Father arrested for DUI drugs, endangerment

AZ is not the law of gravity

as long as we all support asinine laws that have arbitrary reasoning to punish people and take away our inalienable rights, we all lose

i fight for the user . . .. call me tron

i bet more pacifiers are the cause of traffic related deaths or accidents in year, then mmj DUI's

i do not condone laws for the sake of laws, their needs to be reasons, i see none to bump a no tabs stop into a felony for a smell and the fct that he is a father

only you can prevent forest fires . . . .
Hmmm, his tags expired in Jan,...a few days ago. Very few cops would handcuff a person with a child present and take him away...most would say 'get that taken care of soon, or here's an expired tag ticket, take care of it". But, he had a pipe..OMG, old cop mentally is he's a criminal and even with a card they arrested him there and then.

The bad news is we won't hear the results of this case in the news unless this person has mega dollars to fight the system. He and his child will be rail-roaded through the system like hundreds of thousands before him...sad that he's Guilty and sits in jail unless he has enough money to hire expensive lawyers to Prove his innocence.
nature's harvest compassion club got busted today

channel 12 has the story

damn there was another bust jan 31...

They will get off.

They were very adamant in that undercover video that they were paying for consultation and education.

Just a bunch of hillbilly, podunk, redneck cops that don't feel like looking for meth houses. Much easier when the mark has a storefront with bright green signage.
They will get off.

They were very adamant in that undercover video that they were paying for consultation and education.

Just a bunch of hillbilly, podunk, redneck cops that don't feel like looking for meth houses. Much easier when the mark has a storefront with bright green signage.

that video also showed her taking the cash. right after she said that she couldn't take cash and that someone else would.

if that's what they are showing, have no doubt they have a lot more.

i feel terrible for these people but damn, read the fucking laws and stop trying to interpret them like they were written in a liberal state. and people should stop trying to be cute with their interpretation of the law. either that or go to jail or at the very least pay through the nose to defend yourself. gubment wears people down by costing them so much money with lawyers fees and penalties, they just say fuck it, i surrender. keep in mind what happens when they bust a non medical card holder with a bag of pot in his house. the pot is a felony, each pack of papers is a crime, each pipe. each piece of paraphernalia is another charge that they hang on you. they then allow you to bargin down to something with the pot and drop the other charges. i never fuck with the gubment. they do not fuck around. follow the law to the letter or they're coming.

the state will always take the most conservative legal opinion regarding what's legal and illegal. the law is pretty clear as to what it allows, they are actively working the compassion clubs waiting for one guy to fuck up. all it takes is one person saying or doing the wrong thing once.

i realize some of you are younger, and or have had very few dealings with gubment and want to stand up for what you think are your rights and all. good luck with that. lol
i feel terrible for these people but damn, read the fucking laws and stop trying to interpret them like they were written in a liberal state.

sounds like you really care . . or maybe it smells like bacon ..... you post this bait and switch act, where you pretend to care about people who get caught up in the law and then demonize them for not reading the laws or interpreting .. like a judge or cop isnt interpreting a law, as he sites smell and causation to DUI

i swear i see more cop post in some med state forums then patients
sounds like you really care . . or maybe it smells like bacon ..... you post this bait and switch act, where you pretend to care about people who get caught up in the law and then demonize them for not reading the laws or interpreting .. like a judge or cop isnt interpreting a law, as he sites smell and causation to DUI

i swear i see more cop post in some med state forums then patients

fuck off you cunt. i've been growing steady since 95. i was on grow boards before there were pictures. you're just one of those clueless fucks who thinks you can fight city hall. except you never try to fight them. just encourage others to waste their time and money.

i had more grows under my belt by 2000 than most will ever grow.

eat shit dummy.
Funny how he calls everyone cops when what is said doesn't agree with what he THINKS the world should be. It's usually the guy calling everyone else cops who is the actual buttbuddy.
Funny how he calls everyone cops when what is said doesn't agree with what he THINKS the world should be. It's usually the guy calling everyone else cops who is the actual buttbuddy.

i've never been called a nark. in my day, you beat the shit out of someone who would insult you like that. it was like the N word only for dopers.

he's a loud mouth, ignorant douche bag. he has a handful of grows under his belt and thinks he's got everything all figured out. i've seen hundreds of them come and go over the years.

is he even in arizona? i don't recall him posting around here before.

i think they call assholes like him "conflict posters". lol
lol, if he would of just paid his tags! Well it is what it is. Sounds like my aunt. Crazy woman drives fadded with a a bottle of h & h with her in her doable cup, inside here 6 month old expired tag car. :sad:
fuck off you cunt. i've been growing steady since 95. i was on grow boards before there were pictures. you're just one of those clueless fucks who thinks you can fight city hall. except you never try to fight them. just encourage others to waste their time and money.

i had more grows under my belt by 2000 than most will ever grow.

eat shit dummy.
lmao, first time I read you where a officer of the LAW. I lmao reading that
A police officer that pulls a person over for a expired tag is usually looking for probable cause not looking to just write a "non moving violation" ticket.

