Experimenting, having fun with Reggies Seeds, very in depth.


Btw feel free to add comments as many times as you wish, I will still post my grow journal and pics if I can figure out how, help?

So lets start with day one...

2/14/10- Planted about ten seeds in a small planter, which was black cylindrical and deep. They were placed in bathroom for humidity and warmth. I got my soil from outside, VERY full of pebbles and rocks but hey its the southwest.

2/15/10- Planted another seed, no other changes.

2/16/10- 3 Sprouts, 1 about an inch tall, which I pulled the seed off of the top of. At first all three looked like a plant root going in and out of ground but it was green like a stem, then one of the ends popped up as two oval leaves (Cotyledons) with two smaller, pointy perpendicular leaves (true leaves, first node) on top.

2/17/10- Amazing 10 sprouts, I transplanted one healthy one and one weaker looking one. They transplanted into a planter in my living room, with store bought soil and a 100 watt reptile lamp with a 60watt household lamp for extra support, near a sliding glass door, in the bathroom I added a 100watt reptile light and my 8 plants are underneath two adjacent mirrors on perpendicular walls. This is all as of 3:42 when I added the lights, more on this later.
10:24pm- The living room planter now has three transplanted sprouts, two unhealthy. I accidentally pulled out the 3rd sprout when I was aerating the soil, in the bathroom with a toothpick earlier in the day. 4 sprouts seem to be doing exceedingly well. I added some soil to the top of the bathroom planter which is currently in the kitchen under the fluorescent lights. 3 of the sprouts that are doing well are in this planter, the others have just broken surface. The 4 good ones are about one to two inches tall and soooo cute.

2/18/10- 3:04am- After many unavoidable, heart rendering transplants and the addition of 2 more pots the final stand is this, there are three sprouts in two of the black cylindrical pots, with a fourth sprouting in the first container with rocky soil. There are two in the remaining black cylindrical pot. The tenth and final sprout so far is being implemented into a new system. A hydroponic system where I dip a rock enclosed sprout's roots in water with some nutrients added every time it gets dry. More on that later. As for lighting I still have the two reptile lights but I added a halogen light to a planter that now contains tomatoes, so less talk of this. The black cylindrical pots are in the kitchen with a reptile light with two fluorescent lights in the ceiling. I think my money is on the middle sprout in the center of the original container.
11:59pm- Today's growth has been interesting to say the least. I stopped the hydroponic system early, too difficult, I transplanted the sprout into the soil once more. I then added crushed up vitamins, dissolved in water to the plants soil. I did this early in the day, the plants have doubled in size from yesterday. Late last night I had decided that one of the ten sprouts wouldn't grow because it was malnourished and had barely broken the surface when it had to be transplanted. After watering the sprout after transplantation it was buried once more, too frail to stand up to the power of the dirt. I left it in there for hopes sake.... in the pm the sprout broke the surface yay. I decided to name the ten sprouts. In the first cylindrical black pot (Named Pallet Town), with rocky soil has the best growth with three 4 inches of stem growth and with leaves that are outgrowing the original sprouting leaves. I have named the three plants Oddish, Chikorita, and Bellsprout. Chikorita being the biggest and most healthy. Viridian Forest is the second black cylindrical pot which has store bought soil. These plants are doing ok at about 3 inches tall. In this forest we have 4 sprouts, Tangela, Bulbasaur, Celebi (the legendary death defying plant), and finally Nuzleaf the evolved form of Seedot. These pokemon, weed plants, are doing ok with the exception of Celebi which has barely broken the surface and has malformed leaves. Third we have Celadon City which is identical in soil as Viridian Forest, but the plants (Turtwig, Hoppip, and Treecko) are less colored and smaller at about 1 inch to 2 inches tall.

