EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

I got someone to respond..didn't I?

So what do you not like about his platform?

Boring and a loser is so middle school especially from a middle aged European.

I'm on record as to why I support Mr Sanders' bid for the presidency. He's the only option we have left for real change. Everyone else has a vested interest in leaving things alone- which is utterly unsustainable.
Thanks for deleting my anti-Sander's posts mods! Lovin' that RIU 1st amendment libtard style.

You mean podium spittin' Sanders "nobody cares about your damn emails"?

Wonder what Hillary was doing so long in the bathroom keeping the world waiting..past actions biggest predictor of future behaviors.

Yeah I know..good hair, teeth..best indicator of leadership..

Bat phone rings at 3am where's Hillary to make the decision..?

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