Well-Known Member
I saw the scoring and I am trying to figure out the time you last caught a fish and it said 1215pm today yet its not 1200pm in Cali yet so is that Costa Rica time zone or East Coast Time Zone? Go get them fuckers and reel them in bro!!! Hope your team makes a serious move today, we are all pulling for you!
Scoob thanks again for the gift certificate, means a lot to me and I am very grateful for your kindness! For those that dont know, Scooby gifted me with a $1000 gift certificate to a hydro store!
My pleasure man. The time is local; it's 2pm here. we've dropped to like 25th place. i'm inside on the computer at this point just fucking around on RIU. Got 3 anglers in the cockpit covering the rods. I'm so pissed about the Marlin they took from us that i lost my will today. I'm gonna sink the marina owners boat one of these days. LOL.