half truths and outright lies, interfere in their personal lives, and now, you spy on them and report the results of your spying to their parents?...If i was a parent and got such a report, i think i would be talking to a good lawyer about it...It sure seems to be a HUGE overstep of schools prerogatives.

What the fuck florida? Why would kids even go to your useless schools? You teach them half truths and outright lies, interfere in their personal lives, and now, you spy on them and report the results of your spying to their parents?...If i was a parent and got such a report, i think i would be talking to a good lawyer about it...It sure seems to be a HUGE overstep of schools prerogatives.
how can they out anybody if they can’t say gay?

“Dear Mr. and Mrs. Floridian, we regret to inform you that your son is.”
how can they out anybody if they can’t say gay?

“Dear Mr. and Mrs. Floridian, we regret to inform you that your son is.”
It makes you wonder who supports this shit and why? It also makes ya wonder why someone would ignore it when they are voting, unless they have higher priorities, like being in some kind of psychological state of war that causes them to fuck themselves for a larger "purpose". I can't imagine people voting for a government that is pulling off the kinds of bullshit that DeSantis is. It's mostly red meat for morons that the courts will eventually throw out, or it will spur the creation of new federal laws, like with guns and women's rights that the courts can't throw out.
It makes you wonder who supports this shit and why? It also makes ya wonder why someone would ignore it when they are voting, unless they have higher priorities, like being in some kind of psychological state of war that causes them to fuck themselves for a larger "purpose". I can't imagine people voting for a government that is pulling off the kinds of bullshit that DeSantis is. It's mostly red meat for morons that the courts will eventually throw out, or it will spur the creation of new federal laws, like with guns and women's rights that the courts can't throw out.
i'm not that sure many people in florida do support a lot of desantis's shit, but i've been there, i lived in Tampa for 7 years, i've been to little towns and big cities...most of them are dumb as fucking rocks, and that isn't me being a smart ass.
They have no interest in politics, they have no interest in much of anything, they work, they drink, they pay their bills, and most of them are blissfully unaware of what the government does, at all. In all seriousness, no snark, i'd be surprised if more than 25% of the states population had a fucking clue about what desantis is doing, and the other 75% just has no fucking interest. Many of them vote, but it's just a blind thing they do, like ants swarming a dropped candybar. They vote the way they vote becasue that's how their friends are voting, or it's what tucker told them to do, or that's how their grandpa and their dad voted...No comprehension at all

Top GOP donor withholds support over DeSantis' abortion ban

91,628 views Apr 17, 2023 #GOP #RonDeSantis #Abortion
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' decision to sign a six-week abortion ban into law is causing tension within the Republican party, with top GOP donor Thomas Peterffy being the latest to voice his disapproval. Peterffy and his friends are holding off on financing DeSantis' possible presidential bid due to his stance on abortion and book banning. The Morning Joe panel weighs in.

Top GOP donor withholds support over DeSantis' abortion ban

91,628 views Apr 17, 2023 #GOP #RonDeSantis #Abortion
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' decision to sign a six-week abortion ban into law is causing tension within the Republican party, with top GOP donor Thomas Peterffy being the latest to voice his disapproval. Peterffy and his friends are holding off on financing DeSantis' possible presidential bid due to his stance on abortion and book banning. The Morning Joe panel weighs in.
too little, too late, peterffy has already donated millions to harm humanity, this is one drop in a fucking ocean of culpability.
too little, too late, peterffy has already donated millions to harm humanity, this is one drop in a fucking ocean of culpability.
The republicans are in the same position as foxnews, led by the mob of morons they created, destroyed by their own monster. The rich back winners, not losers, losers don't have power and that is what they buy, power. A great mass of money is flowing to the democrats, pass HR 1 and get rid of money in politics as much as you can, especially dark money as quickly as you can.
supreme court time...I'm having trouble predicting what they will do. At least a few of them actually seem concerned about the courts image...maybe they will do the right thing, i don't have 100% conviction that they won't

surpreme court down this direction is all Repug, maybe it will get to SCOTUS, or at least i'm hoping....another thing they're trying to do, is move polling places out of colleges as well......and i hope that gets slammed as well