Failed math need help converting N-P-k to PPM ratios palease and danku

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It would seem you need the edumacation there buddy, after all you were the one that bought a house there specifically to grow after doing NO research apparently because you are doing nothing but bash the place. Your like a poster child for birth control am I right?

The poster child for plan B........
Name calling, great. Makes me feel like im a kid again, thanks. You have made it pretty clear in your posts that you are totally making shit up as you go along. Bought a house, lol right, you couldnt even afford to be homeless. But really, its been fun and good luck with life.

Cheers :leaf:
yes you are right I bought a house with no research that's why I didn't buy one in any fucked upnass ghetto city in Michigan. Okay Ill type this again for all the weg wezen. You think Californians use tap water. They get there water delivered in trucks on their grow sites period. Michiganers don't know shit and claim to know it all I dare ya take your weed to cannabis cup see if it will even ben entered. The Dutch would laugh in your face.
You people pull your weed to early for starters most of you don't even dry it properly or cure it Michigan weed sucks I wont pay $200 for an ounce of this much less$280 I can wait till I make my own. My weed will actually get a mother fucker high.
And these dispensarys don't know their shit either. I for one am glad the state shut down the dispensarys how can you have a dispensary if you don't test the weed your selling.
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