Father will not approve

Have a date this weekend. First date I've had since high school (so its been over a decade)

We're going to have lunch then smoke a little. Just something chill to get to know each other.

Something I'm worried about is where to smoke that's safe. Last thing I need is to spend our first date in handcuffs. Both our places are off limits because... Well its the first time meeting each other. Don't know the area very well. I was thinking a park or the back of parking lot but idk
a dark secluded alley where nobody will hear her screams.
...on a serious note i find smoking in plain site is often the best bet. idk if you are driving or walking mostly but when i drove i would just park in a parking lot NOT away from other cars. attempting to be secluded only raises suspicion from cops as to wtf that car is doing over there by itself. same goes for on foot. I live near a major city and i take the bus mostly i basically fire up aspliff and walk down the street. being a joint is key here as it is not easy to spot. sure ppl smell it but in on a busy N'Y like city street nobody cares or would be able to pinpoint it as i am walking. i am in my 40's and have been rolling like this for 20+ years. the only time i got busted was in a car AWAY from the other cars, and a cop banged on my window wondering why i was parked inthe back. needless to say i rolled down my window and the cop went "holy shit man, where did you get that and don't tell me "x" because that shit smells too good to be junk weed. fyi "x" is my local ghetto i left the name out for anonymity sake lol. that cop let me go with a disorderly conduct as i lived a block from home and told him i cant smoke in my house so i come a block away, which back then was actually tru.
all thaty proly didn't help in hind site sorry lol, but my point is the more you hide the more you are drawin'
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Went well. Went to taco bell and smoked a blunt behind Wal-Mart.

Sweet girl. Little shy. No gag reflex. A little chubby but over kinda cute
You got a fat girl high and banged her behind walmart?

Stay classy

Scoring on the first date in a decade?

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