EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


I seriously cannot believe she said this while invoking the patended Fiorina head/neck bob the other night..
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:roll: Give me a break..

“I will look into it [releasing transcripts of her speeches]. I don’t know the status, but I will certainly look into it.”

— Hillary Clinton
Geraldo lol, that talentless hack should be too embarrassed to open his mouth after the Capone vault fiasco.

Someone should have told him he'd have better luck with Jimmy Hoffa.

It still creeps me out thinking who ended up eating those Hoffa hot dogs..:spew:
Hillary is such a phony POS, she needs to meet with her PR team, Goldman Sachs and the Israelis before she can give a definitive answer.
Hillary is such a phony POS, she needs to meet with her PR team, Goldman Sachs and the Israelis before she can give a definitive answer.

Clinton has certainly been looking into it a long time. The Washington Post has repeatedly asked the campaign to release copies of Clinton’s paid speeches —most directly and pointedly for the last two weeks.

The Post specifically made the request on Jan. 23 and then again on Jan. 24. The request was renewed on Feb. 4, the morning of the MSNBC debate.

Other news organizations have asked for copies as well. The silence has been deafening.

Except, of course, the Clinton Cackle..
Way back when they used to 'boo' and throw various rotten vegetation and eggs..

Eighhhhhhht..moooooore...yeaaaaaaaaaars...<the singsong political accent>

I really wish she would just lay that egg already..

Dark tone? They haven't seen anything yet..when weed smokers unite..there's no beating what twisted we can do..totally clutch:lol:

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Bernie Sanders wants to spend 13 trillion dollars on entitlements. I guess after Obama he thinks he can get away with it...
Sanders wants the people of the USA to stop being exploited. He is a true patriot.
I'm glad he is running. His ideas need to be heard and he is transforming this election inn a positive way. Just like Ralph Nader. However we can't afford Sanders to get into the general because he will be rejected as a socialist.