2/19/10- 9:34 pm- Pallet Town is thriving, the leaves are now close to twice the size of the original sprouting leaves. The stem growth seems to have slowed as stems are only slightly longer than the plants following in their path. The rocky soil is winning the sprouting competition but how will it do in the vegetative state. The plants are about 4 ½ to 5 inches tall with visible evidence of further growth at the intersection of the two biggest leaves. There is however a tiny brown spot on one of Oddish's, the smallest of the giants, leaf. Though Chikorita and Bellsprout are the same height, the leaves on the former are bigger and the stem is thicker. As for the Viridian Forest, The plants are around 3 ½ to 4 inches tall, with Tangela being the biggest and Nuzleaf being the smallest, with the exception of Celebi which has not shown any improvement since yesterday. Sad day for Celebi, maybe tomorrow? Within Celadon City the plants are around 2-4 inches tall with Turtwig being the biggest and Treecko the smallest. Lighting has changed to 2 100 watt reptile basking bulbs, 2 fluorescent tubes at an unknown wattage in my kitchen's ceiling, A 15 watt fluorescent tube behind the sink and a 60 watt incandescent bulb. The kitchen is painted white and the plants are on the metallic stove with some aluminum foil to help out maybe a bit. Keep in mind of course that all of the cute plant-type pokemon were germinated in Pallet Town within two daysish, therefore, all of the plants outside of Pallet Town have been transplanted and their growth may have been stunted. Also, without telling my growing partner I added garlic powder and hair to Celadon City and Cigarette ash to Pallet Town. I left the Virdian Forest alone as a control.

2/20/10- 1:59pm- My first tragedy of the season occurred today, my biggest plant, Chikorita and another Turtwig, look like the base of their stems have been pinched and the plants have fallen over. Treecko also fell over but fortunately did not have the pinched look on the stem. I felt the soil first thing and it was dry and hot, the reptile lights must be too close. I watered all the plants and placed two pens on each side of the fallen plants, shoved into the soil, with a rubber band extended between them where I placed the plants so they have some growth support. Turtwig has already become able to stand on its own. Also in the Viridian Forest Tangela has developed a brown leaf. In lighter news Pallet Town has two new plants? I didn't know I planted 12 seeds, Celebi seems to still be dead. So that leaves me with 11 sprouts.
3:37pm- All of the plants with the exception of Turtwig are showing new growth tips, with Pallet Town containing both the largest and smallest sprouts. I transplanted one of the healthy new sprouts which I have named Ledyba. It is in my tomato and rosemary flower pot in the Living Room which I have named Cinnabar Island. Here it is in the same soil as is apparent in Celadon City and the Viridian Forest. Here it has an incandescent light that is 60 watts as well as an open window. There are also the normal lights in my house that surround it. As for Celadon City, the Viridian Forest and Pallet Town they now have the 3 fluorescent lights, one about a foot long at 15 watts, the other two are about 3-4 feet long and in the ceiling of my kitchen. The also still have the two reptile lights on them, though I moved them farther away because of the heat. Aluminum foil still surrounds it, dull side pointed toward the plants. I also covered the black, inside walls of the planter with the same aluminum foil. Watching for heat problems. There is a vent on low about two feet above the plants.
5:00pm- Chikorita and Turtwig seem to be reacting differently to the support system. Chikorita, my biggest plant, is standing upright, with support only, and is has big luscious leaves that are only slightly browning. Turtwig seems to be shriveling and dying. :'( I cut about a third of all of the leaves off of Tangela because I heard it could have good effects... we will see. This is all about experimenting with my growing. No difference has been noticed with the new sprouts Ledyba, on Cinnabar Island, and Bonsly, still in Pallet Town because of its immature nature, having leaves that haven't opened yet.
10:42pm: A friend of mine handed me some seeds to this pretty good reggies bud that he had. I figured maybe with a little THC, oh I mean TLC, they could grow to be delicious plants to maybe breed with my own sprouts. I extracted Celebi to find that its roots had detached? IDK, it was fucked up. In its memory I have planted Charmander from Celebi's shatter remains, in the Viridian Forest. I also planted another friend for the Celedon City folk who I have named Magby. I reapplied the fertalizer mix of 5-9-4 to the Viridian Forest and Pallet Town. I added water to Celadon City, the plants here are sickly lookin and droopy. I have supported them for today but I do not believe they will be able to continually hold themselves up. The pinched looking roots on Chikorita and Turtwig are really worrying me. I thought that perhaps it was due to drying of the bottom of the stems where the top layer of soil had dried the night before, so I buried the shriveling bottoms of the stems only slightly under the surface. There are tiny pieces of wood from the soil keeping Turtwig upright. However, Chikorita is a little more top heavy so the shriveling effected her more. She, hopefully she, is being supported in a standing position with the pen-and-rubber-band method with the wood piece method. I have begun blowing on my plants as well as bending them lightly everyday to hopefully induce stalk and root strength. Thats what I heard at least, but who cares if I don't know if it works I'm playing. I also like to try and blow the dust off of them, or wipe them off. I'm very playful with my growing methods so I don't get disappointed I think, I just play and have fun with it. I also diluted my fertilizer after thoroughly flooding Cinnabar Island with it. I figure these large amounts of nutrients early on will be a stepping stone for these plants, maybe they will adapt. But regardless I diluted the fertilizer water even further to about a quarter of its normal strength, tomorrow in the morning I will water the plants with normal water and at night I will water them with the ¼ strength fertilizer because my soil tends to dry quickly, I can only hope that I do not burn my plants. By the way...surprise, along with Ledyba I planted 4 more residents in Cinnabar Island, I will be naming them Ponyta, Cyndaquil, Numel, and Torchic. They are all still seeds but they will grow, hopefully. The other seeds I have soaked in the fertilizer mixtured on a paper towel in my kitchen, the healthiest ones will be transplanted. My plants are not going to get very big before I induce the flowering stage... in my closet, Victory Road. Right now they do not have a smell at all. But I am getting ahead of myself, they have not even completed their seedling phase. And to finish everything up Cinnabar Island has been moved into the kitchen for the night wrapped in the same aluminum ring as the rest of the planters. All of the aforementioned lights have been directed at these 4 planters. The fan is on high and the soil is moist. Bellsprout is the new largest plant, with a third set of leaves clearly visible with the naked eye from a good distance and the second set of leaves growing easily three times the size of the seedling leaves.

