Examples of GOP Leadership

Donald needs a trophy room where he can mount the waxworks heads of all the lawyers he's fucked, he would need a very large room. Have them all with surprised and shocked looks on their faces and mounted on plaques, like big game trophies! Maybe an idea for the Trump presidential library...

or his cell
How are these rings appearing on peoples mouths? Asking for a friend :rolleyes:
or his cell
They can build his library in the form a of a prison, with bars and even a replica of his wall enclosing the courtyard. The fake lawyer heads could line the main hallway. There would be no books in the library, except those written about Donald's many scandals and crimes. Most of it would be filled with videos and the pavilion would be surrounded by a half million covid tombstones. Never forget Donald, he or something worse is only an election away.
They can build his library in the form a of a prison, with bars and even a replica of his wall enclosing the courtyard. The fake lawyer heads could line the main hallway. There would be no books in the library, except those written about Donald's many scandals and crimes. Most of it would be filled with videos and the pavilion would be surrounded by a half million covid tombstones. Never forget Donald, he or something worse is only an election away.

you put a lot of thought into that haven't u....lol....

now we just gotta stop the orange avenger from getting to 2024, i'm thinking that what he's banking on now.....
we WANT him to run...just not win.
anything to split the republican party is a blessing for the democrats...and democracy.

rather see the orange bafoon strung and quartered and then all his body parts sent to pooty as a parting gift........

this may sound off, rather see liz run rather than that bafoon
rather see the orange bafoon strung and quartered and then all his body parts sent to pooty as a parting gift........

this may sound off, rather see liz run rather than that bafoon
The republican party is fucked no matter what scum rises to the top and rest assured only scum will float to the top of that cesspit. The base drive it and they are the dregs at the bottom of the stinking ferment of domestic terrorism, lunacy, lies and treason. They are not an option for an American patriot, even if they were running for local dog catcher. The German insult schweinhund fits them, pig dogs, run with the pigs and they get the stink on themselves too. Or, if they do the Devil's work long enough, they become indistinguishable from him.

To be or vote for a republican is to support, or be ok with treason, sedition and corruption, not to mention bigotry and Trump. It means favoring reduced human rights for women and being associated with domestic terrorism while being duped by a propaganda network. It means a severely flawed character and being driven by a greater cause than your country and misusing the government and law to cause harm to innocent American citizens because of bigotry.
The republican party is fucked no matter what scum rises to the top and rest assured only scum will float to the top of that cesspit. The base drive it and they are the dregs at the bottom of the stinking ferment of domestic terrorism, lunacy, lies and treason. They are not an option for an American patriot, even if they were running for local dog catcher. The German insult schweinhund fits them, pig dogs, run with the pigs and they get the stink on themselves too. Or, if they do the Devil's work long enough, they become indistinguishable from him.

To be or vote for a republican is to support, or be ok with treason, sedition and corruption, not to mention bigotry and Trump. It means favoring reduced human rights for women and being associated with domestic terrorism while being duped by a propaganda network. It means a severely flawed character and being driven by a greater cause than your country and misusing the government and law to cause harm to innocent American citizens because of bigotry.

glad i don't vote...

and i know republicans are POS, look what they are doing down here.....Uvalde not even a word, swepped under the rug, now they're on about immigration saying there are thousands crossing (lie) most are not cause of mexico and if they were why would they result in hopping into a tractor trailer to get transported here( we had 52 die like that down here) trapped in there no water, no food..etc..etc..it's a bunch of BS and they're blaming it on Biden of course.......it's a bunch of BS.....and they're the cause of it.....we had such a good relationship with mexico too and a good understanding till these douchbags got in.......
glad i don't vote...

and i know republicans are POS, look what they are doing down here.....Uvalde not even a word, swepped under the rug, now they're on about immigration saying there are thousands crossing (lie) most are not cause of mexico and if they were why would they result in hopping into a tractor trailer to get transported here( we had 52 die like that down here) trapped in there no water, no food..etc..etc..it's a bunch of BS and they're blaming it on Biden of course.......it's a bunch of BS.....and they're the cause of it.....we had such a good relationship with mexico too and a good understanding till these douchbags got in.......
vote you asshole....

Texas Paul SLAMS Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Newest MAGA Conspiracy Lunacy
17,190 views Jul 6, 2022 Texas Paul responds to recent videos released by Marjorie Taylor Greene where she intentionally spreads conspiracy nonsense. Texas Paul questions how in the world this is viewed as “conservative” and implores the media and us all not to call MAGA conservative.
So, who did Matt rat out to stay out of jail? Trump kept him at arm's length since before the election. Matt is still facing a mandatory 10 year sentence that can't be dealt away.


yeah, it was just a highly unlikely coincidence that a former F.B.I. director and his deputy director who trump hated were "randomly" selected for irs audits at the same time...

p.s....both audits came back clean, one owed a couple of hundred in a small error, one got a couple of hundred back due to the irs's small error...guess trump just assumed siccing the irs on someone would get results...apparently the possibility that people don't cheat on their taxes never occurred to the fat orange thief
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