Ignored the shit out of buck, at least some people bring some kind of intelligence to the table, that guy had nothing but insults, and who wants to see trump on a toilet all day.....
Yes, he thrives off of being lewd and crude..gotta wonder what kind of list he is on...lol
Your hopeless...LOL She was much more than an employee, she held one of the highest security and ranking positions in our country and did or potentially did endanger our country by not following the laws she was to uphold and follow. She was not a low level employee but the Secretary of State, and she blew those laws off for her own personal convenience. If that is who you want to be our president that is your prerogative, but as secretary of state, she should be held to the standard that the position requires, and she showed no regard for her position or the safety or security of our nation. You can spin it however you want, but the facts are the facts. This demonstrates how screwed up the system is, that is all. If one of your homeboys did this, they would be fired or have their ass in military jail, and then you would be screaming from the hilltops that the system was rigged.

jesusfuck, you can stop crying now. it's over.
instead of crying about it. do something productive and proactive. call the FBI and let them know that hillary broke the law so that they can arrest her, try her, and put her in prison.

otherwise just shut the fuck up already.
Well, there is this little fact of 18 months investigation with up to 1500 FBI agents reviewing the e-mail "evidence" and they found no evidence for criminal charges. Hillary will not be charged and will not go to trial. Yet you still say she's guilty. Nobody in an actual legal status says so. You, bumfuck idiot rightwinger says so. Therefore you rant on about it with me as if I'm the idiot for not agreeing. Although I don't agree, I completely understand your argument. And so, I say, if true for Hillary then what about Trump?

By your standard, Trump is even more guilty of raping a child. Four times. In front of people, yuck, because his case is going to trial.
No. That's not what they said. They said they found no intent.

What do they need to prove intent? I would say her making the decision to avoid the laws by installing a private unauthorized server shows intent.
They recommended no criminal charges, people are indicted from statements of two people, she had thousands of emails, lied about them, FBI confirmed her lies, confirmed her complacency (lack of intent) and decided not to prosecute, do you think her name had any play in that, or the fact her husband at one time appointed the head of the DOJ?

It's a giant circle-jerk.
What? Clintons hired lynch on at first and also guarantee her a spot if elected?

Edit. Nope it was obama who made her AG..
She will sell us out for her own. See ambassadors lost as a result of YouTube.

For me, I don't like any of the lifetime billionaire sleezeball class, they are all likely raping people and doing ungodly atrocities, but please stop painting her as if she's just some unfortunate soul victim to circumstances which inconveniently follow her throughout her tenure as a politician.
When did I say she was an unfortunate soul victim to circumstances? Hillary is one tough person. After all the accusations over 25 years and millions upon millions of dollars spent on investigations, not one amounted to anything. How is this evidence that she will sell us out? She is the accused one. And an accusation is not proof of anything. Although right wingers certainly think so, and apparently you.

I'm saying that Trump supporters accuse her of a criminal act without legitimate cause and am mocking them because their own chosen one is accused of terrible things but it doesn't bother them. So I mock.

I'd like to see the you tube evidence. would appreciate a link. It better be worth my time. Not Fox, not some right winger blog post but something from main stream media or an official source.
She already sells us out taking money from those who run private prisons... did you not get that memo? Do you think people should profit off of those who would be incarcerated, or do you think again that people can operate outside of the interest of the sole reason for a corporations existence, profit. ??

I will find you the video where Hillary claimed it was YouTube... if I might admit I'm fucking dumbfounded if you haven't seen or heard this before.

I'm saying you are probably in the right in your digs at trump supporters. However, please put all candidates through that same litmus test.

Hillary if anything does have longevity, but there's no denying the long list of questionable circumstances that have long followed not only her but the Clintons in general.
"I see evidence of great carelessness, but I do not see evidence that is sufficient to establish that Secretary Clinton or those with whom she was corresponding with ... knew when they did it they were doing something that was against the law."

SO... when they were corresponding, they were doing something that was against the law.
"they were doing something that was against the law"

broke the law... but again, no "intent" funny how that works..... nowhere in the courts will you see someone get off on a defense of "intent" let alone charges not being filed because of "intent"... manslaughter is a perfect example of when people are charged with murder for unintentionally killing someone.
She already sells us out taking money from those who run private prisons... did you not get that memo? Do you think people should profit off of those who would be incarcerated, or do you think again that people can operate outside of the interest of the sole reason for a corporations existence, profit. ??

I will find you the video where Hillary claimed it was YouTube... if I might admit I'm fucking dumbfounded if you haven't seen or heard this before.

I'm saying you are probably in the right in your digs at trump supporters. However, please put all candidates through that same litmus test.

Hillary if anything does have longevity, but there's no denying the long list of questionable circumstances that have long followed not only her but the Clintons in general.
The peons do not care....they do not care if she is a careless, selfish, lazy, lying, and an inept idiot, as long as their liberal agenda is met and they have their president, that is their only concern...I have never understood folks that will blindly vote for anyone as long as they are a member they are affiliated with, ethics and morals just don't matter to so many...
No. That's not what they said. They said they found no intent.

What do they need to prove intent? I would say her making the decision to avoid the laws by installing a private unauthorized server shows intent.
Haaahahahaahaahahaaaahaaa Oh Pie you are such a nitwit. "they said the found no intent"; "What do you need to prove intent"?"

What the FBI' lead investigator said was: Comey said, "the FBI did not find any indication that those emails had been intentionally concealed from investigators." http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-...rges-for-hillary-clinton-in-email-server-case

Do you understand what he's saying? All this shit is about whether or not Hillary concealed the fact that she had held top secret documents on the server. She even said the server did not hold them. Well, they found 108 top secret e-mails and went through a huge amount of effort to find evidence that there had been others that had been hidden or erased. Did not find any. So, careless; yes, negligent; yes, broke the rules; yes, would I be happy if my employee did this; no. Criminal intent to commit a crime; no. Hillary will not be charged.

No matter how much you want her to be charged, she isn't going to be. Because there is no evidence that she committed a crime. Yet you still are convinced she committed a crime.

By your standards, Trump is guilty of raping a child. Four times. In front of people, yuck.
The peons do not care....they do not care if she is a careless, selfish, lazy, lying, and an inept idiot, as long as their liberal agenda is met and they have their president, that is their only concern...I have never understood folks that will blindly vote for anyone as long as they are a member they are affiliated with, ethics and morals just don't matter to so many...

fucking sock puppet talking about morals and ethics.

get the fuck out of here.