2/21/10- 2:38am- I added pure cane sugar to my fertilizer mix, about two tablespoons in a gallon jar. Hopefully this will help add flavor to the plants and help growth by increasing carbohydrate ingestion. I also added some weed ash and stems to the soil in Pallet Town for fun. Chikorita, is now officially the biggest plant. But the healthiest/biggest plant is still Bellsprout, when will Chikorita finally stand up on her own. Turtwig is still looking bad. I am planning on drizzling water over the plants and on the top soil before bed because my plants had issues with drying out last night.
3:13pm- I added some of my own urine to the fertilizer, mutli-vitamin and sugar combination. I added about 5% urine per gallon. My recipe, 5% urine, trace amounts of the multi-vitamin, and the fertilizer water itself is about 25% strenght. I'm going to slowly introduce more and more fertilizer slowly in hopes that my plants will adapt and start using more nutrients for growing. As for the current standing, I have wonderful news in Pallet Town, after compressing some looser soil around the base of Chikorita, she is now able to stand up on her own but it has become obvious that her growth was stunted by the dry spell. Chikorita's first set of true leaves has a half brown leaf. I cut off that half of the leaf and added it to Viridian Forest for mulch. I have been adding any pruning or clippings to this area. Bellsprout and Oddish have grown past Chikorita by like 1-2 centimeters, with the former being the largest of any of my plants so far. Bellsprout has been able to support herself, hopefully her, for the whole time and is showing a set of very distinct 2nd node which has leaves about 1 cm long. For some unknown reason the Viridian Forest has only had one slight browning leaf problem with Tangela. Other than that they are all growing normally, smaller than Chikorita, with the exception of Nuzleaf which is the same size as Chikorita but has smaller leaves, 2nd node clearly visible in all plants but Ledyba, and Turtwig who is still looking kinda withery. Unfortunately, I fear Turtwig will die, in which case he will be torn apart and used as mulch for the Virdian Forest, but for now we wait. Ledyba, in Cinnabar island, seems to be only a day or two behind Turtwig, its growing fast. There is a 4th sprout which I have mentioned in Pallet Town but never named, Its new name shall be Roselia. It has not yet spread its Cotyledons. I added the fertilizer mix to Celadon City to hopefully give it some carbohydrates from the sugar which has been completely dissolved in the concoction overnight. Treecko is the only really healthy looking plant in the planter. More later.


Chikorita and Bellsprout 2/19/10

Full View

This is the Viridian Forest on the 19th

And here is Celedon City

And here is the very next day in Pallet Town

And the final picture so far, tho more are coming tonight, 2/21/10 of Pallet Town.

This is the picture of my 7th day of growing, are these results normal....


I'm kinda trying to see how many stresses I can put on my plants at a young age, and which ones can take those stresses and make them into energy instead of being overloaded.


