EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Funny how you say that in defense of Shillary.

Like I said, there was never a moment when you had ever harbored the notion of stepping out of line with the democrat party. Speaking of unelectable, she is in fact electable, seeing as how she's running for president, unlike Barnie.

I don't care who's in the WH as long as we get shit done.

80% of what Bernie wanted? He didn't come cheap and neither did we..it's our best shot to get what Americans need..or as Hillary refers to us..'the little people'..what a CUNT!

She had to earn my vote..Bernie told her all the while they were negotiating..the package needs to be big enough.

No reason to cut our noses off to spite our face..this is a victory!

Now let's make certain she does this..four years..she's got four years.

We hold her accountable..there's nowhere the pantsuit-in-chief can run on those short legged cloven feet of hers.
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That's not harassment, that's heckling. The difference is a lack of threats.

Judging by your response, it's effective! Lol
I would say the owner of the site heckling people like schyular and you for your support of bernie is a form of intimidation. He is heckling you over showing support for a candidate in a thread about that candidate.

Mustn't displease daddy.
I don't care who's in the WH as long as we get shit done.

80% of what Bernie wanted? He didn't come cheap and neither did we..it's our best shot to get what Americans need..or as Hillary refers to us..'the little people'..what a CUNT!

She had to earn my vote..Bernie told her all the while they were negotiating..the package needs to be big enough.

No reason to cut our noses off to spite our face..this is a victory!

Now let's make certain she does this..four years..she's got four years.

We hold her accountable..there's nowhere the pantsuit-in-chief can run on those short legged cloven feet of hers.
At what cost tho? That is what you must keep in mind.
I'm not mad, I'm just saying what I have said all along, Berniebots are not progressive, they're democrats.

Dia you even read that article? The Democrat Bernie represents is a different one than the one Shillary does. I daresay he represents your interests better than Shillary, too.

American politics is called many things it's not. 'Democracy' among them.
Dia you even read that article? The Democrat Bernie represents is a different one than the one Shillary does. I daresay he represents your interests better than Shillary, too.

American politics is called many things it's not. 'Democracy' among them.
You daresay some BS. Bernie represents nothing. He is a democrat who has objectively only accomplished one thing, that is to deliver pseudo-progressive votes such as yours to Hillary Clinton while they play a charade about platform concessions which are occurring because they must, not because Barnie brokered them and not because they serve anyone's interest other than the corporate overlords of the democratic party.

$15 minimum wage is good for the economy, that's why they're doing it.
Building an infrastructure for renewable energy is a very savvy investment, they aren't doing it for the climate
No pentagon cuts
They won't even rebuke Israel.

Fuck Bernie Sanders.
But hey, if we'd have gotten a GOP president, you could bet on a regressive platform. If you just want to vote for the lesser evil, I won't ridicule you for it. Try to call yourself a progressive, and I'll remind you that you're a democrat who never had any intention of ever considering voting against the Democratic Party.

At least UncleBuck and London Fog are smart enough and honest enough to understand this while some of you were hanging on Barnie's nutsack.
But hey, if we'd have gotten a GOP president, you could bet on a regressive platform. If you just want to vote for the lesser evil, I won't ridicule you for it. Try to call yourself a progressive, and I'll remind you that you're a democrat who never had any intention of ever considering voting against the Democratic Party.

At least UncleBuck and London Fog are smart enough and honest enough to understand this while some of you were hanging on Barnie's nutsack.

You can try to stuff my mouth with lies but that just makes you look desperate.

I'm exactly as much of a democrat as you are a communist.