FAST & CHEAP Cloning.

Awesome,that's all I wanted. I like how you tell me what my options are likeyou have authority over RIU or something, you're hilarious. Youhaven't shown any downsides to this method and even when asked youcouldn't supply any advantages your methods have over mine. I believemy original post states that before this summer I was completely newto cloning, so you are correct there. I don't have to prove anythingto you man, you can get over that shit. You're also right about menot wanting to hear other opinions- I already said I've tried everyother method I know of, this one works the best.
You'rea closet grower who tells somebody with a 4,000 watt flower room thatthey need a bigger air conditioning unit; I'd imagine that somebodywho spent the $ on a 4,000 watt room would know a little more aboutwhat they're doing than you would. Generally a person only offerssomebody advice if they have more experience than said person.
I'vegot all the choices I want. I posted up an even better tutorial, butdon't plan on arguing there, comments are moderated; yours won't evenbe posted UNLESS you actually contribute something containing a pinchof logic. Every method does have downsides (congratulations onstating the more-than-obvious), mine just doesn't have as manydownsides as an air stone in a bucket. I keep mentioning aero-clonersbecause that's the only other method that's been listed here besidesthose major contributors telling people they need to put their clonesin a glass of water. Stick to your growing methods. Continue to weighyour yields in grams. Lofl.

Ijust realized that you're just a kid (21 years old I'm guessing),there isn't anything you can give me advice on sweetness. I certainlywon't continue to argue with you though, wish I figured that outearlier. I'm also going to assume everything you know about cannabisis what you have searched on google. Goodbye.

Ah youre just makin this too easy to turn down lol. Arguing about cloning was obviously a dead end(with you failing horribly), but now youre just clutching at straws to try and not look like an ass (again, failing horribly), making this so much more fun at this point. You said all you wanted was for me to leave, but followed that by making a huge ass post in my honor AND going through the trouble of following me elsewhere on the forum to troll me and tell me youre ignoring me? Strange logic you got there. Like a 13 year old school girl. And since you have me on ignore, I'm sure you wont be able to read, and therefore respond to this post, right?? sure hahah

Nice try with the kid thing too there smart one. You arent right, but I'm proud of someone with your intelligence level for trying. Did you come up with that all yourself? Oh, wait let me guess... because of my handle? Youre so good at math!! BUT you FAIL again. 91sr is a car thing there bud, as in 1991 s13 with sr20 swap. Better luck next time. Besides, even if you were right, why would age have even been relevant here? I know plenty of young prodigies and old retards(youre one), so whats your point? The only thing I can think of is what I've seen before: miserable old insecure failures having a problem with the already-successful and opportunistic youth so they try to claim that their age is equivalent to experience. Happened plenty when I actually was 21 and was in the military, already outranking half the 30year olds around.

And if you had half a brain, youd have at least looked to see that I have a 4200w garden linked here before trying to tell me I'm a closetgrower LOL. FAIL AGAIN. Oh right, youre so experienced you know better about a 4kw sealed room running on 10k btu ac more than me and my 12k btu ac thats about maxed out with 3000w in 95f ambient temps. Let alone the couple 5kw+ rooms and half dozen smaller setups I've helped design and build. Plus the dozens of people I've helped in the growroom section. If you got so much to say, lets see your top notch garden there guy. You claim to need 160 clones every 2 weeks so im sure it must be impressive. HAH But its good to know youll put the effort forth to troll me to try and find ammo for a fight(and FAIL at it), but wont actually contribute to that discussion yourself. If youknow so well, why havent you helped the guy?? Definition of a troll right there. So if you want to talk shit about basic room design, how about you try and find one actual discrepancy with a post of mine in that section and address it there. See how well it goes for you. kiss-ass<< hahah

And notice that even after all of this, you still never actually addressed anything about cloning. Whats the matter? Stumped on how to justify that your method is far superior to anything anyone has ever done anywhere(except jorge apparently)? Ooh, I get it. You refuse to acknowledge anything not completely in your favor, you had to resort to an ad hominem argument instead. And you couldnt even get that right hahah FAIL

Nice! I'm really interested in the honey method, I'd never heard of such things before I started this thread. I have used my method with no rooting hormone at all though, with nearly the same results. That's why I started dipping them in water a 2nd time to remove excess powder, that seemed to increase my rooting times a tid-bit. I will sub to your thread though, this is my revised tutorial (which is essentially the same thing, only worded better & more organized)- ...I've been at it (growing) for quite a while but I never cloned anything until this past summer, I still have yet to use anything besides the rooting powder; it's just too cheap to pass up!

+ Rep man, a very interesting post.

Thanks for the Rep +, back at ya for the method. I hope it works as well for me as it does for you. See you over in my thread. Happy Gardening! :peace:bongsmilie:weed:
Thanks for the Rep +, back at ya for the method. I hope it works as well for me as it does for you. See you over in my thread. Happy Gardening! :peace:bongsmilie:weed:

Awesome man, I think you'll be pleased with the results. I'm so thankful I didn't up spending too much on the heating pads and other stuff I don't use anymore. I'll go over there and sub up so I can follow this shit, I really want to see what honey does. I would never even think to try such a thing if I had never made it to RIU. :joint: Good growin'!

