F.P. Nursery Room

I am being driven ABSOLUTELY BONKERS by this leaf problem.

How long does it take a plant to recover from overwatering? Could There be too many salts locked in the soil?

Like seriously. Why are my lower leaves not affected if it is overwatering?

If this is nitrogen toxicity, will my plant freak out from a flush? Should I flush with half strength nutes or no nutes?

I just watered them earlier today after they were suuuuuper light. 5 hours later and very minimal signs of improvement.

Driving me bonkers I tell you!

The petioles on all but new growth have red and the stems are purple striped. I feel like a complete failure right now and I'm so embarrassed to be sharing these photos, but I need help.

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Some soils won't drain when they are in big plastic containers. That is why I switched to cloth pots.

I have had to repot two plants this season that did not drain when I watered them.
Welcome ladies and gents to FP's cloning method with step-by-step instructions.

You will need:

Shot glass
Bontone rooting powder
Something to mix with
Razor blade
Short glass/mug

Prepared soil medium (moist) in solo cups (with a hole about 1 1/2 to 2 inches deep. I like to use the end of a bic pen.)

Grab your rooting powder and a shot glass. Pour a small amount of water (about 1/2 inch or less) into your shot glass.

Start adding small amounts of powder and mix it well.

Keep adding powder to your mixture until you have the consistancy of slurry/paste/yogurt.

Set your mixture aside and return to the parent plant with a mug of water.

Use one of the lower branches for your clone. Cut between the main stem and the branch's first node.

Immediately place the stem of your cutting in the water.

Set your mug with cuttings next to your prepared mixture. Make sure your soil cups are nearby as well.

With your razor blade in hand, gently hold your cutting out of the water. Use your razor blade to remove the bottom node's leaves and branches. Scrape away the outer skin of the stem.

About an inch should do it. Be careful not to cut all the way through.

Put a nice thick coating of rooting paste all over the length of your scraped stem. Really get it on there.

Place the stem into your premade hole and firm the soil around it for support.

Rinse and repeat. Be sure to label which clone came from which parent.

Mist the leaves and mist your humidome. Cover clones. Place under a low intensity light.

Keep the humidity between 45-55%. If it gets high, open vents, if it gets low give the dome a light misting. Always use a hygrometer!

I am being driven ABSOLUTELY BONKERS by this leaf problem.

How long does it take a plant to recover from overwatering? Could There be too many salts locked in the soil?

Like seriously. Why are my lower leaves not affected if it is overwatering?

If this is nitrogen toxicity, will my plant freak out from a flush? Should I flush with half strength nutes or no nutes?

I just watered them earlier today after they were suuuuuper light. 5 hours later and very minimal signs of improvement.

Driving me bonkers I tell you!

The petioles on all but new growth have red and the stems are purple striped. I feel like a complete failure right now and I'm so embarrassed to be sharing these photos, but I need help.

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Doesn't look like anything major, but I remember you are a perfectionist.
Usually takes mine about 6 hrs to 10 hrs to recover from being dry dry, but as far as overwatered, IDK.........
I would imagine quite a bit longer since the roots and stem has already filled up with liquid, but what do I know?
As far as the red/ purple stems, remember, some plants will do that no matter what, even the same strain, I read/ discovered this when mine started doing that a couple seasons back,, and I thought I might have too much K.

Don't know if you saw, but I finally did my first official purchase, got 3 plants veggin right now, and hoping the two flowering I have will hurry their asses up and finish so I don't have to constantly move plants like last year.
Both supposed to be same strain, but one has long fingers like mostly Sativa, while the other has short fingers, and the long thin plant seems to have caught up with, and is overtaking the fatty as far as ripening is concerned.
PM me if ya want, but I'm not here often as you know, better to email me.
I'll try to pop back in and go back a few pages and see what's going on, but I hope the little one is doing well, and you and hubby doing good also, and this 'overwatered' thing is the least of your worries! :)