Would you go to the pound and pick out a dog to use as a basis of a breeding program?
Most will say hell no.
Then why would you purchase a plant composed of 4 different parental lines?¿
Wouldn’t that plant be the equivalent of mutt dog?¿. Hold that thought.
lets see a show of hands from those who thinks that you can create an awesome line of dogs just by breeding 2 mutt puppies together.
In one breeding I might add…
for real, do anyone think that that they can pull that off?¿.
To everyone who say “no, it can’t be done”, then why do you make post claiming such awesome plant genetics when in fact you have the plant equivalent of a mutt dog.
What happens when 2 of those mutt pups grow up and have a litter together?¿ ever pull up to a house that has 15 or more scraggly dogs running around the yard? Of course you have.
I chuckle every time I see posts where someone talks about how many different phenotypes that their line of plants produces.
Grow up, because I’m not talking about the slight differences in taste and smell. I’m talking about complete structural differences in size, height, bud production.grow time. Hell even the high from plant to plant is so different, that you can barely tell that those plants where produces from the same seed pack.
You say genetic diversity, however I say mutt. But call it what you like because it’s your hard earned $$$. So spend it how you want to.
Consider this, those mutt plants take the same resources and effort to grow as better breed ones. That’s what I tell my buddies who choose to raise $50 dogs. For real, why do that when those $50 dogs eat the same dog food and take the same amount of time and effort to raise as higher end dog.
Ever try selling a mutt?¿ My email is filled with half off, or buy one get one free bean. Labor Day sale? Every day must be Labor Day then. It’s all good though.
How many of you are growing $35 bean packs?¿.
How many of you think there is no difference in plants produced from $35 beans and plants produced from $3,500 beans.
That’s because most of you have never seen such a plant. Therefore you think that all the plants are the same.
That’s the reasoning behind those 1 of 100, 1 of 1,000 pheno hunts for that unicorn.
I guarantee that you want see a mutt produce an akc champion. Nor a unicorn?¿ Pound bound… did I say that out loud?¿
Searching $35 seed packs for a keeper is the equivalent of going to the pound for breeding stock of dogs. So why keep doing that grow after grow. Oh yeah those beans are cheap. What’s not cheap is the resources that it takes to complete a grow. So do that several times only to end up in a worse breeding situation than where you started because someone told you that’s a gelato, oreoz, or gg4 cross. Then why aren’t they growing it. Better yet, why aren’t they growing it any more.
For real, even if you did find something nice deep within the pile of cross breeds, it will take you even longer than it took to get luck, to get lucky again and produce something that just as nice as the original find.
That’s something we all know. Well those who do actual breedings know. But for some reason, those who are buying experimental seed packs, can’t figure this concept out and understand that breeding doesn’t work like that.
Do enough breedings and you don’t have to wonder why they produce bx1. I see some go all the way up to bx 3. It’s done to make that find better. So how great could it have been id breeder is still adding other crosses to it. F1 with a 1,000 phenos. And very few of them worth growing.
I take that back, because they grow awesomely, however the don’t smoke worth a flip. Still searching, still crossing, and back crossing and s1’ing. For that ever elusive unicorn. That marketing game better be on fleet. Oops.
It takes hard work and dedication to create great strains. It also takes a lot planning and as well as plant knowledge. Which should include more than where a plant comes from or at what altitude it grows at.
For instance, a plant growing high up in the kush mountains would have a very short growing season, thus making said plants very small, as well as very fast so that it complete its life cycle before harsh weather moves in. Said plant would also be purple due to reduced metabolism caused by the colder temperatures. I’m will to guarantee that it wouldn’t look dank…
Try this one. What happened when you light deprive an equatorial strain?¿ Don’t know? Try it and see.
Wanna know if you are smoking a pure sativa? Are you waiting 45 minutes for you high to kick in. Of course not, because most people aren’t willing to wait that long to feel the effects of the bud. As stated by DJ Short said in the now infamous pot cast where he also said that blueberry was originally an auto flower.
He also made another very important comment in that same pot cast that makes it very worth checking out. It’s good reference material for anyone who plans to be serious about breeding cannabis.
How can one be out chasing unicorns when they don’t even know what one looks like, or where it lives, or what it eats. It makes no sense or me,
However, if you say it’s an unicorn, who am I not to believe you. Especially since you say that they are all over the place. Must be a new type of non magical unicorn that everyone is raging about. You know, the boring 15 min to 2 hr one dimensional buzz where more time is spent smoking than enjoying the fruits of one’s labor. Good night. Or should I say good morning.
Yo dude are you talking to me? I appreciate the message and theory but that delivery is written in pure "drunk uncle shits on Thanksgiving with unrighteous anger again" energy.