Fabric Pots and Watering

All I’m saying is, your light isn’t 1000w, it’s 100-150w, and you need more watts. The others I listed were to give you some ideas of decent lights. 30-45w per sqft, if you can.
Cheers. Invested in a spider farm 1000 which is the only one that'll fit my tent. I'll see how it goes in comparison. If the fungus gnats dont overthrow me first.
Nice choice :)

good luck!

Apple cider vinegar with a tablespoon or two of dish soap in it should help with the gnats. If that’s not enough, you can let the soil get fully dry, to the edge for the plant, and that with the vinegar/soap should help take care of them.
After you harvest rip that foil off the sides and paint the inside flat white before you start your next grow. It will reflect the light better than that foil.