Well-Known Member
i think the soil has the biggest effect. forest soil is likely to have hyphae of fungi that can greatly affect plant growth


No really big changes, Chikorita died completely, I clipped Turtwig completely down to just a stem, it should die soon. Also, my tomato plants are growing in Cinnabar Island. There are like 4 that I kept around Ledyba. Bonsly, hasn't shown any signs of spreading the Cotyledon leaves. Pallet Town has one of the new strains seeds that was germinating well in the cupboard. I have named this healthy seed, Growlithe. None of the seeds planted in Cinnabar Island are growing yet, but I should know that 1-2 days is abnormal for sprouting, but the plant type pokemon did it so why not. Ventilation is a lot better, it is really reducing heat in the area. I don't have a thermometer or a ph testing kit but I am doing my best by just watching my plants.
Oh and Bellsprout has almost fully formed its three pronged second true set of leaves. Yay! They are tiny but cute. I tried foliar feeding the Viridian Forest, we will see what happens. Bulbasaur is browning and the leaves are curling up. I don't know what that means, any ideas? I will post pictures, probably just heat stress. Sorry about these pictures being late. Idk why I didn't add a picture of Nuzleaf, I forgot. Boo hoo I'm such a bad parent. Oh yes, and Hoppip is also torn up and turned into mulch for the Viridian Forest.

Oh and I realized that there is no picture of Celadon City on the 19th, that Viridian Forest, as the label on the picture directly states.

Celadon Forest on the 21st

Here is another picture of the whole of Celadon City on the 21st still.

And here we have Pallet Town on the 21st.

And then there is the 23rd, don't ask me why I didn't take pictures of the planters on the 22nd.

Pallet Town- No pictures of Bonsly quite yet, sorry.


And then we have Oddish.

Viridian Forest- No pics of Nuzleaf, Damn that's two of them I have forgotten.

And Tangela.

Celadon City- Pretty barren, with only Treecko, and hardly a bit of Turtwig left.

And finally we have Ledyba of Cinnabar Island... Lovely.

That completes that. Comment if you have anything to say.


So, to keep everyone up to date.
5:32am- I accidentally stayed up all night because I took my Vyvanse too late in the day... It happens. I will just retake the meds in the morning to fix my schedule. But anyway, some early morning inspections of Tangela support that there may be growth at the clipped node, maybe something on Oddish, but still too early to tell. It is too small to catch on camera just yet, but maybe by the end of the day. It would be nice to show a plant that is healthy. I did however test the strength of the stem and Tangela was able to snap back in to position no matter how far I bent her. All of my plants were able to spring back amazingly, except for Bellsprout which is getting increasingly more top heavy. Anyone know how to make the stem stronger? The stem in between the first and second nodes is thicker than the one leading to the ground... is that normal? Haha... who cares if its normal, its interesting at least. Ventilation has increased by so much, I removed the filter from my stoves fan, didn't know there was one, and it has probably doubled the amount of air moved... Can moving the air around too much be a problem or can ventilation be a 24 hour thing? I guess I will find out. Also, I decided that Cinnabar Island would receive a constant one-fourth strength urine/fertilizer/water/sugar every time I water. This way I could see how much stress I could put on the little seedlings. I'm going to find out just how much nutrient mix I can add before death occurs. I also want to see if increasing the amount of nutrient solution over time in the box will cause the Pokemon to adapt to their nutrient rich environment. Maybe they will just learn to use more of the organic, and non organic nutrients in the soil. It is a weed so it should be hard to kill later on. I have cocooned my whole grow operation in aluminum foil for reflection's sake. It is bright as hell in there. The cocoon however serves two purposes, it also helps ventilation, all of my plants are shaking around with excitement with the new wind, it is so cute. I also placed the lights, two 100 watt reptile bulbs and a 60 watt soft white, directly over the Viridian Forest and Pallet Town, but one is pointed in the general direction of Celadon City and Cinnabar Island seems to be getting enough light... So I hadn't really looked at Bellsprout too in depth, I thought I had, but I hadn't. I spread the second node to take a little look at what was going on between the first pair of three pronged leaves to enter the grown, and wouldn't you know it, the third node is starting to develop even though the second one hasn't finished yet. There is a growth tip smack dab between the two, oh how wonderful, so amazing to see nature in progress, nature that can get me high. So I realized that there were bugs in my soil... didn't really pay attention to them before now, though I knew they were there. The true realization set in when I realized that all of my marijuana was dying.... weird how I couldn't keep a weed alive, right? So I looked it up, and found out that the little white racing bugs in the soil were called springtails. I thought to myself maybe this is why my plants were shriveling and drying up. Anyway, I mixed some Garlic Powder in water and added to the top layer of soil. Then I mixed up a little cocktail of nicotine for "fertilizer" (its illegal to call it pesticides, how funny)..http://www.civilliberties.org/newslet/pestpot.html . Added a tad of soap and dipped a couple of my leaves in the mixture, I also watered one of the plants with it... How quickly will it die. Well, more on those springtails later, I know they grow and live in the organic matter in my soil but they are known to also attack tender shoots and roots of younger plants. Ta da... maybe.


