Fat Chicks WTF

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i only post part of my face because this is a site where we talk about doing illegal things. duh...if u want me to post a pic of my whole face to show u that im a very pretty girl...i can certainly do that too. i have been a big girl my whole life. i dont really see a need to change. lots of guys change their minds about fat girls once they get to know me...because i also have a pretty kick ass personality.

i think its best for you to understand that the way you carry yourself has allot to do with how Men think of you. I prefer them not to have the darkness around the eyes....;)
thats shallow

Shallow is finding merit where there is none, or dismissing it where there is.

If you are thin, you are thin. This may or may not be a result of your behavior. Typically, the images shown on the idiot box are of people who make themselves unhealthy in order to look good for you. I do not find merit in that. I find it shallow.

Plastic examples the lengths women go to to meet YOUR ideals. It places more value in objectification than self, and I think is unhealthy, dangerous, and shallow.

Bimbo implies ignorance, or the desire to appear ignorant. The wealthy bimbos on the idiot box are designed to appeal, again, to you...

The combination of the three is a prescription. I am not talking about a woman who is loopy because of the medicine she takes to counter the nuclear radiation she endures because of her breast cancer, which gives her a loss of appetite and required prosthetic reconstructive surgery.

I think you know that.

*Funny that the latter situation almost describes to a T what you think is "sexy". It is just the circumstance which you find distasteful. I guess the crux of my argument is that the horror shows that are the lives of most strippers I find distasteful. You are willing to believe the fantasy. I am not.

Exactly though. It is a shame that women feel they have to go under the knife in order to be good reporters... dontcha think?

Don't you find that whole idea kind of... shallow?
I guess the crux of my argument is that the horror shows that are the lives of most strippers I find distasteful. You are willing to believe the fantasy. I am not.[/QUOTE]

Strippers lol sorry man don't go to strip clubs
Fat girls exist because horny guys would still tap dat ass.

If all guys _truly_ agreed that fat girls were disgusting, then they would either lose the weight, or never have offspring.

Women obsess about weight, and say they want to be skinny, but make no mistake, they can still get guys.

Why go to all the trouble to lose weight? So you can attract another "class" of guy? So you can compete with even hotter women. I think fat chicks like it the way it is. There are always dopey, lovey, average guys who will take it (who themselves have discovered that hot girls are too "high maintenance" -- translation: Will leave you if you are a slob.)

Not everyone has the same ideals. I'm a woman who happens to like men with a lil' meat ;) lol and I'm in no way BIG myself, but I'm certainly curvier then the average, which I happen to find very attractive.

Without thin, there would be no fat-- the worlds people fall on spectrums, all kinds ofspectrums, from wieght, to hieght to sexual orientation-- its all variable, and its all natural.

live and let live. :)
Well, in defense of fat ladies everywhere.. it IS much harder for a woman to lose weight than a man. A woman has her hormones working against her. Women are the childbearers, and their bodies are designed for survival so they can reproduce. This means we naturally store more fat than men. Call it an evolutionary throwback, if you will. Stored fat = energy if there isn't a ready source of food.

You have to be seriously disciplined nowadays if you're going to eat healthy. Just about everything is "fortified" with high fructose corn syrup and other added sugars. Hell, even a can of corn has added sugar (look at the ingredients next time you're out shopping... corn, sugar). Add that to the fact that we rely on "convenience" foods, instead of eating fresh, whole foods (who has the time or desire to cook a meal when you can order in! No dishes to wash, either!), and there you have it.

Our society as a whole is getting fatter and fatter. Eating habits are a learned behavior, so don't blame the fat chicks, blame their lazy parents.

Exactly though. It is a shame that women feel they have to go under the knife in order to be good reporters... dontcha think?

Don't you find that whole idea kind of... shallow?

Actually, I think if a women in a news "reporter" for a network, the biggest job requirement is looking good. Period. Its not heartless to cut them for younger talent. How long do NFL players last? 5 years? Ten if really lucky.

I dont understand why Couric is even on the news when there are scores of more attractive, more intelligent, more articulate women (and men).

I suspect she has the "girlfriend" appeal for baby boomers. Yech!
Actually, I think if a women in a news "reporter" for a network, the biggest job requirement is looking good. Period. Its not heartless to cut them for younger talent. How long do NFL players last? 5 years? Ten if really lucky.

I dont understand why Couric is even on the news when there are scores of more attractive, more intelligent, more articulate women (and men).

I suspect she has the "girlfriend" appeal for baby boomers. Yech!

I disagree. I think the biggest job requirement for a "reporter" is to be able to REPORT. That means coming up with an idea for a story, investigating that story, and writing it up.

Otherwise, you're not a reporter, you're a spokesperson. A spokesperson is nothing more than a face. You stand there, looking pretty, and deliver your lines.

Katie Couric is a hardass. She used to be cuter when she was young. Hell, look at Barbara Walters, she's ancient, but she gets the story.
Well, in defense of fat ladies everywhere.. it IS much harder for a woman to lose weight than a man. A woman has her hormones working against her. Women are the childbearers, and their bodies are designed for survival so they can reproduce. This means we naturally store more fat than men. Call it an evolutionary throwback, if you will. Stored fat = energy if there isn't a ready source of food.
Do woman really need to store a 200 pounds of fat for a rainy day?
Do woman really need to store a 200 pounds of fat for a rainy day?

I didn't say that. I said women store more fat than men, and it's harder for them to lose it.

Yes, they need to store SOME fat. If you're 200 lbs overweight, you've got a bigger problem than just liking to eat. People who are this overweight generally DO have some legitimate medical issue that makes them so fat - whether it be an addiction to food, emotional overeating, depression, or some kind of hormonal or thyroid problem.
I didn't say that. I said women store more fat than men, and it's harder for them to lose it.

Yes, they need to store SOME fat. If you're 200 lbs overweight, you've got a bigger problem than just liking to eat. People who are this overweight generally DO have some legitimate medical issue that makes them so fat - whether it be an addiction to food, emotional overeating, depression, or some kind of hormonal or thyroid problem.

I guess its odd that Euorpean people don't have these "medical issues". Apparently only Americans catch these medical problems
I guess its odd that Euorpean people don't have these "medical issues". Apparently only Americans catch these medical problems

Says who?

While the availability of data within the European Union varies widely, surveys presented at the congress showed that England, Germany, Greece, Cyprus, the Czech Republic and Slovakia had some of the highest rates of overweight or obese adults.

According to a survey completed in 2003, 75.4 percent of German men and 58.9 percent of women were overweight or obese. A 2004 survey in England showed rates of 66.6 percent for men and 58.5 percent for women.

Spain had the highest rate of overweight boys, with 35 percent in that category in 2000-2002. Other countries with high rates - 29 to 31 percent - were Malta, Scotland, Greece, Portugal and England.
Portugal had the highest rate for girls, at 34.3 percent, followed by Scotland, with 32.9 percent, and Spain, with 32 percent. The Netherlands, Slovakia, Estonia and Finland were among the countries with the lowest rates of overweight children.


Seriously, Google "obesity in Europe". Trust me, it's a problem there, too.
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