F.P. Nursery Room

Jared up most of the fruity chronic today. Only bits left are what we trimmed today.

The jars were 54-59% I expect that to rise over night and to open them in the morning for a few hours.
hello pie good to see your still kicking the grow. hope all is well. i haven't been on here in a while but i do try to sneak in every once in a while. peace
i will check that ou aswell. i will get you some goji pics up when i get back home next week Pie. i did get them potted up after the move and i had 4 girls and 1 boy so not to bad there.
My last grow yielded 17.9 oz. Efficiency of .835 g/w

I know where i have room to improve and have fixed the problem.




Goji ^