Still 2/23/10, I have noticed a little bit of growth on Tangela, in Viridian City, right at the growth tip. I can't tell if there is only going to be one branch that comes off, or two, who the fuck knows. I will let you know tomorrow. Lol. Also, Ponyta and Cyndaquil in Cinnabar Island have sprouted and are showing liveliness. This is a second type of plant, probably not even the same strain, nor do I know what the strain is. There also may be a third strain as well, I got three seeds that didn't look like they were going to germinate from a friend, they are in the cupboard with he rest of the seeds. More talk about that later though, I will let you know tomorrow if anything is going down in that neighborhood. I had to build up the soil around Bellsprout to keep it upright, not that I'm saying she couldn't stand up on her own but her stem was withering and drying so I figured I would bury the stem a little. Took Turtwig out of Celadon City, and planted one of the fire-type strain in its place.
Oddish, showing off the clippings I made.

Oddish from Above

Tangela, in the Viridian Forest
Clipping Picture One

Picture taken later in the day of the same clipping

And again from atop

The Viridian Forest, All
From left, Bulbasaur, Nuzleaf and Tangela on the right.

For some reason I took a lot of pictures of the Viridian Forest today

Viridian Forest Some more, just wow

Bonsly growing in Pallet Town

Treecko, the last remaining sprout, is doing kinda bad, but there are 3 seeds in the soil waiting for just the right time.

Anybody have any thoughts/ideas/things you want me to try on my plants before you do it to yours.


Well, there are too many plants now so names are out the window... Except for my favorites. I decided to do a little study on the effects of early FIMming or topping... IDK which one it is. But any way, I clipped the growth tip of the plants when they were first showing signs of new node growth, such as leaves popping out the top. I clipped them back almost all the way down to where the previous leaves meet. I did this on two plants at the first node, two at the second and two at the third. I clipped the two at the second node about 5 days ago, the others I clipped last night. I have noticed regeneration at the growth tips in both plants that were clipped at the second node. No new findings, I still have springtails but their number is visibly reduced so I am cool with it.


First node clippings showing no additional growth, second node clippings are strange. The more healthy second node clipping has formed a big tuft of leafy growth in between the half stem, half leaf things. It hasn't shown any obvious shape quite yet. The third node clippings look as though they have caught up already from being cut just a couple days ago.


lol u gave them pokemon names
Ha ha, Yeah but now its too hard to keep track of them there are like 20 plants that I am playing with. The strains are still the fire-type strain and the grass-type strain.

Here we have a picture of one of the first node clipping as of about 5 mins ago.

This is one of the second node clippings on the 25th.

These are both of the second node clippings as of today.

And this is the second node clipping from today but a bird's eye view

This is one of the third node clippings

And this is the other third node clipping as well as a non-clipped plant being Low Stress Trained, they look almost like vines because of it.

And here is the last picture, this is a non-clipped, non-LSTed plant. I saw the cotyledons dying so I tried pulling one off, which led to me pulling off about 1/4-1/2 of the stalk in the process. The plant is able to stand on its own. I hear that stressing the stalk and slightly damaging it can help and is a process called "super cropping"? However this is in no way a slight damage, who knows what the result will be.


This is the stem I peeled off 1/4-1/2, I peeled it about 1/2 of an inch. On the subject of my past measurements, all of them are wrong... I read my previous posts and thought to myself, damn how sober was I when I wrote this, none of it made sense. My leaf-type strain are all about 2-2 1/2 inches tall. My fire type strain are all about 0-1.5 inches tall.


