Except with the email we have FBI verified physical evidence of the fact, where's the proof in Trumps case (not defending him, fuck him too only making a point)

Logic and Truth, the mountains on which progressive's arguments die on the reg. But they are a determined bunch, willing to displace reality with lies. Not because it's right, but because they feel they are inherently correct. Also they never seem to scrutinize the "facts" with which they construct their arguments with the same fervor they attack opposing thoughts with.
To this very day I still don't know her guilt or innocence. But I did read what the FBI had to say and what did they say?
To sum it up, yes laws were broken, but they didnt mean to so we will look the other way.

I dont care which politician it is, once again you guys are so hung up in the D/R that you lose all common sense.

A politician, someone in power, seems to have broken laws, and is given preferential treatment so that politician was able to walk away. If you were to accidently break the law, you would still be responsible for your actions. If you were grossly negligent, you would still have to face the consequences.
What you think is irrelevant. No law was broken that called for criminal charges. What jj said is correct. The stuff she did was cause for an employee reprimand. Don't like it? Ok, that's good with me.

Come on man. All you guys are just baying for blood because you don't like Hillary. Just saying that she's guilty even though there wasn't evidence, because politicians, is bullshit. The absence of evidence isn't proof of guilt. The FBI lead investigator, after involving 1500 agents, interviews of people who handled the servers and an interview with Hillary to check for inconsistency did not find evidence.

From your standard, Trump is guilty of raping a child and everybody else if guilty upon accusation. A Fascist state legal proceeding.
This versus actual unapproved server and 100 top secret emails.

Yup. You are certifiably insane.
So the emails make her guilty? Upon accusation, she's guilty. No need to read them, no need for legal review or investigation. By your lights, the fact that there are 100 top secret emails, she's guilty.

By your standard, Trump is guilty of raping a child. Four times. In front of people. Yuck.
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Keep beating your retard drum. Eventually another retard will hear it.
Can you explain the fault in the logic train?

Right wingers claim Hillary is guilty even though there is no evidence to support a criminal offense. After an official review and statement by the FBI, you still claim she's guilty. No evidence but she's guilty.

Trump is accused by a woman of raping her when she was 13. A witness has come forward. The case is going forward.

By your standard Trump is already guilty. Even more so than Hillary.
Can you explain the fault in the logic train?

Right wingers claim Hillary is guilty even though there is no evidence to support a criminal offense. After an official review and statement by the FBI, you still claim she's guilty. No evidence but she's guilty.

Trump is accused by a woman of raping her when she was 13. A witness has come forward. The case is going forward.

By your standard Trump is already guilty. Even more so than Hillary.

Sure I'll explain it to you.....AGAIN. There is a plethora of evidence against hillary. You have to be severely mentally challenged to not acknowledge that fact.

And you are the only person I've heard make the Trump allegation. I've seen the claim made by ONLY YOU, just YOU. I repeat....only YOU.

Gross negligence as declared by the head of the FBI stemming from an investigation of a claim, is beyond the initial "accusation" process.
Gross negligence as declared by the head of the FBI stemming from an investigation of a claim, is beyond the initial "accusation" process.

It seems since fogdog identifies so well with hillary and is cool with her being grossly negligent with intelligence, he's cool with that.
Sure I'll explain it to you.....AGAIN. There is a plethora of evidence against hillary. You have to be severely mentally challenged to not acknowledge that fact.

And you are the only person I've heard make the Trump allegation. I've seen the claim made by ONLY YOU, just YOU. I repeat....only YOU.

Well, there is this little fact of 18 months investigation with up to 1500 FBI agents reviewing the e-mail "evidence" and they found no evidence for criminal charges. Hillary will not be charged and will not go to trial. Yet you still say she's guilty. Nobody in an actual legal status says so. You, bumfuck idiot rightwinger says so. Therefore you rant on about it with me as if I'm the idiot for not agreeing. Although I don't agree, I completely understand your argument. And so, I say, if true for Hillary then what about Trump?

By your standard, Trump is even more guilty of raping a child. Four times. In front of people, yuck, because his case is going to trial.
It seems since fogdog identifies so well with hillary and is cool with her being grossly negligent with intelligence, he's cool with that.
Unlike you, I'm convinced that what I think isn't important regarding the legal matters of Hillary's e-mail server. I'm not a lawyer and I'm not in charge of the FBI's investigation on this either.

Did you know that Trump raped a child? Four times. In front of people. Yuck.
Gross negligence as declared by the head of the FBI stemming from an investigation of a claim, is beyond the initial "accusation" process.
Gross negligence. Yes, that's what he said. And so, an employee has been reprimanded. Exactly the correct punishment for the crime.
They recommended no criminal charges, people are indicted from statements of two people, she had thousands of emails, lied about them, FBI confirmed her lies, confirmed her complacency (lack of intent) and decided not to prosecute, do you think her name had any play in that, or the fact her husband at one time appointed the head of the DOJ?

It's a giant circle-jerk.
So the head of the department has not enough sense to conduct national security matters within the proper channels and we think she can be president. How nice.
Gross negligence. Yes, that's what he said. And so, an employee has been reprimanded. Exactly the correct punishment for the crime.
Only for those so privy to elude the punishment anyone else would be subject. We can agree to disagree.