EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Y'all got a lot more experience than me underwater,lol

I'm embarrassed to say I've only got maybe a couple dozen hours underwater with SCUBA gear. I'm looking forward to seeing a new world.
Dry is better for their teeth, and what I cook for them is far better than caned. If you want to feed them the best use the web. leftovers can be bad or good, unsalted meat is good onions are bad.

Raw bones are the best for the teeth, they work the neck n jaw muscles too.. Get one of your deer hunter friends to give ya the hoof to the shoulder..fur still on..they love it.
Actually, that wasn't my complaint. You're mixing up your opponents. And your ability to thrive in your golden years doesn't make his point moot, at all.

You seem to be confusing "complaining" with "pointing out inconvenient facts".

Complaining would require me to actually give a shit if you and the rest of the workaday chumps have comfortable retirements. I don't. Consider it a warning, not a complaint.

Megan Kelly is so rough..
Oh yeah, dogs tongue is like sandpaper they strip that fur right off..it cleans their intestinal tract. Dog is no different than a wolf, dry kibble wasn't even invented until around the 50's .. For tens of thousands of years the dog ate raw rood... U got a dog schuyllar? Check out the B.A.R.F. diet.
A fellow diver, well, you know, that's something we have in common. It's been a part of my life since I was 15. Mostly Pacific NW but I've dived in Mexico and Fla. I've caught a 15 pound lobster off Santa Rosa Isle in CA but you've got me number wise. Probably 2000 dives in all. You have a boat, that opens up the water for you. I've always been a shore diver dirt bag. But, oh man, the places I've been. Diving is a great sport. Really, 3 hours on one 80 cuft tank? That's extremely long.

I can control my heart I am very relaxed in water, but I think most of it came from practicing control of my breathing and holding my breath in school. I think most everyone when underwater feels a need to get that next breath to make sure its there, and mostly I would be still fishing by myself, fish will come to you they seem to have a need to see what you are, the slow bubbles are more attractive to them. If I am active and with someone it wouldn't be that long and few dives would be over 30 or 40 min.. Do you try to control your breathing?
I have a 34ft party barge that I have customized for fishing and diving. all aluminum from the floor down with a fold down dive platform that's 2ft below the water, 2x6ft so its easy to get in and out of the water. I have dived in mexico in both gulfs the gulf of cal. is very nice to dive. The two places to dive if you get a chance would be the great barrier reef, a place you will never forget, the same could be said of the bimini wall/road very trippy and other places to dive in the area.
I can control my heart I am very relaxed in water, but I think most of it came from practicing control of my breathing and holding my breath in school. I think most everyone when underwater feels a need to get that next breath to make sure its there, and mostly I would be still fishing by myself, fish will come to you they seem to have a need to see what you are, the slow bubbles are more attractive to them. If I am active and with someone it wouldn't be that long and few dives would be over 30 or 40 min.. Do you try to control your breathing?
I have a 34ft party barge that I have customized for fishing and diving. all aluminum from the floor down with a fold down dive platform that's 2ft below the water, 2x6ft so its easy to get in and out of the water. I have dived in mexico in both gulfs the gulf of cal. is very nice to dive. The two places to dive if you get a chance would be the great barrier reef, a place you will never forget, the same could be said of the bimini wall/road very trippy and other places to dive in the area.
For me, shore diving means hiking from the parking lot to the water, then donning the last of my gear making a transit through the surf. Water temp in Oregon is about 52 F so I'm usually in a dry suit but will use a wet suit when free diving for abalone in CA. With the tank, weights, suit, BC and other kit, I'm carrying 80-90 pounds down a trail and across the beach. Then the dive. Typical dive is in current if in a bay or jetty with average depth between 30-40 feet. Typical dive time is 45 minutes, up to 60 minutes in perfect conditions and in shallow water on an 80 cu ft aluminum tank. We are usually working pretty hard throughout the dive swimming and chasing game.

I grew up in diving in Northern CA where water temp was a little higher and visibility much better than Oregon. My typical dive in Oregon is in visibility of about 4-6 feet. A great day is 10 feet. So, to say the least, the diving sucks -- its dark at 30 feet and I need a light. But the game is great. There is one place that I go and usually catch Dungeness crab. The limit is 12 crab, I don't always limit out but when the crab are in, the catch is typically 6 crab. Another spot is good for spearfishing. Usually a limit of black rockfish (6) sometimes I'll come across a lingcod. Another spot is good for clams and crab. So, while the diving isn't great the game is pretty good for just pulling into a parking lot, gearing up and heading for the shore. On the way home, I know of some spots where in season, chanterelle mushrooms can be found or very rarely we find truffles.

Could I afford a boat? Yes, however, its another thing to maintain and I might actually dive less if I have one though the dives would be spectacular. I keep it simple, do the dive the hard way and sleep like a stone after all the work is done. I log about 10-50 dives a year in Oregon, depending on what's going on otherwise.

The Great Barrier reef and the Red Sea are two places that are on my bucket list. Also some places north of me along the inside passage in Canada and Alaska aren't well known but the tales told are amazing.
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Always look @ the ingredients.. The first one is the main ingredient followed by the second most and so on.. If you see corn, the food is garbage. Alpo probably has corn as number 1 or 2 .. Or gluten meal.. Cheap shit that dogs don't want-need..just filler.
What do you think they are feeding the 2 million dollar dog?
