EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Why don't you continue to repost who you are going to vote for? Please keep doing it, I mean a couple hundred times is not enough! Who are you going to vote for again?


Why is the owner of this site harrassing its members over how they choose to exercise their freedoms?
I told you that a couple days ago, payaso. We all saw it coming except you and Ttystik apparently. The writing on the wall is clear, Clinton is way ahead and will win even swing states for the most part. I take it you understand that writing in a candidate is counted in some states, but writing in a noncandidate never counts, anywhere...

When Sanders came back from the Obama meeting everything was different his demeanor..everything..he wasn't the same.

Conceding the race to someone who obvi stole it from you?

The smart decision is to leverage as much as possible.

Notice I said smart..sometimes the smart decision is not the happy decision.

I'll give the bitch my vote only because of Sanders efforts..I'm not going to throw his legacy away.

That cunt DWS better be gone.
When Sanders came back from the Obama meeting everything was different his demeanor..everything..he wasn't the same.

Conceding the race to someone who obvi stole it from you?

The smart decision is to leverage as much as possible.

Notice I said smart..sometimes the smart decision is not the happy decision.

I'll give the bitch my vote only because of Sanders efforts..I'm not going to throw his legacy away.

That cunt DWS better be gone.
There was never a moment when you were bound and determined to vote against a democrat.
Are you really going to compare anything Sanders ever did on climate to Jill Stein's arrest record on DIRECT ACTION for climate activism? I'm entertained, thanks for the lols...

As opposed to Sanders arrest record on civil rights?

White men were still getting lynched along with black men for taking the stand.
There was never a moment when you were bound and determined to vote against a democrat.

This is the best opportunity to get some of the most important planks.

I'll take it for the good of the country and my baby grandsons future.

And she better fucking come through..she gets four years from me.
Sanders is pure grace so I will give him this.

There is no reason to squander his efforts when WE are given concessions..pretty sad she has to be FORCED to do these.

In essence, the corrupt system has worked for us as a cohesive 13M+ unit.

This should be proof positive good things can happen when we unify.

Sadly we didn't get everything.

Old saying: You know the negotiation was effective when both parties are not happy with outcome.
She needs us because she's as despicable as Trump.

She BETTER come through is all I have to say.
You do what you think is best.

I personally have watched almost every interview of hers and I am convinced that she is an evil woman.

I don't say that lightly either. She represents everything good people fight against.

If bernie folded it is probably because he was threatened. So he is doing what he can to slow the corruption without pissing the corrupt off too much.
You do what you think is best.

I personally have watched almost every interview of hers and I am convinced that she is an evil woman.

I don't say that lightly either. She represents everything good people fight against.

If bernie folded it is probably because he was threatened. So he is doing what he can to slow the corruption without pissing the corrupt off too much.

She is evil..she's horrible but she's agreed to tuition free college and $15/ hour..this will help my family and millions of others in the future.

You must look at big picture we're getting something that was huge.

If you really care about the issues..this is a giant step forward.
I wish to vote the person that most represents my interest and right now my interest is raising the minimum wage, tuition free college.
Jill Stein will not only make higher education a basic right, but she will also cancel student debt. This was her stance before it was Sanders'. She is even more progressive than Sanders. She was for the higher minimum wage before Sanders too.
She is evil..she's horrible but she's agreed to Tipton free college
That is how evil gains a foothold. They buy your devotion.

Both jill stein and gary johnson are running on a platform of reducing school debts. I think stein wants free(?) and johnson wants federal aid for everyone and no student loans allowed.
That is how evil gains a foothold. They buy your devotion.

Both jill stein and gary johnson are running on a platform of reducing school debts. I think stein wants free(?) and johnson wants federal aid for everyone and no student loans allowed.

Bernie already negotiated to get tuition free and Hillary has more chance to be elected than Stein.


<schuylaar puts on raincoat and braces for AC's memes>
Bernie already negotiated to get tuition free and Hillary has more chance to be elected than Stein.


<schuylaar puts on raincoat and braces for AC's memes>
Funny how you say that in defense of Shillary.

Like I said, there was never a moment when you had ever harbored the notion of stepping out of line with the democrat party. Speaking of unelectable, she is in fact electable, seeing as how she's running for president, unlike Barnie.