Failed math need help converting N-P-k to PPM ratios palease and danku

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best thing you could do for seedlings is get on all fours over them then load some snow onto your back then as it melts you let it run down through your ass crack but be shure to hold youre penis up though you want it to run down the crack over the taint and drip off the balls you get if it touches the penis your plant may end up producing seed unless it's a male plant then you might induce a transgendered situation

Haha, go on, tell em how you really feel! =P
He's mad that he has to use math to grow and he is too stupid to realize there are standard to metric calculaters all over the internet.
Think Californians or the Dutch use tap water growing their shit interesting. Most of ya'all probably don't know what country the Dutch come from anyway.
lmfao @ your promix song and dance.. Promix is for people who want to mix there OWN soil and add there OWN stuff into it... which you are clearly way to stupid to do.

Good day.
Im smart enough not to work for the USA government I don't like being brainwashed. Like I said exactly what I expect from years of government service. U probably cant even go to the bathroom without permission
I bet you aint even in Michigan navyfighter so why don't you fuck off until u try the weed here
I guess lansing isnt in mich..Wait you probably would think that since you probably dont know how to look at a map.....I no look at your right palm, you no that thing you use every night, and look at the center. Thats where lansing is.. DERRRRRR
Exactly what I expect for years of government service nothing but a ill-educated tool. You know what a Pawn is navyfighter because in the eyes of the government that's all you are expendable
Think you Michigan weed will ever make it to Cannabis cup I dare ya to take this crap to Netherlands they will laugh in your face. Oh crap know I told all the dumbfucks where Dutch people come from

i already said the netherlands several post back, but i forgot you cant read that well.
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