Funny how you say that in defense of Shillary.
Like I said, there was never a moment when you had ever harbored the notion of stepping out of line with the democrat party. Speaking of unelectable, she is in fact electable, seeing as how she's running for president, unlike Barnie.
I don't care who's in the WH as long as we get shit done.
80% of what Bernie wanted? He didn't come cheap and neither did's our best shot to get what Americans need..or as Hillary refers to us..'the little people'..what a CUNT!
She had to earn my vote..Bernie told her all the while they were negotiating..the package needs to be big enough.
No reason to cut our noses off to spite our face..this is a victory!
Now let's make certain she does this..four years..she's got four years.
We hold her accountable..there's nowhere the pantsuit-in-chief can run on those short legged cloven feet of hers.
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