Examples of GOP Leadership

Right Wing Death Squad ……

Let’s see how much traction that little piece of news will get moving thru the Right Wing / Red Hat Republican side.
Most likely ….. NADA.

Yeah, they were really reluctant to give out any info on this guy and reporters had to do most of the digging for the inconvenient facts. They didn't want to say what the weapon was or the motive or much else, until the press pried it out of them or just reported what they found. You could tell that the authorities are having a lot of trouble over this one and are reluctant to hold a press conference.
Ok, we'll let the republicans take us into a depression, which will spread across the world, the stock market is already so skittish that the wrong ceo sneezing can wipe out an entire days profits, rumors of the impending crash will cause that crash, and we'll look back in fondness at the covid lockdown...There won't be any jobs to go back to when this is over, no one will have to worry about whether they'll be allowed to telecommute or not, they'll be too busy trying to grow their own food...And America will be the pariahs...The rest of the world won't give one fuck about the distinction between republican or democrat. The fucking spoiled, entitled American cunts ruined the world for everyone.
We had all, and i do mean ALL, from aardvarkvania to zzzzubu better hope that the republicans cave, ANY other result is going to be catastrophic.
Ok, we'll let the republicans take us into a depression, which will spread across the world, the stock market is already so skittish that the wrong ceo sneezing can wipe out an entire days profits, rumors of the impending crash will cause that crash, and we'll look back in fondness at the covid lockdown...There won't be any jobs to go back to when this is over, no one will have to worry about whether they'll be allowed to telecommute or not, they'll be too busy trying to grow their own food...And America will be the pariahs...The rest of the world won't give one fuck about the distinction between republican or democrat. The fucking spoiled, entitled American cunts ruined the world for everyone.
We had all, and i do mean ALL, from aardvarkvania to zzzzubu better hope that the republicans cave, ANY other result is going to be catastrophic.
We didn't elect these clowns, the morons of America did, but we will suffer for their choices as will you, hopefully the economic impact will be blunted in Canada, but I'm not betting on it. Seriously these people got elected after they and Trump mass murdered Americans with covid, compared to how everybody else managed it, not to mention all the other humiliations and fiascos. There should have been a complete wipe out of the republicans after 2018 as would have happened in most other liberal democracies. The fact that the country is divided means something is making nearly half the country stupid and crazy and the congress is a reflection of the country. Blame racism or bigotry, blame foxnews or blame ignorance and stupidity, it will make no difference to the consequences of the collective decision, because the punishment or reward will be collective.
They have weak links in their chain, and this is stressing those links with white hot heat, only a half dozen votes are required to break Kevin's house and more than a few are from swing districts or states. The democrats need to end this unconstitutional debt ceiling limit bullshit once and for all, either the actual words in the constitution mean something, or just toss the fucking thing out the window, except for the 2nd of course. The US constitution says in several places that there can be no such thing as a debit ceiling and that congress must pay the debts it incurs. The place to settle this business is by passing a budget, not blackmail. It's not just Kevin doing the blackmailing either, Tuberville in the senate is damaging America with his own blackmail of the military. You are being blackmailed by unconstitutional means the debt ceiling is a clearly an unconstitutional law and has been ever since its creation, it is actually just complete bullshit and has no bases in law.
They have weak links in their chain, and this is stressing those links with white hot heat, only a half dozen votes are required to break Kevin's house and more than a few are from swing districts or states. The democrats need to end this unconstitutional debt ceiling limit bullshit once and for all, either the actual words in the constitution mean something, or just toss the fucking thing out the window, except for the 2nd of course. The US constitution says in several places that there can be no such thing as a debit ceiling and that congress must pay the debts it incurs. The place to settle this business is by passing a budget, not blackmail. It's not just Kevin doing the blackmailing either, Tuberville in the senate is damaging America with his own blackmail of the military. You are being blackmailed by unconstitutional means the debt ceiling is a clearly an unconstitutional law and has been ever since its creation, it is actually just complete bullshit and has no bases in law.
You need to calm down, man. Canada seems like a nice place to be, maybe you should go out and enjoy it. Also mow your own lawn, maybe write your representatives about the ecological damage being done in the tars sand mining area. Or complain about something local that you don't like.

