I know plenty of you want to jump on opposite side of lines because of the D/R next to their name but lets be real....

it is SICKENING that a politician can do what they do and then authorities say they had no "intent" to break the law.

So the next time I am driving a long, not paying attention, and get pulled over for going 7 miles over the speed limit, can I use the "no intent to break the law" excuse?

anyone who defends this is a moron and I havent read a single post to see if anyone actually is defending it or not.
Evidence is hundreds of top secret, secret and confidential files stored on a private server.... That is evidence. Deal with it.
Nope, not evidence of criminal intent. 1500 FBI agents went through those files, reconstructed erased files and no evidence of criminal intent was found. To you those files by their existence is enough. Which is why I say to you:

Did you know that Trump is a child rapist?

Because evidence.
I know plenty of you want to jump on opposite side of lines because of the D/R next to their name but lets be real....

it is SICKENING that a politician can do what they do and then authorities say they had no "intent" to break the law.

So the next time I am driving a long, not paying attention, and get pulled over for going 7 miles over the speed limit, can I use the "no intent to break the law" excuse?

anyone who defends this is a moron and I havent read a single post to see if anyone actually is defending it or not.
Did you know that Trump is a child rapist?
We are not talking about trump or child rape in this thread. Why is this an obsession of yours that you carry everywhere? Why do you feel so guilty?

Clinton acted to obviously evade government statutes of transparency and accountability. She is a lawyer, she has no excuse. Yet she should be president because trump is bad...

Continue watching the show Fogdog.
Why do you continue to avoid discussing the evidence that Trump is a child rapist?
TFW you are literally never right about anything, ever:

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He can't ever get it right. Remember the prediction that black people were going to burn down Baltimore because they were angry. Because angry black people can't control themselves?

I still laugh over his claiming to research global warming. Too funny that.

Now, he's chewing away at another failed case the right wing fabricated to smear Hillary. And can't seem to connect the dots when it comes to his current deep love interest, Trump's legal issues. If Hillary is guilty then so is Trump. Fucker raped a child, don't you know?
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He can't ever get it right. Remember the prediction that black people were going to burn down Baltimore because they were angry. Because angry black people can't control themselves?

I still laugh over his claiming to research global warming. Too funny that.

Now, he's chewing away at another failed case the right wing fabricated to smear Hillary. And can't seem to connect the dots when it comes to his current deep love interest, Trump's legal issues. If Hillary is guilty then so it Trump. Fucker raped a child, don't you know?

i've got to ask my wife what kind of personality disorder he has. to be so shamelessly stupid and never remorseful or embarrassed about it is not normal in any healthy human being.
"Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information," he said.

Comey said seven email chains were classified at the “Top Secret/Special Access Program level” when they were sent and received on Clinton’s server.

“There is evidence to support a conclusion that any reasonable person in Secretary Clinton’s position, or in the position of those government employees with whom she was corresponding about these matters, should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation,” said Comey.

She covered her ass so well that they could not find intent, only negligence.

Still unfit to serve as president and the world knows it.

Nixon was impeached on 'intent' and nothing else..documented fact.
Trump is a piece of shit, I wouldnt vote for him either.

Oh wait, I bet you must be one of those who think because there is a D/R next to a name it blinds me to what a piece of shit they are... Nope. Both of them are pieces of shit and neither deserves a vote.

while i agree with you, stamping your feet and locking yourself in your bedroom will accomplish nothing. so as an adult, you have to make an adult decision. adult decisions aren't black and white.