Ah youre just makin this too easy to turn down lol. Arguing about cloning was obviously a dead end(with you failing horribly), but now youre just clutching at straws to try and not look like an ass (again, failing horribly), making this so much more fun at this point. You said all you wanted was for me to leave, but followed that by making a huge ass post in my honor AND going through the trouble of following me elsewhere on the forum to troll me and tell me youre ignoring me? Strange logic you got there. Like a 13 year old school girl. And since you have me on ignore, I'm sure you wont be able to read, and therefore respond to this post, right?? sure hahah

Nice try with the kid thing too there smart one. You arent right, but I'm proud of someone with your intelligence level for trying. Did you come up with that all yourself? Oh, wait let me guess... because of my handle? Youre so good at math!! BUT you FAIL again. 91sr is a car thing there bud, as in 1991 s13 with sr20 swap. Better luck next time. Besides, even if you were right, why would age have even been relevant here? I know plenty of young prodigies and old retards(youre one), so whats your point? The only thing I can think of is what I've seen before: miserable old insecure failures having a problem with the already-successful and opportunistic youth so they try to claim that their age is equivalent to experience. Happened plenty when I actually was 21 and was in the military, already outranking half the 30year olds around.

And if you had half a brain, youd have at least looked to see that I have a 4200w garden linked here before trying to tell me I'm a closetgrower LOL. FAIL AGAIN. Oh right, youre so experienced you know better about a 4kw sealed room running on 10k btu ac more than me and my 12k btu ac thats about maxed out with 3000w in 95f ambient temps. Let alone the couple 5kw+ rooms and half dozen smaller setups I've helped design and build. Plus the dozens of people I've helped in the growroom section. If you got so much to say, lets see your top notch garden there guy. You claim to need 160 clones every 2 weeks so im sure it must be impressive. HAH But its good to know youll put the effort forth to troll me to try and find ammo for a fight(and FAIL at it), but wont actually contribute to that discussion yourself. If youknow so well, why havent you helped the guy?? Definition of a troll right there. So if you want to talk shit about basic room design, how about you try and find one actual discrepancy with a post of mine in that section and address it there. See how well it goes for you. kiss-ass<< hahah

And notice that even after all of this, you still never actually addressed anything about cloning. Whats the matter? Stumped on how to justify that your method is far superior to anything anyone has ever done anywhere(except jorge apparently)? Ooh, I get it. You refuse to acknowledge anything not completely in your favor, you had to resort to an ad hominem argument instead. And you couldnt even get that right hahah FAIL

vcut and paste here ... lol maybe youll read this.. loFl.. =0 vegas was the shit guys.. fucked this 37 year old chick and man she was a horny slut... one of the brides maids in the wedding i went too.. i love weddings
I've read through this entire thread berny and have yet to see your time stamped pictures of your 3 day ready to transplant clones. Put up or shut up.

my method isn't "better" than an aerocloner but it's certainly just as fast (or faster) as well as much more versatile

I'm not going to slice up my mothers immediately just to prove that my method owns aerocloners in all areas

Your method is inferior for me, my method blows others' rooting times out of the water

these methods you are using aren't faster, they aren't cheaper, they weigh more, they waste electricity

I never said any method was wrong or told anybody to do anything, so I don't know where you're getting that from.

Seems to me like you are just mad. Umad bro?

You contradict a lot of your own statements.....
vcut and paste here ... lol maybe youll read this.. loFl.. =0 vegas was the shit guys.. fucked this 37 year old chick and man she was a horny slut... one of the brides maids in the wedding i went too.. i love weddings

Hahahah thanks bud! Glad you had a good trip. I love weddings too(though not as much since having my own). Nothing like getting dressed up to go to a elegant and formal event for 2 hours, just to get completely shitty and slutty for 6 hours right after lol.
So, you had the neoprene collars before, I guess. I have a bubble cloner and I'm not impressed. I hope my dollar store has "pool noodles", lol.

Do you add anything to the water?

sometimes i squirt a couple droppers full of SCHULTZ 15-15-15. seems to work fine...

here are some 10 day roots... no water ph in. no fussing misting, nothing.. icut em and went to vegas and came back to these...View attachment 2305438View attachment 2305439
I'm not going to prove anything, I never said anyone had to believe me... and you keep waiting for those "time-stamped" pics (as if time stamped pictures prove anything.) I have amazing results this way, if your clones take longer to root then that is your own personal problem. Anyone who is going to post just to argue will not get a reply from me. My methods are ALMOST identical than those of Jorge Cervantes, whom knows more about growing than anyone here.
Time stamps do prove something and if you argue that someone will just photoshop them that just means you don't have nor will you ever have proof and don't want to be proven wrong.

besides if someone were to go through the trouble to edit times stamped photos then they are just proving to themselves they can't grow.

I'm not saying this method doesn't work for you. Just your cockiness and blurting out that your method is far superior than others is just ignorance.

That is why I felt the need to say what I did because you're acting like an ass that thinks his shit stinks the best. You have contradicted yourself many many times on many subjects which proves that you either don't have a clue what you are talking about or you are just in serious denial of the truth that your method is in fact no better than an aerocloner
Haha, no you can set the clock on any camera, fyi. No photoshop needed, time stamps DON'T prove shit. I really don't care if I've been proven wrong either. I didn't exactly say better either; SUPERIOR in time, cost, space and efficiency, even with emphasis on "FOR ME." But is also, again, strain-specific... meaning rooting results depend on the conditions the genetics were developed in as well as the cloning method. If the thread was entitled "EASY cloning" the aerocloner would take the cake, but that's not the case. Also, as I said before, I don't let my roots get unnecessarily long before I transplant them, I let them get 1/4-1/2" first. Growing them any longer before transplanting serves no purpose and only increases the chances of you damaging the roots when they are planted (or with light-damage), stunting growth for a couple days at the very least... possibly explains why it takes most growers so long to root their shit. Fight cockiness with cockiness my friend, if you read the entire thread you'll see that I started out very polite and open to other theories and methods, only listing reasons why I believe my way was better (or not) depending on the purpose, situation, funds available and type of strain.