I'm just going to put you on ignore for a while. You aren't making any sense.
You need to calm down, man. Canada seems like a nice place to be, maybe you should go out and enjoy it. Also mow your own lawn, maybe write your representatives about the ecological damage being done in the tars sand mining area. Or complain about something local that you don't like.

I'm just going to put you on ignore for a while. You aren't making any sense.
lol @ mow your lawn. Thanks to RIU, this is DIY’s lawn:

You need to calm down, man. Canada seems like a nice place to be, maybe you should go out and enjoy it. Also mow your own lawn, maybe write your representatives about the ecological damage being done in the tars sand mining area. Or complain about something local that you don't like.

I'm just going to put you on ignore for a while. You aren't making any sense.

i worry bout the guy too.....js
You need to calm down, man. Canada seems like a nice place to be, maybe you should go out and enjoy it. Also mow your own lawn, maybe write your representatives about the ecological damage being done in the tars sand mining area. Or complain about something local that you don't like.

I'm just going to put you on ignore for a while. You aren't making any sense.
Is the debt ceiling constitutional or not is what the post is about, I contend that it is not and is an unconstitutional law, but it is not an issue that can be addressed right now.
You need to calm down, man. Canada seems like a nice place to be, maybe you should go out and enjoy it. Also mow your own lawn, maybe write your representatives about the ecological damage being done in the tars sand mining area. Or complain about something local that you don't like.

I'm just going to put you on ignore for a while. You aren't making any sense.

Argue with Lawrence Tribe about the constitutionality of the debt ceiling, since I don't make any sense.


Harvard's Tribe details how Biden could side-step the debt ceiling using constitutional powers
I don't know...The law is pretty clear on both sides, I think perhaps Tribe is hearing the question he wants to hear.


Congress holds the purse strings, they are specifically denied the president. The constitution also clearly states that debt legally incurred by the US WILL be paid...
Perhaps I'm hearing what i want to hear as well, but it seems like Congress has not only a responsibility to pay those bills, but a legal requirement to do so, and failure to pay them is at the very least dereliction of duty, and could be interpreted as criminal.
I don't know...The law is pretty clear on both sides, I think perhaps Tribe is hearing the question he wants to hear.


Congress holds the purse strings, they are specifically denied the president. The constitution also clearly states that debt legally incurred by the US WILL be paid...
Perhaps I'm hearing what i want to hear as well, but it seems like Congress has not only a responsibility to pay those bills, but a legal requirement to do so, and failure to pay them is at the very least dereliction of duty, and could be interpreted as criminal.
They authorized all the spending with the budget and that is the place to control the spending. They cannot run up the debt and then refuse to pay the bills, so this budget cap is not only illogical, but also unconstitutional too and always was. I guess it needs to be settled in the SCOTUS since there is a contradiction in the constitution, if it says the US must pay its bills and a congress that passes a law that says it will only do so if it wants to. The fact that clowns can crash the economy using it, should be enough per se to have it struck down. These issues are settled with the budget and those who pass the budget own it, if they dare.
The Orange Trashbag wanks -

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We will see what his poll numbers look like when he is in a cage. I hope they nominate him before Jack pulls the rug out from under their feet with seditious conspiracy and leaves them high and dry going into the 24 elections. However, I think they will cage him before then and he will lose the nomination and turn on the GOP for betraying him and take them down with him out of stupidity and spite, which might be even better.
What penalties could the Orange Orangutan face from the judge for continuing to speak on the case ?

Obstruction ?
Contempt ?

No more “ Hamberders “ ?
Pee Tape playing on IMAX screens ?
Dick Punch ?

Waiting for melania to file for divorce and shuttle barron back to Slovakia.