Extremely new grower...


Well-Known Member
The girls are looking great bro. Hope the super cropping works out for you. I understand wht you do to supercrop but I don't really get the end result. Have you found any pics of what it'll end up looking like? It just wasn't one of the methods I looked into at all really.

Oh and I love the fact that you have the males hangin " as a warning to the other plants" lol
You making butter out of 'em?
Yea Im making butter after I chop all of them down

I will look for the video I saw about super cropping for you


Well-Known Member
That is a picture of where the stalk was broken at, aka pinched aka supercropped. After it healed it knotted up like that, and there was an explosion of growth from that point downward. Here is a pic of the three plants that I supercropped.

That was right before I had to tear them up, all three had been supercropped, and the two on the outside were also being tied down sideways. (LST)


Well-Known Member
Awesome. Another way to make a weed bush. I love that there are so many different techniques that all work. Natty appears to too, he's trying 'em all. LOL
Thanks Bill.


Well-Known Member
I hear you man me too. ADD is a bitch, lol.
I'm just not messing with my plants too much cause I don't wanna screw it up ya know. Experimental but cautious, lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah man if you got the room it seems like an awesome way to grow. Scrog is good in itself, this is almost like a way to maximize the scrog.


Well-Known Member
Sweet man. I'd like to do some kind of scrog but I have no room for anything like that. I mean I could in thoery hang a screen in my box and mini scrog my next grow. hmmm maybe I'll do something like that. Just for different experiences and fun.


Well-Known Member
An impossible time actually. Scratch that idea. ha ha ha

Man you know you just hear about all these different cool things and you want to try them all. lol