I disagree. I think the biggest job requirement for a "reporter" is to be able to REPORT. That means coming up with an idea for a story, investigating that story, and writing it up.
Otherwise, you're not a reporter, you're a spokesperson. A spokesperson is nothing more than a face. You stand there, looking pretty, and deliver your lines.
Katie Couric is a hardass. She used to be cuter when she was young. Hell, look at Barbara Walters, she's ancient, but she gets the story.
Couric reads the news. She does not devise, research, or outline the news program. She sits there and reads the prompts.
I agree, if she were a REPORTER in a traditional sense of getting leads and running down stories, but alas, she is not.
This is like the differnece between a composer and a musician. Composers are the brains of the operation, it doesnt matter that their fingers are not the most dextrous. Highly trained musicians are paid to sit in the chair and read the notes. And its quite competitive. Strangely, the majority of thse guys/gals cant write or express musical vision.
I thiink Katie is the equivalent of an old baseball glove. A comfortable interface to the harsh realities of catching the news.
I just dont care to wear the same glove worn by the boomers. Not so comfortable for me, and her Jacksonesque appearance scares me a bit.