So if there is no intent found but evidence of a crime is found in her home and on her server. Literally the smoking gun of the crime found but no evidence of "intent".

What a load of horseshit.
Intent is part of what would have made it a crime.
Gross negligence, get pulled over for driving with "gross negligence" and plead all you want about how you "intended" to drive.

Some folks are just too high above the laws to be held to them, let's give them more power.
Here's an article that maybe better articulated the danger of clintons foreign policy.


Until we are given a real choice for a pro peace candidate I can't vote democrat for her. I'm with Garry Johnson this time. Bernie could have won Hillary will have trouble.
I tell you what. If Hillary invades a country on false premises on the order of what W used to invade Iraq then I'll apologize to you and leave the forum forever. That's how little I think of this shit. Hillary is a war hawk. I really don't like that. But she is about 14000x smarter than the village idiot W. I think this is much ado about nothing.

Just like the legal bullshit that's been rammed down everybody's throats regarding these e-mails.

Trump, on the other hand is another idiot who I think is very likely to gin up an excuse to go to war. Just one reason why I'm voting for Hillary.
Absolutely not, ask anyone who has ever faced a criminal charge, intent has NOTHING to do with the actions.
I'm not a lawyer. Are you? I only know what I read. What the FBI lead investigator said was:

Comey said their evidence points to carelessness instead of intentional violations — and given that, they do not suggest criminal charges.

So you know more than this guy does. OK.

Did you know that Trump is a child rapist?
So you think George Zimmerman really was innocent. Gotcha...
I think under Florida's laws where a person can kill somebody if they get scared, Zimmerman was innocent.

Do you think that Hillary is guilty based on accusation alone? No need for a messy investigation? Fucking right wingers. No wonder you guys love fascism. Until you get accused of something, that is.
I'm not a lawyer. Are you? I only know what I read. What the FBI lead investigator said was:

Comey said their evidence points to carelessness instead of intentional violations — and given that, they do not suggest criminal charges.

So you know more than this guy does. OK.

Did you know that Trump is a child rapist?
I have won court cases by trial, more than one, and no I am not a lawyer.

I do know that in most other cases, intent is rarely if ever used as a suitable defense to any criminal actions that have transpired. Insanity maybe, but intent never.
I tell you what. If Hillary invades a country on false premises on the order of what W used to invade Iraq then I'll apologize to you and leave the forum forever. That's how little I think of this shit. Hillary is a war hawk. I really don't like that. But she is about 14000x smarter than the village idiot W. I think this is much ado about nothing.

Just like the legal bullshit that's been rammed down everybody's throats regarding these e-mails.

Trump, on the other hand is another idiot who I think is very likely to gin up an excuse to go to war. Just one reason why I'm voting for Hillary.
Um the Syria crisis? Jesus man read the emails on wikileaks. She is beyond a hawk. She was pushing for regime change hard there, which directly led to the ISIS crisis. She also pushed hard for regime change in Lybia. Now there are so many refugees coming to Europe the EU is going to fracture.

Bush took all the blame while she danced for the cameras saying how she was dragged into it. Bullshit, she has voted with the republicans like John McCain on every single war vote she had. Barbara boxer didn't fuck up nearly as many votes. She's a CIA sockpupppet who knows how to draw just enough distinction between herself and the republicans so that America can't vote themselves out of the wars no matter how hard they try. You want the hawk on the right or the hawk on the left. Neither thank you very much.
Um the Syria crisis? Jesus man read the emails on wikileaks. She is beyond a hawk. She was pushing for regime change hard there, which directly led to the ISIS crisis. She also pushed hard for regime change in Lybia. Now there are so many refugees coming to Europe the EU is going to fracture.

Bush took all the blame while she danced for the cameras saying how she was dragged into it. Bullshit, she has voted with the republicans like John McCain on every single war vote she had. Barbara boxer didn't fuck up nearly as many votes. She's a CIA sockpupppet who knows how to draw just enough distinction between herself and the republicans so that America can't vote themselves out of the wars no matter how hard they try. You want the hawk on the right or the hawk on the left. Neither thank you very much.

You shouldn't talk about fog dog's mommie like that. He thinks hillary is Mother fukin Theresa's twin.
Carelessness with classified information and we want her to be our what?:roll:
They've used the "well she's not up on technology" argument to fool all the retards. Anyone who's had an upper level security clearance gets heaps of training on what is allowed and what isn't. So whether they can establish motive or not should be inconsequential. If the causative factor was negligence, the end result is the same as if it were straight up espionage.
They've used the "well she's not up on technology" argument to fool all the retards. Anyone who's had an upper level security clearance get heaps of training on what is allowed and what isn't. So whether they can establish motive or not should be inconsequential. If the causative factor was negligence, the end result is the same as if it were straight up espionage.
So basically they have acknowledged she is an old grandma that is out of touch with the electronic age, but she should be our president...lol, no matter how you look at it or which angle one takes she is not qualified...