EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

The same right wing nut jobs respond with memes instead of answering the question I've posed over and over..what do you not like about Bernies platform..simple there's nothing that you don't like.

And Harrekin..let me know who YOURE voting for and how that's gonna work out for you:lol:

I post a meme or two and you still don't get it? Damn!

I hear a lot of life long republican voters watching the debates and wondering why they're expected to take Donald the Chump seriously.

I don't care how much they cite 'the electoral'.. One thing clinton doesn't have is the Latino and black votes..specifically black female..they HATE her..media thinks out of sight out of mind..but whose? MEDIA'S..that's the biggest joke:lol:

<elephant head in the sand meme>
I hear a lot of life long republican voters watching the debates and wondering why they're expected to take Donald the Chump seriously.

Told y'all it was gonna be the biggest landslide in history..I correctly predicted how the point gap was going to miraculously close in on Clinton once we got closer to the primaries after the new year.
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Told y'all it was gonna be the biggest landslide in history..I correctly predicted how the point gap was going to miraculously close in on Clinton once we got closer to the primaries after the new year.
That one has to go in my sig, so you can be reminded for years after he falls flat on his face.
He needs more than hopes to do it. He needs people who will show up at the caucuses and vote for him over Mrs Clinton.

He's the president this country needs.

The ability to chose a new master doesn't make a person free. You would have gotten an "F" in any kind of a class on critical thinking.
I really fucking hope bernie wins the primaries.

I'm not really too sure about polls except they are media controlled..the biggest lie out there is that the oligarchical media has tricked you hot dogs into believing it's liberal media..the proof: ask yourself this question..if they're so liberal how come cable, networks and right wing print refuse to tell us news of this man?:lol:

Answer: crickets, memes, name calling, falsehoods..backed by the ever popular 'My grow is better than your grow' distractions..

Remember this just a FEW short days before the election?:lol: take a trip down memory lane with me and read this article where you have such notables..'I'll bet the farm'..clarity.

From TheHill.com:

Prediction: Romney 325, Obama 213



Image from http://truthfed.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/obama-laughing-at-the-joke-680x365.jpg.

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I don't care how much they cite 'the electoral'.. One thing clinton doesn't have is the Latino and black votes..specifically black female..they HATE her..media thinks out of sight out of mind..but whose? MEDIA'S..that's the biggest joke:lol:

<elephant head in the sand meme>
What makes you say black females hate Hillary ? Do you have something that backs up your statement ?
What makes you say black females hate Hillary ? Do you have something that backs up your statement ?

Yup..I talk to people..all people.

Dog Park
The Local Mall
Home Depot/Lowes

anywhere the working man is..

Just strike up a conversation standing in line..hey! who ya voting for in the primaries? People are actually relieved to be able to talk to another (kinda like having the cure to jock itch)..have a few bullet points handy
3-5 (your favorites) in your mind..they're going to go out and tell others in their circle..people are tired of being spoon fed Soylent green by the media..:lol:
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