Many many many many many many many arrests stem from non moving violations... Sheriff Joe's Posse ring a bell! There was a point in time (not that long ago) where driving in central PHX with a license plate light burnt out would get you pulled over quick - pulled out of your car (twice for me) and harassed because the Posse was doing an "Enforcement" in the area!

Keep in mind it is their job to look for probable cause and make arrests! Protect & Serve is non sense. Pullover & Arrest is more like it!

This is how I look at the police in general.... Like a salesman you never want to give up too much info. Once you do they make a sale! I avoid them by all measures! :lol:
Funny how he calls everyone cops when what is said doesn't agree with what he THINKS the world should be. It's usually the guy calling everyone else cops who is the actual buttbuddy.

funny how your so full of shit, SO you think the guy defending peoples right to medicate and rally against asinine laws and their enforcement is cop . . make perfect sense . . to a dullard

makes about as much sense as condemning a man to a felony charge for driving with his daughter and a medical prescription (plus medicine) he ain t some street stoner in a potato bag asking to sleep on your couch

man you people have victim syndrome(like some Stockholm shit), "dont rock the boat, as long as i get away with it, fuck everyone else" mentality and its sickening to see you throw your associates under the bus to make yourself seem more legit, cause you do the monkey dance better

Is guy a cop?, weather you are or not(ya not all cops are douche bags just most), makes no difference to that fact that you agree with this mans getting screwed fro being a valid AZ medical req holder and a father, you might as well be

correlation is not causation any good lawyer will have this thrown out of court so fast, those cops wont have time to sniff the hand cuffs

the loss here is to his and anyone's liberty, in that state and any other where cops feel they can do make up whatever they want
Hey Samwell - quit being such a cock-smoker. We are all sick of your bullshit and calling everyone a cop. Go eat a bowl of dicks somewhere else. A lot of us here know each other pretty well and you come along pissing in the punch bowl with every post - contribute something meaningful or please just go away.

We get it, you don't trust anyone and you know everything. We all have all seen a thousand people just like you.

Some people shouldn't smoke weed...makes them paranoid....

yeah he's either off his meds or a paranoid who should be on some. i wonder if he runs to the curtains everytime he hears a noise outside. i knew a chick who used to do that when she smoked pot. very annoying.

considering his hate of cops etc, i'll bet he's called himself an anarchist at some point in his life. power to the people! lol
I've lost track of busts because of stupid shit like leaving bag, pipe, bong whatever the fuck exposed to broad daylight. It's just plain stupid to be having a pipe in your vehicle. The ony reason you need a pipe in your vehicle is to take your new, un resinated pipe home.

Pipe in vehicle means imeediate have you been smoking questions and gives all manner of probable cause. Smoking in your vehicle is stupid, stupid, stupid and reason number 1 for getting busted. The only time weed should even be in your vehicle is when you are driving it home.

Seriously you stoned retards, paraphenalia and pot in vehicles must account for 80% of the busts out there.

Proper approach... Lock weed in trunk. Officer pulls you over, "Do you have anything illegal Son?" "No Officer, I believe I do not." "Do I have to get a drug dog or are you going to consent to me searching your vehicle?" "Yes, Officer, please get a dog"
"Is this your weed Son?" "Yes sir it is." "I thought you said you didn't have anything Illegal in your vehicle?" "No sir, I have a state issued card, I didn't consider it illegal." "OK, have you been smoking any of that weed Son?" "No sir, I ran out a couple weeks ago, and just got this weed today, I'm taking it home to smoke in private." "Ok, I'm letting you go now, have a nice day."
"No Officer, I believe I do not."

It is best to not make up stories... Just don't plan to talk to them. Period.

Your first response signals a lie..... 'I believe' AKA prabale cause to investigate!

A better response to an investigative question would be a stern "NO SIR" followed by "am I under arrest SIR" and "am I free to go SIR" and "I don't consent to this visit SIR"

FYI - over 80% of conviction are due to folks opening their mouth! Why say something that can & will be used against you? What you say will never be used for you!