Fat Chicks WTF

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I disagree. I think the biggest job requirement for a "reporter" is to be able to REPORT. That means coming up with an idea for a story, investigating that story, and writing it up.

Otherwise, you're not a reporter, you're a spokesperson. A spokesperson is nothing more than a face. You stand there, looking pretty, and deliver your lines.

Katie Couric is a hardass. She used to be cuter when she was young. Hell, look at Barbara Walters, she's ancient, but she gets the story.

Couric reads the news. She does not devise, research, or outline the news program. She sits there and reads the prompts.

I agree, if she were a REPORTER in a traditional sense of getting leads and running down stories, but alas, she is not.

This is like the differnece between a composer and a musician. Composers are the brains of the operation, it doesnt matter that their fingers are not the most dextrous. Highly trained musicians are paid to sit in the chair and read the notes. And its quite competitive. Strangely, the majority of thse guys/gals cant write or express musical vision.

I thiink Katie is the equivalent of an old baseball glove. A comfortable interface to the harsh realities of catching the news.

I just dont care to wear the same glove worn by the boomers. Not so comfortable for me, and her Jacksonesque appearance scares me a bit.
Obesity in women by country...


top 10 countries are European...

Obesity in men...


Again.. top 10 countries are European

It is only when you add Childhood obesity to the mix that the USA becomes the world leader in obesity.

Why are our children fatter than those in Europe?


For real. Have you guys seen some of the crap that comes out of the school cafeterias? According to my kids, it's cheeseburgers and pizza just about every day.

Add that to the fact that most households are two-paycheck households with both parents working (or single parent households) and hardly anyone is sitting down for family dinners (which, according to nutrition experts is VERY important if you want to teach your child good nutrition habits) and it's no surprise at all that our kids are fatter than anyone else's.

I make it a point to tell my kids not only that they can't have candy and junk food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but also WHY they can't. They may not be gung-ho to eat all their vegetables, but I make sure they see ME eat mine.

It's all about setting an example. Kids want to be like their parents, so if the parents are sitting in front of the TV guzzling sodas and polishing off entire bags of chips, then the kids are going to want to mimic that behavior.
Couric reads the news. She does not devise, research, or outline the news program. She sits there and reads the prompts.

I agree, if she were a REPORTER in a traditional sense of getting leads and running down stories, but alas, she is not.

This is like the differnece between a composer and a musician. Composers are the brains of the operation, it doesnt matter that their fingers are not the most dextrous. Highly trained musicians are paid to sit in the chair and read the notes. And its quite competitive. Strangely, the majority of thse guys/gals cant write or express musical vision.

I thiink Katie is the equivalent of an old baseball glove. A comfortable interface to the harsh realities of catching the news.

I just dont care to wear the same glove worn by the boomers. Not so comfortable for me, and her Jacksonesque appearance scares me a bit.

You're right, there's a difference between REPORTING and being an "anchorperson". Right now, Couric is an anchorperson. And I agree, she's kind of scary looking, but in her defense she's been through a lot. When her husband died, she aged 15 years in what seemed like a few months.

Anyway, the argument wasn't whether or not Katie Couric writes for CBS, it was that good-looks aren't necessarily the most important trait for a reporter to possess.
You're right, there's a difference between REPORTING and being an "anchorperson". Right now, Couric is an anchorperson. And I agree, she's kind of scary looking, but in her defense she's been through a lot. When her husband died, she aged 15 years in what seemed like a few months.

Anyway, the argument wasn't whether or not Katie Couric writes for CBS, it was that good-looks aren't necessarily the most important trait for a reporter to possess.

Agree, but as jobs become more specialized, the one sitting in front of the camera should be attractive and articulate.

Katie should be moved away from the camera, but I think the network played her to capture a demographic that wasnt as strongly spoken for by the other networks. An attractive, intelligent, young woman would have missed that demographic by about half.
For real. Have you guys seen some of the crap that comes out of the school cafeterias? According to my kids, it's cheeseburgers and pizza just about every day.

Add that to the fact that most households are two-paycheck households with both parents working (or single parent households) and hardly anyone is sitting down for family dinners (which, according to nutrition experts is VERY important if you want to teach your child good nutrition habits) and it's no surprise at all that our kids are fatter than anyone else's.

I make it a point to tell my kids not only that they can't have candy and junk food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but also WHY they can't. They may not be gung-ho to eat all their vegetables, but I make sure they see ME eat mine.

It's all about setting an example. Kids want to be like their parents, so if the parents are sitting in front of the TV guzzling sodas and polishing off entire bags of chips, then the kids are going to want to mimic that behavior.

I thought it was because of "medical issues"
I thought it was because of "medical issues"

Do you actually read, or do you just pick out random statements and try to start arguments?

I SAID, a person who is 200 lbs overweight more than likely has a medical issue causing them to remain overweight.

That has nothing to do with overweight kids, as it's rare for a child to be 200lbs, let alone 200 lbs OVERweight.

Our KIDS are fat mostly because we teach them poor habits.
or maybe some fat people are happy with themselves and dont feel the need to starve themselves to be someone elses idea of attractive. :) this thread has been around for ages and its never going to get resolved...lol.
Meh thats the thing, whether they're too fat, thin, tall short w/e someone is always going to have an opinion or a judgement. That being said, if you don't like it-- don't look.
Ive fucked a few fat chicks its all good just make sure they buy you somthing and whatever you do dont let your guard down. Fat chick sits on your face you might just loose somthing I call dignity. Having a brownstar on your nose you cant get off could be shocking and smelly.

Remember go to bed with itchy butt wake up with sticky fingure number one rule.
Ive fucked a few fat chicks its all good just make sure they buy you somthing and whatever you do dont let your guard down. Fat chick sits on your face you might just loose somthing I call dignity. Having a brownstar on your nose you cant get off could be shocking and smelly.

Remember go to bed with itchy butt wake up with sticky fingure number one rule.

i hope this is not from experience lol. oh the humanity.
My GF is a heavy chick...but im a heavy guy so it works..and the sex has never been better for me. Also skinny chicks who are popular w the boys...all mostly retarded, psychotic, or have a long string of failed relationships because they are way too high maint. Nope, give me the "girl next door" or the slightly less perfect one so I can have a real person and not some fake, 5 hours in the bathroom on my face type of smutbag who is about as deep as a kiddie pool
My GF is a heavy chick...but im a heavy guy so it works..and the sex has never been better for me. Also skinny chicks who are popular w the boys...all mostly retarded, psychotic, or have a long string of failed relationships because they are way too high maint. Nope, give me the "girl next door" or the slightly less perfect one so I can have a real person and not some fake, 5 hours in the bathroom on my face type of smutbag who is about as deep as a kiddie pool

Im after all chicks. Set your standards low and well you got low standards.

Standards are for under acheivers. The goal is pussy! Dont get picky get even! Break that shit dont hate that shit!
im goin out on a limb here....but kill all fat bitches....hahaha....hate me if you want...i dont care,,,im ripped....hahah...fat bitches
I say, "If you're fat, its your own damn fault." There are those few people who actually have health issues, but the ratio of "health issues" to "just fat" is way too low.

Anyway... Fat chicks are never going to go away. Fat chicks, embrace. Get more pussy, you shall.

Fat chicks usually have some pretty large breasts as well, which is always nice.
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