3/4/10- 12:51pm- Pallet town is amazing, Oddish has been cut once at the second node which created two growth tips. I was sitting there bored and watching my plants grow, thank you adderall, and I decided why not cut it again. So I cut one of the new growth tips almost completely off of Oddish about 3 days ago. Much to my surprise and amazement it has started developing new growth. :clap: Too early to tell if it is two growth tips or just one but I will let you know at a later time. Bellsprout is doing well, it has many crowded nodes at the top of a long stem, which has almost completely healed from me trying to peel off the cotyledon, milk, leaves. :-o... There is also Roselia, and an insignificant dying pokemon, in Pallet Town who is being shaded by Bellsprout so I have to continually move the pot around.
In the Viridian Forest I am attempting air pruning, so I carved a bunch of holes in the side of the pot, we will see if they do better than their peers, well if Tangela does. Nuzleaf and Bulbasaur would make a difficult comparison as they are being LSTed in a weave form to create a bunch of growth tips that will all be level, hopefully. I'm working it out as I go really. And Tangela's stem has split open and there is a visible slice in the middle of the branch that allows for sight to the other side of the plant through it. Kind of a strange thing, check out the pictures, anyone seen it? And I clipped off one of Nuzleaf's dying branches which made the stem become all bulky and sexy. Bulbasaur's growth has slowed immensely.
In Celadon City we have a dead plant, I'm just going to leave it there. But we also have Treecko who has grown into a majestic vegetative stage plant. Her first couple of internodes are really big. She has also developed beautiful large 5 pronged leaves, as have Tangela, Nuzleaf and Bellsrout. There is also Magby in the bottom of the planter almost underneath Treecko. Magby is less than an inch tall but has its second node... I have the weirdest plants.
Cinnabar Island has 5 of the fire-type strain now, Ledyba died. It also has two growing tomato plants, yum. Ponyta is the largest, at 5 inches, a for real 5 inches after measurement with quarters lol. There is also Cyndaquil who has a bent stem and is a little smaller, but cuter because its like a Cabbit, those deformed cats that hop like rabbits. Numel is also in this mix, around the height of Cyndaquil and Ponyta. On the far side of Cinnabar Island, are Torchic and Vulpix. They were put in Cinnabar Island about 4 days ago from the paper towel. They are doing extremely well, or at least I think so.
I also found some seeds in my chronic bag which I am also trying to germinate in the paper towel. I have three so far and one has been in there overnight. The others were just put in there. I have also started watering less. I foliar spray with water when the top soil is drying out really bad but I only water every 3 days or so, which is also mixed with fertilizer and simple syrup, sometimes urine. Urine will stop when the plants start actually developing into real plants like Treecko. Well, enough delays, here are the pictures.

Pic 1=Pallet Town 18 Days Since Planting Seeds

Pic 2=Pallet Town Side View of Bellsprout

Pic 3=And a picture of Oddish, Trying to show the new growth...

Pic 4=Virdian City 18 Days Since Seed Planting

Pic 5=Better View of Bulbasaur and Nuzleaf

Pic 6=Celadon City 18 Days Since Planting Seed

Pic 7=West Side Celadon City 12 Days Since Seed Planting

Pic 8East Side Cinnabar Island, About 4 Days Since Transfer of Germinated Seeds to Soil

Thus concluding my reports for this part of the day... Sorry it has been a while. Went off my Adderall and wasn't functioning correctly lol.


Feel free to comment, answer my numerous question, screw around or whatever on this thread. You can also give me ideas of things to test for the future if you want.


There is now only 1 plant per cylindrical black pot, and there are 5 in Cinnabar Island. 8 total plants, with plenty of seeds germinating in the cabinet. One strain germinating is from my chronic and the other is from regs. The regs seeds are huge... its strange.
The plants are now in 12/12 timing, they all have at least 4 nodes, I just don't have enough room to allow them to grow much larger than double the size they are now. So I am anticipating the stretch and starting 12/12 now. Treecko is about 10-12 inches tall, and beautiful. I spend a lot of time in the closet, just breathing on the plants and smoking cigarettes to raise the CO2 level in my own ghetto way.


They are fucking huge, just look at Treecko... why are my internodes so gigantic, but the stems aren't brittle. Is this just a phenotype-esque thing? Check it lol.
There is Treecko from today, as well as Nuzleaf, Bellsprout and the Cinnabar Island Folk.

Haha, 190 views and two comments, fucking go me. At least somebody thinks my thoughts are interesting lol.


stop bothering your plants so much. just let them grow. you are paying too much attention to them and thats how they die when your trimming growth thats not quite there yet take a fucking hit and think of new lighting for ur buds :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf: