Madam President
Lol sorry. I think I'm just a butt hurt sanders bro. Today was my last hopes being crushed. Oh well.

There's still the convention and I agree with the pundits this morning..this hurt Clinton way more than it helped her.

Trump get 4 months to pound this and he will.
There's still the convention and I agree with the pundits this morning..this hurt Clinton way more than it helped her.

Trump get 4 months to pound this and he will.
Doesn't matter. He's running a shitty unorganized campaign. He is nowhere near organized enough to fully take advantage of this. He'll have stuck his foot in his mouth at least ten times between now and election day.
No, of course we shouldn't make the keep making the same mistakes over and over. My comment was simply to highlight the fact that many folks in here are displaying a bit of selective outrage. This current email scandal, while bad, does not rise to anywhere the level of purposely lying a country into a war that is literally costing trillions (with a T) of dollars and thousands of American (mostly poor kids) lives. Not to mention the countless Iraqi civilian lives, and the complete destabilization of the entire region. But let's hang hillary for some fucking emails. And this is from someone who can't stand her and will not be voting for her.

P.S. Almost forgot to mention the 5 million emails that bush and cheney deleted.
You think we are selective because the Dtube tells you we are.

I dislike bush as much as clinton. I think he deserves to be in prison too along with all the people who wrote the section of the patriot act that labels protesters as "enemy combatants".

Nothing says "World Leader" in the land of the "rule of law" like being caught lying and no prosecution while winging all over the US on Air Force One w/ Barry for campaign appearances.

Maybe this is the reason that the UN official who was going to testify against Hitlery committed "suicide by barbell" just days before testifying as it would be a better object lesson for Mr. Comey.

I thought the tendency for lying was an intrinsic value evinced by low to non-existent IQ, grossly inflated self esteem, and penis envy as proven by Bucky 94,000+ times, but it definitely seems to be reinforced by example for (D)evotees, as the above proves.

The AG recusing herself after the "golf and grandchildren" chat was the cherry waiting for today's excrement sundae.

awwwwwww! poor thing.

I know this is difficult, but when Comey says no criminal charges because of the lack of intent and the law CLEARLY states negligence, that's either a strawman or a redefining of the law by an individual who doesn't have that authority to do so. You can argue the reason for his action all day, but the law is crystal clear. I don't think anyone is surprised she slipped the noose, but the reason given, under the circumstances and clarity of the security regs, is ludicrous. I guess if you can't show she didn't break the law, change it.